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My adventures in serving this weekend..LONG..also HI!

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  • My adventures in serving this weekend..LONG..also HI!

    Hi everyone, I'm a newbie I guess...well I was a member a LOOONG time ago, and I just decided to recently join again as I just reentered the service industry after a little break and realized how much it can suck at times! I worked as a cashier from high school til a couple of years ago and then I got a 9-5 until the company shut down and I decided I needed to go back to school and got a waitressing job to supplement my income a bit (darn those pesky bill thingies!)

    So for back story I'm 24, but I look kind of young for my age, I work at a Hooters type sports bar restaurant that makes you wear hooteresque shirts....It's an okay job I suppose...when I am not running my butt off for no money! I work Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, not my choice schedule, but I need a pretty open schedule for school and the like, plus keeps me out of trouble, aka spending all my money on partying and the like, hee hee.

    Friday night I get into work and discover that the girl I split the dining room with is taking another section because there is a party coming into the dining room that specifically requested another we will call her Mandy. Mandy is the girl that trained me and her life REVOLVES around the restaurant, sleeping with men that come into the restaurant and crack cocaine. She has a problem with that particular substance...almost everyone in the restaurant a form of cocaine except for me, one of the bartenders and a bar back. Needless to say I get along best with those three people. I'm not judgmental towards people that do drugs, until their drug usage becomes my problem, as it did this night!

    Mandy has taken almost my entire section for the party instead of using the back room we have set specifically for parties...her reasoning for this? She wants to get out early and doesn't want to clean the party room. Fine. My tips have just shrank significantly because I now have about 5 open tables, and the front always gets used by my managers friends who get free stuff and thus do not tip, they just help themselves. AWESOME! I now can't go out because I'm working, but I'm not working I'm just standing around for the most part....ten o clock rolls around and I have completed all the side work that I can do out of sheer boredom...the bartenders ask if I have any tables..I have one, and they ask if I want to go home..I say yes of course but that Mandy says that I can't go home because SHE never gets to leave early on a Friday and she wants to leave early tonight. She cannot leave early because her party isn't leaving until the bar closes! The bartender talks to Mandy and tries to voice some reason (aka I'm not making any money and it is unfair that I have to stand there) but Mandy is obviously not listening because she is SELFISH (that is one thing that I have learned about drug addicts, they generally become very selfish out of necessity) ..nor will she go home early and turn her tables to me, oh no, I can't make any money, so I have to be content with the 3 dollars an hour I am making. *sigh*

    I do everything and even vacuum her section for her because, yes I am that nice and she is being way too slow and I don't want to be there til 4 in the morning again. I complain to the manager that I made no money and his response was "Why didn't you go home? The 3rd girl is supposed to leave at 10 if it is slow". Grrrr...that just boiled me over. It was my weekend to go home early OR give someone else the option of going home early and taking their section, which I would have done as I needed money badly..because of one girls selfishness and the fact that I was new and did not know any better I had to stay. Now I know better though

    Saturday night was not much better...Luckily Mandy did not work although she came in and drank for free and did drugs in the bathroom and started fights. Ugh. That place is such a bed for drama. I try to avoid it. The barback Brian and I think sometimes that we are the only sane ones there.

    I get several long tables full.....I wish I had just grouped everyone on one check instead of splitting them up and added 18 percent grat as I waited on these people for about 5 hours...all in all their checks added up to well over 400 dollars and I might have made 30 bucks...and most of that was because of the really nice single guy that I chatted with and he tipped me REALLY well on a 20 dollar ticket.

    I had a really weird experience with 2 couples that were in the group but stayed after everyone else had left though..I'm still confused about it and wonder what I did wrong.... these couples had been drinking for hours, as I said, sitting there enjoying each other's company..the two were drinking captain and sprite (ugh) and the others budweisers....I remember people by their drinks sometimes...anyways, towards the end of the night I approach their table for about the 100th time and ask if they need anything else. The Bud guy says "How about shots, do you think shots are a good idea?" towards me, as if asking for my opinion. I replied " You are much braver than I am." He says "Why" and I explain that I cannot mix my alcohol without getting sick...then I say that stupid rhyme "Liquor before beer in the clear, beer before liquor never sicker." He then goes "WHAT ARE YOU MY FUCKING MOM?" I was really ataken back because the guy had asked my opinion and I was just joking with I just said, "Uh, no, I was just joking, I'm sorry"..and hurried away.

    I get them their shots (cherry bombs, watermelon bombs and grape bombs if you are wondering, delicious!) I go to clear their drinks and ask the other guy if he is done with his, he nods at me. I clear it. When I walk past them again they wave me over and the wife complains that I cleared his drink when it was full. Okay...I looked at that drink and it most definatley was not full, unless watered down ice was full..this is why I ASKED before I cleared. Whatever, I'm not arguing, so I bought him his stupid drink and apologize. Sometimes you have to eat dirt even if you know you aren't in the wrong. I was having an idea that these guys were not going to tip me well and I probably wasn't going to make much for all my work, especially since I had to buy that guy a 4 dollar drink.

