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Observations of the Parking Public

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  • Observations of the Parking Public

    Just a little while ago, I started working security at a local tech school campus. It's a nice school, large and well-funded, and with lots of students. However, I've gotten to work ins several positions there so far, and the one that never ceases to amaze me is when I deal with parking. Either working in the parkade booth, or simply patrolling outside in the parking lots. Here's a few of the doozies:

    1. The parkade exit is a straight line from the entrance. It's VISIBLE, you can see the exit, and the street beyond with cars going past. there are no barriers or barricades. Yet the SINGLE MOST COMMON QUESTION I get asked is 'How do I get out?'. I've seen people drive RIGHT UP to the exit, and then make a sudden left turn. Or spend five minutes turning around, then fight their way the wrong way against traffic to try and go out the entrance. All while in plain view of the exit.

    2. The 'Sold Out' sign has proven to have a single purpose. That is to instruct people to stop, make me open my window to the cold, cold outside air, and then ask me 'Are you sold out?'. After which I'm usually asked 'How do I get out of here?'

    3. Note to the people above: I do not know where you can park. I do not know what you're supposed to do now. The parking on campus is extremely limited. we're sold out by 7:30-8 am, as is every other free parking spot on campus, and a great many spots that aren't parking spots. I have no power over this. Either get here before 7:30, or take transit.

    4. Why on EARTH are college students buying and driving big diesel pickups? Big huge dual-wheel monstrosities, with the bed covers to indicate this truck has NEVER had anything placed in it's pristine bed. And you people commute in these monsters, and then complain about gas and/or finding parking? Listen, I've got a friend named Gravekeeper you need to call. Ask him about pants.

    5. When you drive up, see me in the parking booth, make eye contact with me and see me walking to the window, why why WHY do you insist on pulling around in behind the booth? I'm not supposed to open the door, I have cash in there. It is also cold, and while you divert my attention, other people are retards while I'm not watching. I actually got an explanation from a staff member who did this. Her reasoning was that her truck was 'too big' to stop at the booth. This woman is teaching our children people.

    6. A Parking Space does not consist of any physical area where your car happens to stop moving. Now, I can understand parking getting a little crazy during the week, when desperate, late students are squeezing in wherever they can in a desperate bid to make it to class. But, on a weekend, when parking is wide open, there is NO excuse for parking in a laneway, much less DOUBLE parking. There are legit parking stalls not 20 feet away, completely free of charge for the weekend. If I had my bylaw training, I'd have you ticketed and towed, and to hell if it ruined little Timmy's little league game or not.

    7. You can't park here while towing a goddamned trailer. Ever. I don't care if you're late for class, next time take the 30 seconds it would take to unhitch the thing before leaving home.

    8. There are two zones n the Parkade. A zone, for teachers, and B zone, for students. Aside from being on different levels, they are identical. The parkade has an elevator, so the real difference between level 7 (A zone) and level 9 (B zone) is negligible. So DON'T pitch a hissy fit when all the spots in A zone are taken, and you have to park in B zone. There are people who have passes who can't find parking at ALL. Suck it up and endure the extra time it takes the elevator to move two levels more.

    9. You've been coming to this campus for at least a semester and a bit now, I see you every day. At 9:30. We're always sold out at 9:30. Always. So WHY do you insist on looking surprised, giving me a dirty look, and peeling out like this is a massive inconvenience? Do you KNOW the definition of madness? I do; It's what's happening to me watching you come by every day, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

    That's all I got for now. Expect more in the future.
    Check out my webcomic!

