I have bronchitis.
It's charming because it leaves me sounding like an old man when I cough, which is roughly every 60 seconds or so.
And these aren't just innocent little coughs; they're raging hacks from the deepest reaches of my chest cavity that forces my whole body to sometimes heave forward as though an evil entity was trying to escape through my face.
I keep water handy, cough drops (though they don't really do anything), Purelle to placate the customers when they see me coughing, and tissues.
My register is a certified wellness station. I'm a one woman drug store.
So why the hell did some woman leap, yes LEAP, away from me when one of my coughing fits started, even though I buried my face in my sleeve and took several steps away from everyone around me?
Not only did she jump in horror, she scolded me for, and I quote, "Endangering her life with my unknown illness," and complained to a manager saying I was a threat to the health of the customers.
My manager gave her kind of a, "Are you fucking kidding me?" look, which I could see as this woman made no effort to make her conversation with my manager private.
It's a cough, lady, relax.
Of all the reactions I've gotten to being sick, I've never had someone nearly jump out of their skin and complain about me for "endangering their life".
It's charming because it leaves me sounding like an old man when I cough, which is roughly every 60 seconds or so.
And these aren't just innocent little coughs; they're raging hacks from the deepest reaches of my chest cavity that forces my whole body to sometimes heave forward as though an evil entity was trying to escape through my face.
I keep water handy, cough drops (though they don't really do anything), Purelle to placate the customers when they see me coughing, and tissues.
My register is a certified wellness station. I'm a one woman drug store.
So why the hell did some woman leap, yes LEAP, away from me when one of my coughing fits started, even though I buried my face in my sleeve and took several steps away from everyone around me?
Not only did she jump in horror, she scolded me for, and I quote, "Endangering her life with my unknown illness," and complained to a manager saying I was a threat to the health of the customers.
My manager gave her kind of a, "Are you fucking kidding me?" look, which I could see as this woman made no effort to make her conversation with my manager private.
It's a cough, lady, relax.
Of all the reactions I've gotten to being sick, I've never had someone nearly jump out of their skin and complain about me for "endangering their life".