    The other guy remarks when I come back that I'm lucky I get to stay and wait on them because they almost had me replaced after my 'rude' remark (about mixing the liquors). Okaaaaay. I'm almost close to tears now, and I do NOT cry easily. It just seemed like they were being intentionally spiteful to pick on someone.

    My manager/owner of the bar came up at the end of the night and asked what I said to them, because apparently they complained. I told him exactly it and he said that i had to be careful of what I said around alcoholics because they tend to get very touchy and over react when anything is said about their liquor consumption. The women at the table had even said "how drunk do you think we are?" when I had went to clear their drinks one time.....I just dont understand why people like that even drink then! Are they ashamed of their time away from their me, I'm 24, I LOVE to drink, I'd be the last person to pass judgment on anyone, as I go out at least once a week to a bar. The owner said he knew I didn't say anything rude, he does know me pretty well by now, and I have not had any other complaints, he just said to be careful in what I said from now on.

    Of course I got almost no tip from those people, which sucked I was really attentive and made sure they had a drink in their hand all night long....they took up my longest table so that others could not sit at it and that lost me income as well.

    Also had a young punk walk out on his tab. That made me really sad. It was two root beer floats (shots) and a bud. I personally don't go out to drink If I don't have money, but whatever. I hope he comes in again so I can charge him And maybe call the cops.

    I also do not like the women that come in (usually soccer moms) with their husbands and stare me down like I am something below their shoes while they glare at their husbands if they glance at me. Trust me, I get the whole cheating thing sucks (happened to me recently), but think again, I'm not the type of girl that would ever do that, and if you're not happy with your cheating yuppie husband, that sucks LEAVE HIM , but don't take it out ON ME that he is a perv!...or better yet, go to an actual family establishment, not one where you know the girls will be dressed kind of revealing..I mean there is a lovely Pasta House right down the street.... This job is a means to an end for me...or thats what I keep saying before I beat my head against the wall...I just don't know how much more I can take it...

    My friends are all saying that it isn't the type of place for me at all, that I'm way too nice to work there (most of the girls have a lot of attitude, to the point where they tell customers to 'get the fuck out of their way' or call them 'c u next tuesdays' if they don't tip) and I'm starting to see that. One of my other friends got a job at the Four Seasons and he said in a month or two he will put in a good word for me there Also a guy I know said I can have a pick of any restaurants in Clayton (rich area of St. Louis) because he knows all the I might do that. I just think this restaurant is making me almost jaded towards people, and that is certainly not something I want to become.

    Allright, I'm sorry for the long extended rant, but it feels good to get that off of my chest. Again, hello, salutations, I appreciate anyone's feedback, because I would like to eventually get much better at serving so that I do not make these little f aux pas.....especially if I go to a higher class of establishment.

  • #2
    Hiya Stizz, welcome to posting

    I gotta say that you don't sound at all happy to work there. Also, if the enviroment is as bad as you say (drugs, attitude and did I mention drugs), you should run, not walk, in the direction of tweaking your resume and looking for other employment. Don't burn bridges where you are and don't let them know you are looking for something else. If you need the money, you need to maintain that support system. But use your friends' contacts to find another job. Best of luck!
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      This sounds like a few bars in that area I know of. If it's any of them, do what bain said and run. Good luck there.
      Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


      • #4
        Start networking now. It sounds like it's only a matter of time before that place gets busted & you don't want to get caught in the middle; with that much tar being flung around, some might stick.

        It would be one thing if the tips made up for the lousy conditions otherwise but it sounds like they don't (judging by the crap Mandy was pulling). Good luck & keep us posted. At least you'll be able to vent with us until things change.
        I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


        • #5

          that place sounds like nothing but SUCK. My advice: Get out now. There are plenty of other places out there and the people that go to them are usually alot more respectful than a bunch of people who just want to drink. Also, bars like that aren't exactly safe, one because of the drugs, and two because you're wearing revealing clothing, you never know when some moron is going to walk in, get drunk, and start something.
          We Pick Up the Pieces


          • #6
            If you can get a job down in Clayton, I'd do that. Those restaurants make some serious money, and most of the people who eat there should be pretty decent tippers. It's just that kind of area.

            Good luck!


            • #7
              Sounds like you're in a loser bar. They won't tip because they'd rather spend the money on alcohol.
              "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

              Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


              • #8
                Don't know if anyone else has mentioned it but it sounds like your friends are right...this does not sound like a good environment. Plus you don't want to be around if/when some of those druggies get busted. Start putting in applications and if your friends can help get you in somewhere better, take it! (Plus it'd be a lot more fun if you have some actual friends to work with...)

                Good luck!

                oh, and (back!)
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  Its a loser bar honey, like a previous poster said. Get out as soon as you can. Even the dive I go to to play pool, we tip the watiresses. Need to find a place that attracts a higher class of people.
         do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                  Chickens are Asexual!