  • #2
    Oh, I loved working in parking... especially sense I did enforcement, no CS skills required, be as blunt as you want and don't put up with shit... some things I noticed that people didn't believe
    1. if the sign says burger king customers only, if you park and walk off the property you vehicle may be ticketed or towed... it means just that, don't like the ticket I just put on your window, tough luck, if you'd like I could have called the tow truck.
    2. if the sign says pay for your parking in advance or you will be ticketed or towed, guess what will happen if I walk past your car and you don't either A. have a reciept on your dashboard at the electronic pay lots or B. have money put in the slot with your stall number on it at the manual pay lots you will be getting a ticket.
    3. if the sign says there is a 2 hour limit guess what that means, at a certain time i walk through the lot and record every single license plate in the lot, just over 2 hours later I will come through and check and see if the same license plate is in the same stall... if it is you will get a ticket.
    4. if the sign says you must have a permit...

    you get the idea
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      Welcome to the world of parking. Should warn you that THESE PEOPLE ARE DRIVING CARS!!!
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #4
        Parking idiots are the reason why I always go places early and I almost always park in the back and as far away from everybody else as possible.

        There was a parking lot in a shopping plaza by the University of New Hampshire that had the best parking attendant ever! I never went to UNH but I did work just off campus. Anyway, I would go to the bagel shop in this shopping plaza where the best parking attendant would be patrolling. The parking attendant knew me so he wouldn't even touch my car, but if you were a student then it was a completely different story. Parking is at a premium on the UNH campus. At the time I believe the cheapest parking lot was $150 a semester. There were huge signs in the shopping plaza that warned that your car would be towed if you parked there to go to class. They weren't kidding when they said this either. I would usually get a bagel and sit outside on a picnic table or on a table by the door to watch the hilarity ensue. I remember one day some girl from out of state parked in the lot and ran off to class. Not even ten minutes after she parked there was a tow truck there to take her car away. About a half an hour later the girl came back and boy was she pissed. She was on the phone with a friend of hers complaining about how unfair it was that they towed her car and that she couldn't believe how she had to pay $80 to get her car out of the tow yard. I couldn't help but laugh a bit at her "misfortune." I'm sure she learned her lesson after that. And you know the person who owned the tow lot made lots of money on dumb students, which, I'm sure he shared with his intrepid parking attendant.
        Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


        • #5
          Quoth Polenicus View Post
          Listen, I've got a friend named Gravekeeper you need to call. Ask him about pants.

          Would they be in pink camo?

          Was in a marked vehicle this morning and find a chap double parked, engine off left indicator on, just sat there in is car basically parked in the middle of the road.

          Basically he didnt realise that having two rows of parked vehicles was double parking, and his excuse? He was waiting for a parking spot.

          Thats right boys and girls he was parked in the middle of the road waiting for a parking spot.
          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


          • #6
            After I left the Navy I went to a local tech school to take some gen ed courses before transferring to the Uni. The school had 3 parking lots, one close, one just beyond that, and one kinda off to the side. Even if you parked ALL THE WAY at the end of the furthest lot, you would have to walk no more than three or four blocks to get to the main doors.

            And yet, there would be parking sharks patrolling the nearest lot looking for a person leaving. I could understand that on the really cold days (temps sub-zero, this was WI), but in Spring and Fall?! I mean, you will spend as much, if not more, time looking for a nearby spot as you would spend walking in from the further lots, so I can only assume these kids were just lazy.

            Of course, being the ass that I am, if I saw sharks and I happened to be in the near lot (due to an early class), I would start walking down the furthest lane from my car, and once I was about level I would start cutting over. If the weather was nice, I might wander about aimlessly for a while. If it was not so nice out, I'd just get in my car and read a book for a bit while everyone honked at me to leave.


            • #7
              Quoth MadRocketScientist View Post
              Of course, being the ass that I am, if I saw sharks and I happened to be in the near lot (due to an early class), I would start walking down the furthest lane from my car, and once I was about level I would start cutting over. If the weather was nice, I might wander about aimlessly for a while. If it was not so nice out, I'd just get in my car and read a book for a bit while everyone honked at me to leave.
              I used to something similair but what I would do if I saw someone sharking to take my spot. After wondering around the parking lot playing stupid "Now where did I park my car again?" I would get in my car dig around for a bit until the other driver would get really annoyed and then I would grab a book out of my car get out relock the car and walk away. I had one person leave a nasty note on my car after I did that.


