I have not posted in awhile, although I have had some good stories, I have been too lazy to write I guess but this incident that happened today just got my gander up and I just have to share.
I work in a Mexican fast food restaurant, not the Bell, I chose to work here because I love working with people and teens and since I am in management I get a decent paycheck. I enjoy the fast pace, our store is a very high volume restaurant and we have some fabulous customers, well except for the one I encountered today. Our employees come from all walks of life and many are Native Americans, I only mention this because of what this SC said. Okay, that is the background, here is the story
I was training a new girl, C, on the tills, C is Native American.
Part of our job is to write down the names of the customer so we can call their name when the order is done.
So this older lady comes to the counter, at first refused to stand in front of the register to order, but I told her that it would be easier if she stood in front of us to order. She places her order for one taco and pays. Here's what follows:
C-new girl
Susan-old lady (yes I used her real name)
C-May I have your first name
C-(looks at me to spell the name correctly as she is not so great at spelling)
so I spell it for her
Susan- (looks down at C) "Didn't you go to high school"?
D-(flabbergasted that someone would have the balls to say that, I look straight at the lady and told her off) "That was very RUDE!" "Not everyone knows how to spell" "It really angers me that people think we are stupid just because we work fast food"
Susan-"Oh, Oh, I did not mean it that way, I was just going to say that there are alot of intelligent people who attend Ogalala College (a Native American college)"
I ignored her and thought RIGHT!! So now you are insulting her intelligence and being racist a tad bit!! I was floored. "C" laughed about it and was glad I spoke up. Darn right I will speak up!! NO ONE insults one of the employees like that and gets by with it if I am around, customer service be damned!!!
Well that is my story
I have not posted in awhile, although I have had some good stories, I have been too lazy to write I guess but this incident that happened today just got my gander up and I just have to share.
I work in a Mexican fast food restaurant, not the Bell, I chose to work here because I love working with people and teens and since I am in management I get a decent paycheck. I enjoy the fast pace, our store is a very high volume restaurant and we have some fabulous customers, well except for the one I encountered today. Our employees come from all walks of life and many are Native Americans, I only mention this because of what this SC said. Okay, that is the background, here is the story

I was training a new girl, C, on the tills, C is Native American.
Part of our job is to write down the names of the customer so we can call their name when the order is done.
So this older lady comes to the counter, at first refused to stand in front of the register to order, but I told her that it would be easier if she stood in front of us to order. She places her order for one taco and pays. Here's what follows:
C-new girl
Susan-old lady (yes I used her real name)
C-May I have your first name
C-(looks at me to spell the name correctly as she is not so great at spelling)
so I spell it for her
Susan- (looks down at C) "Didn't you go to high school"?
D-(flabbergasted that someone would have the balls to say that, I look straight at the lady and told her off) "That was very RUDE!" "Not everyone knows how to spell" "It really angers me that people think we are stupid just because we work fast food"
Susan-"Oh, Oh, I did not mean it that way, I was just going to say that there are alot of intelligent people who attend Ogalala College (a Native American college)"
I ignored her and thought RIGHT!! So now you are insulting her intelligence and being racist a tad bit!! I was floored. "C" laughed about it and was glad I spoke up. Darn right I will speak up!! NO ONE insults one of the employees like that and gets by with it if I am around, customer service be damned!!!
Well that is my story
