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I cant believe i am saying this but 1+4=5

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  • I cant believe i am saying this but 1+4=5

    this one is surreal... it makes my head hurt...



    Woman calls for an exercise equipment.
    ok now just so you know i actually like this product but women are stupid *edit for my meaning* aka the majority of my customers, and cant understand a trial or an advertisement sometimes.(trust the hatred for women is still festering...)
    any back to the story
    The woman is ordering online (aka, eliminating human illuminatingly, and basically saying if ai screw up im still going to blame you.) and she is having problem with the website and wants to ask a question. oh and no zip code. Ok i can help alittle
    Her problem?
    Her- Yeah im on the website and you can cpay in full or do the trail an pay of the remaining balance after your trail fee in 4 payments
    me- yes...
    her- and when i go to the next screen when i do the priority shipping it says i have 5 payments!
    Me- ok... and?
    Her- Why is it wrong?
    Me- im sorry?
    her- Why does it say i have one payment then four and then tell me i have 5
    Me- cause you... have 5....?
    Her- But it said i have 1 then 4!!
    Me- yeah.. so you have 5 payments
    Her- well that isnt clear
    Me-it isnt clear to say that 1 then 4 is 5?
    now this goes on for another 2 minutes of me trying to explain it over,,, and over ... and over... and over again as politly as possible.
    Her- I dont know why it has to be so confusing!!!! Why can you make it easier to understand!!!
    Me- *snap* because, ma'am most people understand that 1 plus 4 equals 5.
    Her-..... thanks.. bye

    brain pain...

    oh and for those of you at home you love to here these storys, you guessed. i feel again!!!!! I steppe don a hanger, stepped back to catch myself stepped on bag, feel forward, hit the counter, knocking over a box, causing it land on my foot, with me rib cage, slammed my knee in to the side of the counter drove my elbow in to a plastic cup soaking my self in flat doctor pepper then slammed the elbow in the counter and bang my shoulder against the corner.
    im bruised.
    Last edited by Sliceanddice; 01-09-2008, 02:42 PM.

  • #2
    Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
    ok now just so you know i actually like this product but women are stupid
    Wow, that was completely uncalled for. Good job.


    • #3
      no no no it advertises like this
      call to day and get your 30day trial for 39.95 plus shipping (plus 4 payments after the 30 days) so.... yeah women who go "You mean it isnt 39.95 only for that 500 dollar pacakage??? that outrage!!


      • #4
        Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
        this one is surreal... it makes my head hurt...



        Woman calls for an exercise equipment.
        ok now just so you know i actually like this product but women are stupid

        I am sure you meant that in the BEST POSSIBLE WAY.

        I didn't read any further because your post made my uterus hurt.

        Thanks for the wonderful insight.
        I was not hired to respond to those voices.


        • #5
          eep sorry, i just 95 percent of the vustomer for this product are women, and i am a woman too i just those who call me go stupid or annoying 45% of the time.


          • #6
            Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
            ok now just so you know i actually like this product but women are stupid (trust the hatred for women is still festering...)
            Slice please tell me that you meant this woman was stupid? Hating all women because of a select few (Yes, I know, you're female. So am I.) is not fair.
            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


            • #7
              not all women not all women just a select few
              hell its ok, i understand, it just right now its women tomorrow it might be men


              • #8
                Women are stupid??? WHAT??? um...1+4=5 AND Women are NOT stupid.


                • #9
                  If you do your math truly right, and write down the sexual, racial, and cultural characteristics of every stupid customer, you find that, after carrying all the ones and dividing the threes, customers suck.


                  • #10
                    I thought really hard about saying something here. I did, and now I'm removing it.

                    It's hard not to be snarky when someone - SC, employee, person - criticizes someone else for a fault that person is displaying in abundance.
                    Last edited by Reyneth; 01-09-2008, 04:28 AM. Reason: I changed my mind


                    • #11
                      had a genius come through our line today; it took five minutes for her to understand the new concept of a 'skinny latte' even with the full following explaination:

                      skinny latte: choice of sugar free syrup, shots and non fat milk.

                      somehow, she couldn't wrap her brain around the concept that it was low calorie, making the poor guy at the till waste five minutes explaining it to her.

                      non fat milk (90, 130 or 160 calories, depending on drink size) + shots (0 calories) + sugar free syrup of choice (0 calories) = low calorie drink

                      by this time, a large line had formed because this particular rocket scientist couldn't figure out that the calories in the drink came from the milk and the milk only...
                      look! it's ghengis khan!
                      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                      • #12
                        *not a mod hat*

                        GUYS! There's a report button for a reason! If you don't agree with a post, press the ! button to report it to the mods. Don't derail the whole thread by pointing out something that the mods have to do.

                        */not a mod*
                        The report button - not just for decoration


                        • #13
                          Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                          Woman calls for an exercise equipment.
                          ok now just so you know i actually like this product but women are stupid
                          I'm a girl, and I laughed at this.

                          Reason being: I can take a joke.

                          AND this reminds me of a story my boyfriend told me about of something recent he did: He was in one of his higher level college medical courses, and they were discussing women's weight management, and how those 2 lb mini weights don't actually work for women.

                          The exchange:
                          Female Student: "Well, if those 2 lb weights don't work, why do so many women use them?"
                          My Boyfriend: (completely NOT thinking) "Because women are stupid and will buy anything."

                          Needless to say, that statement wasn't received well in his class by a lot of girls. Hearing that, I think I laughed for like an hour. Honestly, I agree with it in someways. Most women are smart, but as is with society, you're going to have the ones that really do not have great logic or common sense, especially when it comes to health products... some will do anything or spend any amount to lose even one extra pound. This is why I like being big.
                          "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey


                          • #14
                            Okay, people. We've had three reports on this thread, plus the in-thread comments. I'd like to blatantly pinch the words of one of my co-moderators (GBM85). Italics are his words, plain text is where I've modified to suit this thread.

                            A CS post is a place to say "This happened to me, and I didn't like it." A Fratching post is a place to say "This happened, and it's part of a larger problem..."

                            A post that generalizes--on either side--is suited to Fratching.

                            Since the original post stated that women are stupid, it should have been made on Fratching and handled as a topic for debate. Complaining about one encounter with a woman in which one feels that the woman is stupid is a completely different matter.

                            Likewise, making a post in defense of
                            women in general is a Fratching post.

                            SliceandDice should not have included the initial phrase, no matter how she feels about it. However, she made a mistake - she's human. (Also female, ironically enough.)

                            The rest of you: the mods are aware of this thread. Let's quit discussing any of the following in CS (though you are welcome to take the topics to Fratching):

                            * whether or not women are stupid.
                            * whether or not it's okay to generalise from a single encounter.
                            * whether or not it's warranted to be upset by this generalisation.
                            * whether being upset by a generalisation means you can't take a joke.

                            CS is for specific customers. Generalisations go to Fratching.
                            Seshat's self-help guide:
                            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                            • #15
                              *cough* look i edited....

