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Pure ignorance...

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  • Pure ignorance...

    Hello! This is my first post, though I've been reading these boards for a while now. Custard Chick's post inspired me to post this, as I also used to work at the Bread Co. and I saw some pretty astounding customer ignorance there. I also used to work at a different sandwich shop (name rhymes with "Holy Moly"), and figured I'd include a few gems from my time there.

    Two middle-aged ladies came into my store and ordered cappuccinos. We offered multiple types of syrup, etc. that one could have in one's drink, but these ladies ordered plain cappuccinos. After I made their coffees they went and sat down to chat, but returned to the counter after a few minutes.
    Me: Yours truly
    SL: Silly ladies (It's been almost four years so I'll just treat them as one person since I can't remember who said what)

    Me: Hello, can I help you with something?
    SL: Yes, we got these cappuccinos and they taste funny.
    Me: Oh, I'm sorry! (Sometimes co-worker's would forget to clean the steam wands, milk occasionally expired as it was wont to do, so I wanted to ensure something such as this hadn't happened) How exactly do they taste funny?
    SL: Well, these cappuccinos taste really bitter! They don't taste like the ones from the gas station.
    Me: Um, okay, so they're too bitter? I can put some flavored syrup in them to sweeten them if you'd like.
    SL: Sure, that's fine.
    (I proceed to dump a TON of vanilla syrup in the drinks, give 'em a stir, and return them)
    Me: Why don't you taste them and see if that helps.
    (SL taste their coffees and are pleased)
    SL: Thank you!

    Now admittedly, this was in Indiana so people aren't necessarily "hip" to the latest trends, but who on earth thinks a $4.00 cappuccino, which is nothing more than unsweetened espresso and steamed milk in its various forms, is the same thing as the bag of powder (which seems to basically be coffee-flavored hot chocolate) that mixes with hot water when you press the button to get your $1.29 gas station "cappuccino?" I mean, generally it's a good idea to at least know what it is you're ingesting. Admittedly, the ladies were very pleasant and quite satisfied with my make-shift solution, but still.

    Hard to say...
    I often had people ordering food from me who had absolutely no idea how to pronounce what they were eating. Okay, so "asiago" is kind of tricky, as is "macchiato," but "cappuccino?" "Jalapeno?" "Quesadilla?" "TORTILLA?!?!" I mean, Taco Bell! Come on!

    On a related note...
    I once had to explain what an avocado was to a high-school age kid. No, really. The first sandwich shop I worked at (rhymes with "Holy Moly"), had a very large menu with something like 60 different sandwiches, all of which included specific toppings that varied from item to item (not including the make-your-own menu, where you could choose any combination of meat, toppings, etc.). Many of these sandwiches included avocado. I was pretty used to people wandering in and gaping at the menu for a few moments before they figured out what they wanted and ordered, and I was also used to answering various questions about the menu and how one could have one's sandwich made. This kid, who's definitely a teenager, comes in with his parents and sister and they check out the menu for a few minutes. They start to order and this is the conversation I had with him (pretty close to verbatim):
    (Mom orders, it's the kid's turn)
    Kid: What's an avocado?
    Me: Umm...have you ever had guacamole?
    Kid: Yeah.
    Me: The green stuff it's made of is mashed-up avocado. You can have it taken off if you want.
    Kid: Okay. I'll have <sandwich>.
    WTF? I mean, I understand it's not a particularly common fruit (vegetable?)/sandwich topping, but guacamole is really common. Wouldn't you be curious why it was green?

    That's all I have for now, but I have some crazy sandwich shop stories.

  • #2
    Welcome to where everyone will get to know your name and can understand your plight.

    I can understand your plight with the cappuccino ladies, I used to work at a global green giant coffee company and people constantly could not understand why their coffee could taste different and take a long time to make. Even when you explained that each individual coffee was made to order and by hand, not a machine.
    Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


    • #3
      Quoth RobotPlanet View Post
      Hard to say...
      I often had people ordering food from me who had absolutely no idea how to pronounce what they were eating. Okay, so "asiago" is kind of tricky, as is "macchiato," but "cappuccino?" "Jalapeno?" "Quesadilla?" "TORTILLA?!?!" I mean, Taco Bell! Come on!
      I was standing in line behind a couple of college kids at a Qdoba, and I think they managed to mispronounce every word on the menu.
      The worst part was that the college in question is Ivy-League. I mean, come on.
      The High Priest is an Illusion!


      • #4
        Ah. See, I'm from Texas, and an avocado is as familiar to a Texan as hominy and grits are to a southener. I moved up a couple of states and suddenly no one's ever heard of them before. In fact, I became excited when one of my favorite sandwhich shops opened near here, only to discover that when I ordered the turkey bacon guacamole (which was on the menu!) that the guy making my sandwhich had never heard of an avocado or guacamole before. I had to direct him to the green stuff myself and fill him in. He looked new, but he was an adult.

        I work in a supermarket now and I'd say that the majority of the people there don't know what they are, sadly. I love them, I could eat them every day!


        • #5
          Ugg, I HATE IT when people mispronounce "asiago." Seriously, it may not be a very common word, but it's pronounced EXACTLY like it looks! Ah-zee-ah-go! Not ah-say-gee-oh, not ahz-gee-oh, or any other mutilation of it. *sigh*


          And welcome by the way!


