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Credit Card Entitlement Whore

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  • #16
    Quoth LifeCarnie View Post
    Amex is one of the least accepted* cards around, with Discover being a close second. It's fairly common for a business not to take Amex, since from what I understand they charge the business more for the cards usage than other credit cards do.
    *fixed it for you.


    Back in my cashiering days, I heard the same thing.

    Goodwill didn't take Amex, and I don't think the gas station did, either.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #17
      We don't take AMEX and people complain. We aren't even in the US so they are pretty rare but they still complain.

      BTW My cousin got engaged straight out of high school, married 3 years later, been married 5 years now with bub #2 on the way. My step Mum was 17 when she got engaged to my 26 year old Dad with a 5 year old and 20 years later are still going strong. You'll be fine, they are just jealous


      • #18
        Up until a year or so ago a major supermarket chain in CT an MA didn't accept AMEX. My parents have a AMEX card, because it has good rewards, but they also have a MC for the places that don't take AMEX.


        • #19
          One of my favourite stories in the Amex war (in Oz, its not an overly popular card, although you do get quite a few businesses using it as a corporate card) was when I used to open prepaid tollway accounts. You'd explain the account...

          Me - "So I can open that account for you today with a Visa or a MasterCard. Is that going to be OK?"

          Generally at this point, if someone didn't have a credit card, they'd say so, and I'd run them through alternate payment methods. But occasionally you'd get...

          SC - "Yes, that's fine"
          So I go through the 10 minute process of taking down all the details to open the account. When it came time to take the payment

          Me - "So for the initial payment, is that to be with a Visa or a MasterCard?"
          SC - "I only have an Amex"
          Me - "I'm afraid we are unable to take American Express. If you wish to open your account with a credit card, we can take a Visa or a MasterCard"
          SC - "Why didn't you tell me! I've wasted all this time for nothing!"
          Me - "OK, so to open your account without a credit card - "
          SC - "Fine. I'll give you my Visa card then."

          There is no tinfoil helmet. They are reading your thoughts and there is nothing you can do to stop them.


          • #20
            Lol, my shop in Ireland, takes American Express. They're seriously snazzy looking cards. Never heard of Diner's Club or Discover though. The one card we don't accept happens to be an English debit card, which they go mad over, then proceed to whip out the sterling (aghhhh!! why are you ASSUMING it's legal tender! the sheer arrogance!)


            • #21
              First OT, My youngest sister is engaged, she is a senior in Highschool. The guy is in his second year of college. They intend to tie the knot the summer after she finishes college.

              Now on topic. Most stores around here do not take Amex, especially the gas stations. They charge so much that if a customer just fills up their tanks we actually loose money. Most stores to take Discover, but they are pretty rare. We still lose money on most Discover transactions, but not as much as we would with Amex.


              • #22
                Quoth StarsAreFixed View Post
                Lol, my shop in Ireland, takes American Express. They're seriously snazzy looking cards. Never heard of Diner's Club or Discover though.
                Diners Club is, in a way, the original credit card. Goes back a long way, but there's only a niche market for it these days.

                Discover, on the other hand, started out as a venture by Sears in the 80s, then eventually became its own entity. The card's claim to fame is that it offers cash back rewards to all customers; it set the tone for the rewards credit cards of today. It originally differed from other cards in that it wasn't issued through other banks; that's changed since then, and continues to slowly grow as a brand.
                "Well, ergo cogitum daltitum e pluribus shut your piehole." -Mike Rowe


                • #23
                  of course the evil side of me says...

                  "You don' Take Am'ric'n Espress?!?"
                  "No Ma'am, we dont take American Express - and we don't take *Am'ric'n Espress* either. You can ask until you're blue in the face, but the answer will NOT change."

                  course she'd prolly go ballistic over being "made fun of" for her pronounciation... (sorry it's a pet peeve of mine, especially over simple words in your own birth language)


                  • #24
                    Quoth Jadedcarguy View Post

                    Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

                    Me thinks maybe it isn't her card.........
                    EXACTLY the response I was about to type!


                    • #25
                      American Express has to be one of the most rejected cards out there. On the subject two amusing vids.

                      The Chelsea fan in me is screaming to put this on because, well, we loved (Understatement) Jose Mourinho. And this commercial defintely screams Jose's awesomeness.

                      And this is a video making fun of American Express
                      , warning it's a bit risque at one point so somewhat NSFW.

                      The engagement OP: My teammate married a 24 year old and they are doing well. 3 years now IIRC.
                      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