              • #8
                At the local univeristy here, they refer to parking passes as "hunting licenses." I used to sing in a chorale that met on campus, and I would have to leave half an hour before rehearsal to drive the 10 minutes to campus. Had I gotten there any later, there would be no spots. And this was at 6:30 in the evening. Not during daytime classes. It got even worse around exam time, when people were on campus working on projects, etc. I can only imagine that the campus cops have their work cut out for them!
                Certifiable Interior Designer
                (Passed the NCIDQ Exam - Summer 2008)

                It's hard to shoot zombies with a cat on your lap!


                • #9
                  Oh we have so much fun at SLCC with parking, they have plenty of it, you might just have to go way to heck and gone to get it (the best parking is in the north east and south east lots... of course I get way out in the middle of nowhere on the northwest side) The real fun is all the idiots who think they are going to get a space in the northeast lot... once you are in that lot is almost impossible to get to any of the other lots without leaving the campus entirely and going around the block... our biggest problem is the traffic, we have something like 10 acres of parking (that may be an overestimate) that are almost all exiting at the same time onto a 2 lane road, no turn lanes for most of the length of the road, 4 bus lines have stops in the traffic lane, 3 come every 15 minutes, one comes every half hour and thow in a few pedestrian crossings for fun and you can see why it takes 10 to 15 minutes to get the 2 blocks from one side of campus to the other.
                  If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                  • #10
                    Quoth Polenicus View Post
                    3. Note to the people above: I do not know where you can park. I do not know what you're supposed to do now. The parking on campus is extremely limited. we're sold out by 7:30-8 am, as is every other free parking spot on campus, and a great many spots that aren't parking spots. I have no power over this. Either get here before 7:30, or take transit.
                    Your campus has free parking? As in, no cost?!?

                    Spiffy want!

                    At my school--assuming you can find an open spot--you won't be able to park for under $3/hour, or $10/day. Therefore, I ride the bus...
                    I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                    Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                      Your campus has free parking? As in, no cost?!?

                      Spiffy want!

                      At my school--assuming you can find an open spot--you won't be able to park for under $3/hour, or $10/day. Therefore, I ride the bus...
                      Where I went to finish my undergraduate degree what campus you went to determined how much you paid to park. If you went to the main campus it was $40 a year to park (unless you went nights like I did, in which case you can get away without a parking pass). If you went to a satellite campus it was free since there was plenty of parking at all of these sites. The ultimate free parking, though, is taking online classes. Then you can go to class in your pj's and stay at your house/apartment/wherever.
                      Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                        Your campus has free parking? As in, no cost?!?

                        Spiffy want!

                        At my school--assuming you can find an open spot--you won't be able to park for under $3/hour, or $10/day. Therefore, I ride the bus...
                        i'm not too bad off, going to the main campus is $30 a year... but i still take the bus when I can to avoid the traffic that I described in an earlier post. if it makes you feel any better/worse, I too can get free parking... if I were to go to either the downtown campus or one of the campuses in the south valley (ie, sandy or jordan)... am I the only one though that thinks it odd that the downtown campus has free parking but two of the campuses 5 miles outside of downtown charge?
                        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                        • #13
                          I go to a school that has small amounts of parking and it's free, so I try not to bitch, except for these few asshats who decide to park so they're taking up TWO SPOTS. I've started leaving nasty notes berating them on their lack of courtesy.
                          I hate everyone. All the people on the street, I hate you all. And the people that I meet, I hate you all. And the people that I know, I hate you all. And the people that I don't, I hate you all.


                          • #14
                            um so mentioning that the community college I went to has a 4 acre free parking lot would be upsetting? And the College i went to for my Bachelors degree has a 2 acre free parking lot of their own next to the main building along with other free parkign lots around the campus?

                            That there is not one single parkign garage or pay parkign lot in my entire county. And only 1 town in my entire county has anything other than free curbside parking. And thats 25 cents for an hour or 50 cents for 2 hours metered curbside parking.

                            Ahh the joys of the country.


                            • #15
                              My school has free parking all over and plenty of spaces if you know where to look. I usually park in the parking garage and there's always spaces available in there. But it's a bit of a walk to get to some classes though.
                              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

