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  • it's POLICY

    OK, hopefully we all remember my post in Morons In Management about me being forced to break policy.

    It doesn't have much todo with this story, I just thought I'd mention it to reinstate the company policy about NOT accepting CC numbers without having the card physically in our possesion.

    On to the story.

    This guy comes in last night after pumping $150.00 worth of diesel, and puts a mangy scrap of paper on the counter with what looks like a CC number and expiration date on it. Apparently he doesn't have the company card, and wants to ring up his gas on it anyway.

    AH: SUCKY customer

    Me: I'm sorry, sir, I cannot accept that.
    AH: Why not?
    Me: Company policy, sir
    AH: other people here have before
    Me: I assure you no one here has accepted a CC number without having the card. It's COMPANY POLICY.

    ::lather, rinse, repeat::

    He finally pulls out several wads of cash, and forks over $150. (And he had PLENTY left over.) Still bitching.

    I told him, again, that I was sorry, but it's policy, etc.

    He takes a good look at me, and snarled, "Do you work EVERY shift here, MISS?" and stomped out, yelling, "I'm NEVER buying gas here again!"

    I turn to L, and say, "I guess this nametag means nothing, and I know NOTHING about policy." I was wearing my assistant manager nametag. L laughed so hard, I thought she was going to fall over.

    L was going to jump in, since she's been there for 12 years, but she was busy with a customer of her own.

    Just for the record, this guy comes into the store quite often...but as far as L and I know, this is the first time he's bought gas. Trust me, I work there 45 hours a week, and I know all the regs, for 1st and 2nd shifts.
    I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

    Oh, and your tool box got out again.

  • #2
    That will happen, dear Bella.

    I worked at the gas station for a year. I got to know the regulars (99% of whom were SCs and entitlement whores) pretty well.

    Point being my dear, it doesn't matter how long you work somewhere. SCs are ALWAYS going to try the "But I've done it before!" or "Your manager did it for me once!" card. Without fail, they will try. And they will be furious when they fail.

    But hey, maybe he'll stop coming when you're working. Some regular SCs of mine stopped coming in during my shifts because they hated that I wouldn't bend over backwards and give them discounts like my manager did. Sometimes I'd throw them off and have to work a morning shift, and wow were they pissed to see me
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      I seem to have a mysterious coworker who tells people not to worry about their bill, it's free!

      No one knows this mysterious coworkers name or time the person called. There are no notes on the person's account to show they talked to anyone in the call center.

      Never the less, this person told them not to worry about their bill! How dare I call and tell them to pay it! How dare I insinuate they are lying!

      No one I work with would tell them to not worry about their bill. We are expected to collect money, not to write it off and even if we wanted to write it off, there is no way the system will let us.
      Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

      If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

      Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


      • #4
        Trust me, I know all the scams "customers" will pull at a gas station. I've been doing it for almost 5 years. Woo hoo--
        I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

        Oh, and your tool box got out again.


        • #5
          Quoth Bella_Vixen View Post
          Trust me, I know all the scams "customers" will pull at a gas station. I've been doing it for almost 5 years. Woo hoo--
          Working there, or pulling scams?

          I had an interesting extra security measure on a credit card the other day... while checking the signature, I saw something written there in very small letters. I had a closer look and it said "Cardholder has only 9 fingers". I looked up at the customer, who showed me his hands (in)complete with missing left index finger.


          • #6
            What is it with people disrespecting you when you're wearing your assistant manager name tag?
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              oh i get the "but your manager said that you could"... I really love it when I ask them which one they spoke to and they say the name of the last agent they spoke to... who oh btw, just happens to be the girl behind me in our cubicle... once i even turned around, didn't bother muting or anything and said "hey D. did you know you are a manager now?" of course she said loud enough for the guest on the line to hear "no I didn't, but even if I was and the person is asking for a refund on an advance purchase my answer would still be 'no'" guest hung up after that.

              oh and on the gas station thing, yeah I see a lot of entitlement whores when I'm at the 7-11 down the street...
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #8
                Quoth edible_hat View Post
                I had an interesting extra security measure on a credit card the other day... while checking the signature, I saw something written there in very small letters. I had a closer look and it said "Cardholder has only 9 fingers". I looked up at the customer, who showed me his hands (in)complete with missing left index finger.
                Dayum! That's impressive thinking - making an injury into security.



                • #9
                  Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                  Dayum! That's impressive thinking - making an injury into security.

                  Yeah, a thief would have to be really desparate to cut a finger off so he could use that card.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Bella_Vixen View Post
                    Trust me, I know all the scams "customers" will pull at a gas station. I've been doing it for almost 5 years. Woo hoo--
                    Dear god do I relate to that! I have put in near 6 years myself in 9 different stores. What was hard was when I worked as a traveling relief. I worked 5 different stores each week. I was one of the fill ins for the regular's night off. There were stores that were pure Hades to work in. One in particular still stands out, They actually would give the customers*read friends* discounts and let them take whatever for free. Even the manager would do this, he was also aware of his assistant manager stealing from the till. As long as she rigged the paper work to look right, usually by fudging the amount in her till at shift change to make me look short, he was fine and would yell at me even when I showed him concrete evidence of her doing it, he just said: "So?"
                    Anyways back to the point these special customers would come in expecting free soda, or coffee, or whatever, guess their reaction when I would not cave.

