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Someone really needs to get in trouble for that...

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  • Someone really needs to get in trouble for that...

    Had a lady in my line today, had brought up some nine packages of wedding invitations, and had no coupon. She asked to sign for one. Okay, sure, I can do that.
    Sign her in the log for her coupon, ring out her stuff, tell her the total (something like $75, I think), and she gets huffy suddenly.
    "What The Hell? Is that with all nine coupons?"
    RJ: *blink* "What nine coupons?"
    "I signed the log..."
    RJ: "Yeesss...?"
    "So, why don't I get the coupon on all the packages?"
    RJ: "Because the coupon does not work that way, ma'am. One coupon per transaction."
    "Someone at the other store told me you could do a coupon on every item if I signed the log."
    RJ: " ... 'Someone' would be wrong, from what I've been told."
    FES S: *standing behind the lady, shaking her head hard enough that it could've fallen off*
    "Well, fine then, I only want one."
    RJ: *smile* "Okay, I can fix that." *click click click, re-ring one package, rediscount said package* "Total's $11.xx."

    She never told me which store said that, nor even if it was one of our stores, she just said, "the other store". "Yes, ma'am, 'The Other Store" will allow you to use nine coupons per transaction. However, you're not in 'The Other Store', you're here."
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    I've had an experience with an extremely belligerent customer in that kind of situation (also buying invitations and other wedding-type stuff). After saying "only one coupon per transaction" because she was also under the impression of the coupon applying to all items, she got all huffy and started freaking out, and I was basically cornered into doing five transactions for her with five discounts, etc. One of the most awful customers I've ever had--she was so awful and bitter...

    I also had another customer today who had two items, and asked for a coupon. Did it for her, and I thought that was going to be it. She comes back in minutes later and wants to return one of the items because she was also under the impression that the discount would apply to both items. The daughter catches on, though, and buys the returned item, and asked for a coupon. The best part? They saved a whopping $4.00 with the damn coupons.


    • #3
      We have coupons from our Christmas tree sales.
      It's simple, spend $75 before taxes and get $20 off.
      People are constantly trying to double up on the coupons, which is fine if they spend $75 for every one. So two coupons = $150 purchase before taxes, three coupons is $225, etc.
      People want to double, and sometimes triple, up on them on purchases that are only barely above the $75 for one coupon.

      Another thing about these specific coupons is that if a customer spends $74.75 before taxes I'm not makin them buy something else just for that other quarter, nor would management.
      It just doesn't matter.
      Well one woman (who was sweet as pie) asked what the sub total was, I told her and it was just a few cents below $75.
      She replied, "Oh no, then I can't use this coupon. *sad face*" and I told her it was no problem and took it anyway.
      Well the woman behind her wnt BALLISTIC on me, saying that her bill was below $75 and the other cashier wouldn't make an exception like I did and blah blah blah.
      I found out how much her bill was: $40and change AFTER taxes.



      • #4
        I've mentioned Mr. S before, and here's another shining example of his suckiness as a customer. My store had a bonus card with ten punches, one for each purchase made. After ten purchases/punches, the customer received a 25% off coupon for their whole next purchase.

        We had little inspirational cards to put in wallets that were only ten cents each (at that time), and Mr. S saw an opportunity. Bringing ten inspirational cards up to the Christmas season jam packed counter (where there was absolutely no space, barely any for even standing there to purchase things), he demanded that I give him one punch for every single ten cent card. We argued around and around about it, and while I was as polite as possible, I wanted to shake him and ask him why he felt cheating a company was a good thing. My manager finally came up, irritated with the situation as well as the out the whazoo line behind him.

        Mr. S gloated as the manager punched out his card for the ten items, not purchases, but he wasn't quite so happy when the manager looked at him and told him straight up that if he tried to do that again, he'd send Mr. S to the back of the line to buy each card. Considering the lines were about ten+ people deep at that point, it was hard not to snicker.
        "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

        "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


        • #5
          "That Other Store, The Back Room, Tier 4, and various other mythological figures will be located AFTER we discover Big Foot, ma'am."
          You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube

