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What a way to start the day.

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  • What a way to start the day.

    It was my first room of the day and boy it was a nasty one. I cannot conceive how a single couple can stay in a room less than 12 hours and manage to trash a room more than someone who stays a week. Maybe it was due to the five empty bottles of whiskey they left behind.

    Right off the bat they had used all their dishes and had not bothered to wash them. Not we expect guests to it just takes the load off, all the kitchenettes come equipped with dish soap ans sponges.

    Then I notice there is cheese smeared all over the phone as if they could set down their food long enough to make a phone call. There was apparantly pizza mashed against the fridge and microwave, I spent 15 minutes alone removing the sauce and toppings.

    Then there was the wine. The glorious red wine spilled on the counters, splashed on the walls and poured on the carpet. Great now I have to use the carpet cleaner.

    At this point all I have left to do is the bathroom. Guess what aim was not one of the guests strong suits, I had to clean urine off the toilet, floor, and inexplicably the shower. I am furious I have spent way too long in this room due to these nasty freaks.

    That's when I saw it, the female half of the couple thought it was cute to write a love note to her man. On the bathroom mirror, in eye pencil, with lipstick imprinted kisses all over it.

    But they left me a tip 75 whole cents for a room that took a near hour to set to rights. I hope they don't starve because they gave up a whole 75 cents.

    Sometimes I really hate people.
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    That sounds pretty much like every story my friend has ever told me. I could never be a housekeeper at a hotel.......I would walk in, get so mad at what I'd see, and probably walk out.

    for you!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Ugh. Can't the hotel charge people for making that much of a mess? Whenever I'm in a hotel I'm always paranoid we'll get charged extra for every little mess we leave, which is why I even go so far as to make the bed myself and straighten up more than I do at my own house.


      • #4
        Quoth rerant View Post
        ... straighten up more than I do at my own house.
        I do that too, but I do that because I don't want the hotel staffs to think I am a slob.


        • #5
          I don't make up the bed, but I at least make certain that the bedding is, oh I don't know, on the bed. C'mon people (not aimed at anyone actually reading this, alas, preaching to the choir, I know), how hard is it to hang up your towel? To put trash, oddly enough, in the trash can?

          My deepest sympathies, hon. Maybe their nasty habits will give them something nasty. Karma bites and has fangs.
          I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


          • #6
            Quoth rerant View Post
            Whenever I'm in a hotel I'm always paranoid we'll get charged extra for every little mess we leave, which is why I even go so far as to make the bed myself and straighten up more than I do at my own house.
            I did hotel housekeeping for one summer. I hated that job (though the location--Yellowstone National Park--was great!), so I try to make it easier for those who are still doing it. Now, whenever I stay at a hotel, I leave the Do Not Disturb sign up unless I want the place cleaned. When we check out, I actually make a neat pile of the used towels on the bathroom floor and strip the sheets and pillowcases off the bed(s) we used. I know they're going to change the sheets anyway, so I try to make it a little easier. It's almost become impulsive.
            I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
            - Bill Watterson

            My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
            - IPF


            • #7
              I always clean up after myself as best I can after staying in a hotel room, and still leave a tip on top of it. My boyfriend always says I'm crazy, but the way I see it, the job of the housekeeper is to do the basic stuff like change the beds, collect the used towels, replace the little complimentary items, stuff like that. I am sensitive toward hotel housekeepers because I've always considered doing that job myself, but thus far my life has worked out in a way that I've never gotten a job in a hotel.

              Even if I wasn't considering going into that line of work myself, I could never imagine leaving such a huge mess behind. That really sucks. It must be nice to be so completely lacking in consideration that you just go through life without any thought of how your actions affect other people. Must be a pretty stress-free existence.


              • #8
                something occurred to me... taking pictures of the wreckage they left and posting it... maybe with their names.

                I'm sure there are reasons why this is a bad idea, but wouldn't it be comeuppance suitable to the crime?
                Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


                • #9
                  There's no excuse for this. I usually attend an RPG con or two with some friends--four couples, adjoining rooms. I'll admit that while we're there, we often make a bit of a mess of things--moving furniture, extra towels, etc.--it makes it more enjoyable to stay if we use one of the rooms as the 'living' area and one as the 'stuff storage' area.

                  But by the same token, we restore those rooms back to their original condition with almost military efficiency as we're in the process of leaving. Some folks take care of moving bags and such down to the cars, others focus on cleaning the place, tossing trash, double-checking for food items and what-not, and so on.


                  • #10
                    My roommate has a story that could top the OPs, but I'll wait until I get her permission to post it before putting it up... but I will hint that it involves a paintball fight...
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #11
                      Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                      but I will hint that it involves a paintball fight...
                      If the paintball fight isn't "enough said" then I'm afraid to know the rest of the story...
                      Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.

