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One of my favorite lines that i can actually say to customers(long)

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  • One of my favorite lines that i can actually say to customers(long)

    So about forty-five minutes to close one night, restaurant is absolutely dead, one maybe two tables.

    A gentleman comes in with a small child and buys his buffet&drink and a drink for the child as she was under the free age-limit.

    Moments later a woman comes in and asks about prices(499 buffet, 349, just salad, 129 drink) She decides on the salad and a water.

    At this point i become a bit suspicious as we sell maybe 2 salad buffets monthly, but i finish her transaction with a smile and my name if she needs anything.

    I let my employee's know that she only bought a salad so that they can make sure she doesn't get anything else for free.

    Half an hour later, i see her come to the buffet for a few slices of pizza and stop her.

    me: "Ma'am, I'm gonna need you to pay 1.62 for that pizza"
    lady: *turns around and bobs her head shouting* "WHAT!?"
    me: "Well you only paid for the salad and i just watched you serve from the pizza bar"
    lady: "Its for my little girl" *points to table with man and girl* unbeknownst to me, they were together.
    *SIGH/GROAN* "She's only three, its not like she can feed herself!!"
    me: "Okay ma'am, i didn't realize you had a child with you, i'm sorry," when she was well out of earshot i said, "it just looks bad from my standpoint" under my breath and to the safe.

    She may have heard half of that, as she began walking away as soon as i finished saying "Okay."

    A few minutes later her husband comes up to me, gets my attention with and angry glare and shouts, "You the manager," with the least upward inflection i've ever heard in a supposed question.

    me: "Yessir, how may i help you?"
    hubby: "How long you been the manager here?"
    me: "About 5 months or so now, sir, why do you ask?"
    hubby: "They need to send you back to training or somethin'."
    me: "Excuse me sir?"
    hubby: "What you said to my wife was very rude!"
    me: *blank, confused stare*
    hubby: "You told her to pay for the pizza that was for my daughter!"
    me: "I didn't realize that she had a child with her sir--"

    we both kinda spoke this next part together, so i doubt that he heard me

    me: "The two of you came in and paid separately."
    hubby: *turns head away and does that stereotypical look around for support before the verbal onslaught glance* i dont recall exactly what he said but it was along the lines of "You were F***ING RUDE!" with a sudden raise in his vocal tone, volume and a sharp turn with finger pointing in my face to match.

    hubby: in still raised voice "YOU--"
    and i cut him off with one of my favorite lines that i am technically allowed to say to customers: "SIR! I HAVE to ask you not to use that sort of language in my store!"

    He got quiet turned around and saw the elderly couple he was standing directly in front of, and a table a bit further back with a rather young child, lowered his voice and said, "You were flat out rude!"

    I attempted to explain the situation again, at which point he actually asked me, "Is it your job to watch what people eat here?"
    me: "Actually, sir, that kinda is."

    He called me rude again and then interrupting my response says, "I'm old enough to be your daddy, you realize that?"

    and for another of my favorite lines: "Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to stop attacking me personally."
    His response: "You need to respect the age, son" which he repeated over his shoulder as he walked away.

    He went on to finish his meal never once responding to my *somewhat* sincere inquiries about the (other) aspects of his dining experience, and left without waving or nodding to any of the three "Bye, Thank You"s

    First post, be gentle.

  • #2
    some people are just so flipping oblivious.
    good work, you did your job and that idiot obviously refused to listen to you because it makes perfect sense if you actually take two seconds to think about it.
    and welcome!
    We Pick Up the Pieces


    • #3

      You were in the right to ask that lady for payment because she never indicated that they were together and how are you to know, although some SC's expect us to be able to read their mind and anticipate their every need just because we work in the service industry.
      Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


      • #4
        Ok, that guys age comment would have sent me over the edge...
        So far where I've worked I've had 4 managers (my first manager got fired, my second one went on maternity leave, my third manager is still there but I changed shifts) and so far they have all done a great job, even the third manager who is only 20.
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          What does his age have to do with it? He could be 100 years old & still be a rude Because someone is older than you doesn't mean they automatically deserve respect.


          • #6
            Come on folks, you all have to know what's going on here. The guy wasn't chewing out the OP because he wanted to. His twit wife put him up to it.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              the best part was just after his, "respect the age" chorus as he walked away, the older couple behind him looked at him, then at me, and both gave me the exact same WTF? face.


              • #8
                Next time. Make DAMN sure they are out of earshot, like when they are sitting down or out of the place. It'll save you so many bottles of painkillers later.

                The whole "respect the age" is a bunch of BS. Respect is never given freely because of one's age, race, sex, religion, etc. It is earned. The fact that he said that proves that he shouldn't get little respect if at all.
                Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.


                • #9
                  Quoth marasbaras View Post
                  Come on folks, you all have to know what's going on here. The guy wasn't chewing out the OP because he wanted to. His twit wife put him up to it.
                  Maybe, but so what? I hope you don't think that excuses his behaviour.

                  My husband isn't a raging asshole, so even if I asked him to be, he couldn't do it.

                  If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                  • #10
                    And the real question is, if she had a problem, why couldn't she deal with it?

                    What was so scary about you that she couldn't voice it to you. As it was, it was a simple misunderstanding that was fairly easy to sort out. If you weren't an idiot.
                    There is no tinfoil helmet. They are reading your thoughts and there is nothing you can do to stop them.


                    • #11
                      Quoth MisseLaneius View Post
                      And the real question is, if she had a problem, why couldn't she deal with it?
                      Amen and THANK YOU!! I absolutely DETEST these so-called 'ladies' who have the guts to pull this kind of entitled bullshit, but then hide behind their husbands when they get called out on it.
                      "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                      • #12
                        I never understand why people get so angry about others doing their job. Two things I was thinking:

                        If I were the husband, I would actually be IMPRESSED, not angry. Most people would just let something like that go because they are spineless wimps. The fact that you were willing to start a confrontation says good things about you.

                        The second thing I was thinking, and this may just be me, but I tend to believe friends and family members less then authority figures, mainly because I know my friends well enough to know when they are pulling s**t.
                        ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!


                        • #13
                          Quoth ericm View Post
                          His response: "You need to respect the age, son" which he repeated over his shoulder as he walked away.
                          I do respect the age sir, it's the man I'm having trouble finding respect for.