          • #6
            I always got a kick out of hearing my little old, 70-something-Grandma order a "tay-co" from Taco Bell. Hey! She was from New York/New Jersey and had never had one until I showed her the joys of Taco Bell! Hahahahaha!


            • #7
              Worked at the zoo, teenage girl not only didn't know what rhino was upon seeing one, but went to look for the exhibit sign to find out (at least she could read...sort of), but then read it out as "Uh....what's this say....REEN-o?"

              I couldn't make this stuff up.

              So yeah. I can believe a kid doesn't know what an avocado is. Pathetic, but true.


              • #8
                I worked for a little while at a Bakery. We sold a type of French bread called "pain brie." Nobody pronounced it right. It got to the point where we offered a free loaf to the first person who could pronounce it correctly.
                "Wouldn't that be unethical?"
                "That's only an issue for those who aren't already in Hell."


                • #9
                  Quoth freaktard View Post
                  "pain brie."
                  <stabbing wildly>
                  Pahn Bree? (phonetically)
                  </stabbing wildly>
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth freaktard View Post
                    I worked for a little while at a Bakery. We sold a type of French bread called "pain brie." Nobody pronounced it right. It got to the point where we offered a free loaf to the first person who could pronounce it correctly.
                    Pahn bree, right? Okay, I can't write phonetically but 4 years of French should be good for something, right? Right? Oh please tell me I'm right.

                    On the subject of ignorance: standing next to the sign at the lion exhibit at the zoo, we are among a crowd of others looking for the lions. Finally, a few of the felines decide to move and reveal themselves to the gawkers; a mature male, an immature male & a female. I know, not just because I took biology once but because the oh-so-helpful sign beside me tells me this.

                    And I hear a voice from behind me say, "I see a tiger."

                    I am quite surprised, because reputable zoos don't put tigers in with the lions, so I start examining the enclosure even more closely.

                    The voice behind me adds, "Those're the ones without manes."

                    I freeze in shock, look to my right; yes, the sign is still there. Then I look behind me. The person speaking is not, as might be expected, someone too young to read, or too short to see the sign. It's a young man about my age. I just kind of and gave a sideways glance at my friends to confirm, yes, I did hear what I though I heard.
                    I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                    • #11
                      I am in Texas . . . tons of Tex Mex food places . . .Guacamole is really common.
                      I knew someone that thought Guacamole was the name of the fruit . . .they thought they took it peeled it, put it in a bowl and served it.
                      I had a party and made my own. They freaked out they wanted to know where in the grocery store I found the Guacamole's and what did they look like before peeling.
                      To be fair to this person . . .the women in his family didn't allow him in the kitchen. He was in collage and I taught him to make jello and mac and cheese.


                      • #12


                        • #13
                 boyfriend cannot pronouce "tortilla" right to save his life. He says it like it's spelled. He actually adds another i in "tor-till-ia." I finally corrected him one day:

                          BF: "I think I'm going to get the tor-till-ia soup."
                          Me: "It's not tor-till-ia. It's tor-tee-a."
                          BF: "Well, that's how its spelled."
                          Me: "That doesn't mean that's how you say it! It's spanish, you say the l's different."
                          BF: "....We'll we're not in Mexico or Spain, are we?"
                          "What size can I get you, ma'am?"
                          "Okay...I'll check the red for you, but what size do you need?"


                          • #14
                            A customer came into my store yesterday, and as I was ringing her up she asked about our (fine art) acyrlic paints. We chatted a bit about them--the brands we had, which kinds were better, etc. Basically, she wanted to check us out and see what we had to avoid going to the local fine art supplies store (understandable--it's about ten minutes away from my store but in an area of intense road construction). She was acting like she knew everything about acylics and had a general air of snobbery about her, even acting suprised when I imparted my knowledge (I guess she had some really low expectations of me...).

                            She decided to go and look through our paint section to see if we had anything she'd like. She came back up a few minutes later, with a tube of cobalt blue paint. She says, "that's $5.99, right?" To which I'm taken aback--"no, ma'am--it's $13.49." She proceeds to go apeshit and I end up going back to check the price/signs. Most of the paints in that brand are $5.99, but others are $8.99, and the ones that are cobalt-, and cadmium-based are $13.49. Any first-year art student (or high-schooler) would know that. Expensive materials make for expensive products--especially in a decent brand. None of this would be worth noting, though, if she wasn't acting all smug originally. If she was actually as knowledgeable as she claimed, she would've known this common fact.

                            (side note--I offered her a coupon which would've brought the price down to $8.99, but she still opted to go to the local arts store instead. Why? I don't know--unless she gets a really cheap brand she'll end up paying $8.99 or more for the same quality paints. Whatever. )
                            Last edited by Listerfiend; 01-08-2008, 06:42 PM.


                            • #15
                              Quoth RobotPlanet View Post
                              Hard to say...
                              I often had people ordering food from me who had absolutely no idea how to pronounce what they were eating. Okay, so "asiago" is kind of tricky, as is "macchiato," but "cappuccino?" "Jalapeno?" "Quesadilla?" "TORTILLA?!?!" I mean, Taco Bell! Come on!
                              There's a commercial for Kraft Four-Cheese Italiano shredded cheese and in it one woman first pronounces jalapeno as "ja-la-pen-oh", then is corrected by her friends that the "j" is silent and says "ha-la-pen-oh" instead.
                              Because of that commercial I almost always have to correct myself whenever I say that word.

                              My TV made me stupid.

