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"You're not a grocery store, you're general information!"

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  • "You're not a grocery store, you're general information!"

    This has been my only time of answering work phones that I have been accused of not being where I say I am and I have to say I was left a bit confused.

    I'd like to point out I work in a chain grocery store, but our particularly store is small in size. I have been there two years. I have to go down our stationary/craft aisle to clock in, clock out, go to lunch, break, etc. It's only half an aisle long and only on one side of the aisle. I have what is there memorized.

    It started out normal enough. I was helping out the girl at Customer Service. Phone rings, I answer, so simple...or so I thought.

    Me : Thank you for calling W Grocery Store, how may I help you?

    SC : Do you carry pads of craft paper?

    Me :I'm sorry sir we do not. I can tell you that the normal W Dept. Store does carry it.

    SC : How can you not carry pads of craft paper?

    Me : (I had sympathy at this point and understood his question) The store is actually very small and we cram as much as we can into it. Since we're a grocery store though, they concentrate more on getting food items in here than non food items. Would you like the number to the Dept Store...

    SC : (interrupts very angrily and yelled) You're not a grocery store! You're general information!!

    Pause where I'm silent, trying to figure out what just happened. The smarty pants in me wanted to say I was neither a store or information, I was a human being (I am not an animal!), however he seemed beyond humor at this point. What does he mean? Does he think I'm not in the store and I'm in a call center for the store? Okay, possible. Let's clear this up.

    Me : Sir, I can assure you, I'm standing smack dab in the middle of a grocery store, surrounded by food and I have worked here for two years. I'm working the store's customer service desk.

    SC : *click*

    When I had a moment I looked up our store # in the white and yellow pages. Neither mention General Information. I'm wondering if he spoke to an operator and she told him we were general information? I"m still not sure what he was angry about either. Customer Service does give out information and I had given him the information. I even offered to give him the number of a store that did carry the paper. I guess I'm still confused as to why he was angry.
    "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
    George Carlin

  • #2
    he was angry because SC's and assholes and idiots are always angry. It's really sad when you think about it, it's like all the traits humans have that set us apart from the 'less' intelligent animals are dying out. I remember when people used to have common sense...*Sniff*
    We Pick Up the Pieces


    • #3
      I Don't. I'm 19 and I have just enough to get by. At least I'm polite and dont blame people for things beyond their control. too bad as asshattery goeses up common sense comes down. I blame genetics and unprotected extramaritial sex

