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My Close Encounter at B&N

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  • My Close Encounter at B&N

    It wasn't terribly close, I don't think, but I can see where I could almost have been viewed as sucky.

    So, after the "Your music is offensive" thread, I went looking to get some classical music today. Specifically, had to have Tchaikowsky's 1812 Overture, Beethoven's 5th, and some Mozart (since I don't really know what of his music I've heard in the past).

    Was trying to decide which one to get today, when I saw the sign above the discs: Buy 2, Get The 3rd Free! Figured why not, and got all three.

    To the nearby cash register I go, and am expecting a total of about $30. I get told $40. Something doesn't ring true, so I say "But... I thought", and realize I'd better re-check the signage. I do, and read the part I missed: All DVDs, not CDs.

    Turned back to the cashier, and apologized. Paid, and headed out (still bought all three at least). But I know I was questioning her having done it right, and I know she probably has that happen all day long.

    In my defense, having that sign over a whole rack of nothing but CDs does tend to be a bit misleading. Ah well.

  • #2
    Good on you for checking yourself though, as opposed to making a big stink out of it.


    • #3
      I haven't been in music to know if that's happened at my store, but I'm sure it has. Only a couple of signs are like that, since one is above the $9.99 bin (opposite side of the beginning of pop/rock). We probably have one above classical, facing the floor.

      First Lesson I learned from working in a bookstore:
      People who can read are made of the same rudeness as those who cannot.


      • #4
        i hate it when that happens,

        a while ago i had to buy a new dress for a wedding, we were low on money so we went to the sale rack and i found this wonderful red dress, we rang it up and it was well way too much for our budget, so i said well its on the 50% off rack, she looks and said well it looks like some one just stuck it there, of course i was really disapointed. went back to the rack found another dress that was less wonderful and paid for it.

        i ended up returning it anyway, since we really couldnt afford it at the time (but after all shes like a sister to me ive known her since she was 9) and i ended up not going to the wedding since i got the hives the day before, she ended up getting divorced anyway so i guess i really didnt miss out on anything lol.
        "Let's connect to some ones cyberbrain who is meditating, so we can download enlightenment" one of the Tachikomas (Ghost in the Shell 2nd gig)


        • #5

          Mozart's concertos are the best, in my opinion. They are my favorite morning music, I love making breakfast to them.
          Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


          • #6
            Even though I make a habit of reading signs, I probably would've been confused, too.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Buy 2, Get The 3rd Free! Figured why not, and got all three.
              ooh, as soon as I got to this line I knew where the story was going...

              They do that sale a couple times a year (January and in the summer). It's pretty cool, and if you have a member card even better (too bad I don't get my employee discount on the buy one get one free!).
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post

                Mozart's concertos are the best, in my opinion. They are my favorite morning music, I love making breakfast to them.
                Mozart's concertos are great, but my favorite Mozart is the string quartets. And the last three symphonies.

                Then again, Mozart is one of only two composers I can think of (Bach is the other) that you absolutely can't make a bad choice with.
                "Wouldn't that be unethical?"
                "That's only an issue for those who aren't already in Hell."


                • #9
                  Quoth jedifarfy View Post
                  I haven't been in music to know if that's happened at my store, but I'm sure it has.
                  In my case, I was looking at a rack placed against a wall. No back side to it. The entire unit was separate from the rack on the next wall on one side, and a door leading to an employee area on the other side.

                  The whole rack was filled with CDs.

                  No one lied to me, no one made me buy anything, I chose to complete the transaction since I wanted to get them anyway.

                  But those signs were definitely placed in a poor location. I should be upset by it, but hey, I got what I was after, and didn't get the bonus that I thought was there. Am I really harmed? No. So, I lump it.

                  But I know she had to be worrying about what was about to happen.

                  Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
                  Mozart's concertos are the best, in my opinion. They are my favorite morning music, I love making breakfast to them.
                  Then Mozart shall be my morning music on Monday. We'll see how well he makes me like driving 78 during rush hour in NJ. If he's that good, maybe I won't want to drive people off the road for a change

                  Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                  It's pretty cool, and if you have a member card even better (too bad I don't get my employee discount on the buy one get one free!).
                  Pondered doing the membership, actually. But I don't buy enough there to justify it. I'd be seriously surprised if I saved even $25/yr, which is the cost of the membership.

                  Everything goes through online for me, and only a few items go through B&N.

                  Good idea, just not the right choice for me. Wish it was, though.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Pedersen View Post
                    Pondered doing the membership, actually. But I don't buy enough there to justify it. I'd be seriously surprised if I saved even $25/yr, which is the cost of the membership.

                    Everything goes through online for me, and only a few items go through B&N.

                    Good idea, just not the right choice for me. Wish it was, though.
                    Yeah, you have to spend more than $250 a year to make it worth it (you can use it on the website, too). I know employees who spend enough on bestsellers and other already discounted stuff that they do carry member cards (and I have a few phone numbers I can use on the rare occasions when I actually buy something that my employee discount doesn't apply on - like BOGO deals or clearance stuff).

                    I've known customers who made 99% of their purchases in the cafe, and had member cards (one of the sales pitch factoids they use sometimes is if the only thing you buy in the store is a cup of coffee every morning you will still make out on the member card).

                    I have also rung up customers who more than paid for the membership in one transaction (usually in December), and even though that might be the only time they are likely to shop in the store during the year, they still made out by buying the membership (it's kinda fun to ring up a membership fee and still see the total go down). I've also rung up customers with such transactions who refused to get the card, even after I pointed out that they would save money right then and it would still be good for their Christmas shopping next year. They still wouldn't "spend" the $25 bucks.

                    (I even watched a coworker try to sell a customer in this situation on the card, and the customer didn't want it. The employee suggested he add the membership to the guy's purchase and he (the employee) keep the card...the customer would still save X dollars and he wouldn't have to deal with the card...and the customer agreed! So the customer saved about 10 bucks and the employee put his name on the application and he had a free membership for a year!)
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

