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Not Sure How to Classify This

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  • Not Sure How to Classify This

    On Saturday, I was working with C, like I always do.

    The phone rings, C answers it with his spiel, and then I hear the sentence: "Heavens no! We're not an electronics store."

    He hangs up the phone, and not 5 seconds later, the phone rings again! We blink at each other, C answers it, same spiel, same Heavens no sentence.

    At this time, I'm like, "Did they hit re-dial or was it a little old confused person?"***

    C said it sounded like a teenage girl. The phone rings again. Guess who? And the first 2 guesses don't count.

    At this time, a customer in the store, asks C to help them, so he wanders away from the counter.

    The phone rings yet again. I look over at C and start to laugh. I answer the phone.

    After my own spiel, in which I identify the store as a Game place, I get a woman who VERY snottily asks:

    "Do you sell any games there?"

    I pause, blink at a couple of regulars who had just passed the counter and say (in my most annoyingly, cheerily, I'm so hyper I can give Superman a run for his money in quickness, I've also had way too much caffeine voice):

    "Why yes we do! We sell board games, miniatures games, D&D type games and historical miniatures games!"

    The woman at the other end says "Oh," and then by mutual agreement, we hang up on each other.

    ***At 35, I'm sometimes a little old confused person, so I'm not stereotyping the elderly. Just wanted everyone know that.

  • #2
    I can see how the fact that you work in a game store could confuse people into thinking that you sell computer or video games, but any logical person would understand that you do not after the first round of questions.
    Of course many customers don't seem to have this necessary logic receptor.


    • #3
      Well, after the initial shock the caller has that there is actually a store out there that does not sell electronic games, we get the invariable question: "Well, what do you sell?"

      I'm not sure why it's so hard to contemplate that there are games out there that to play, you need to know at least one person who is willing to be in the same room with you for at least 15-30 minutes to play some of the quicker play games.

      I remember playing board games when I was growing up with my sister. (Monopoly, Life, Parcheesi, Sorry, etc.). They haven't disappeared! Honest! I've seen them!


      • #4
        you kidding? man, we get together once a week and play board or D&D-esque games (btw, try Zombies sometime, so much love). much more fun than LANing, because it forces interaction, lmao.

        i mean... not a nerd, not at all >.<

        Hobby Twitter.


        • #5
          Quoth siead_lietrathua View Post
          you kidding? man, we get together once a week and play board or D&D-esque games (btw, try Zombies sometime, so much love). much more fun than LANing, because it forces interaction, lmao.

          i mean... not a nerd, not at all >.<
          Same. This coming Sunday I'm going out of town to visit my fiancee while she stays with her grandparents for a few days. I swear to god it'll be the first time in a month that I've started driving on a Sunday and NOT gone directly to the usual D&D house.

          Then again, starting the Sunday after, we'll be alternating games, so one week I'll head to one house, the next week the game'll come to me...

          Sorry, didn't mean to start talking non-scenically.

          BTW: If I could find a better place than the comic swap and Nittany Line Hobbies shop downtown to get my D&D stuff, I wouldn't shop anywhere else, ever.
          "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009


          • #6
            On the weekends, we've generally had Lord of the Rings tournaments and a couple of Warhammer 40K and Fantasy tournaments. We also have CCG tournaments, normally it's either World of Warcraft and/or Yu-Gi-Oh! Magic tournaments are usually held on nights during the week.

            My store is awesome! I love working there, but I need to not look at the New Products shelf 'cos I find things I want to buy all the time.


            • #7
              off topic- i cant get into traditional DnD but im a natural role player (hate hate hate MMORPGS though) so im big on pretending and LARP in fact the only reason i even tryed the Pirates onle was because it looked like a not bad one, stupid and boring though, and i really wish i could find some local larp gatherings so at the time i have to stick to my usual ones.

              So to mak this off topic post weirder i use to puppeteer.


              • #8
                There is the Avalon LARP but it's for VA, PA, NC and SC (I think), you'd have to google the website to find out, but I definitely know it's PA and VA most definitely. (I've met a few Avalon-ers, and they're cool. They've told me that i should join).

                Of course there is NERO. That's a D&D based LARP group. I used to know 2 guys who were involved in it.

                If you go to your local gaming store, SliceandDice, you might be able to find some LARPers. Also, there is a website, where you can type in your interests and where you're located and find like-minded individuals.

                Good luck!


                • #9
                  yeah ive tried that, the closet one that meet with any consistancey (i have to be able to scheduel) was closer to flagstaff....


                  • #10
                    Sorry about that! However, maybe you could post wanting to meet a group closer to where you live. Just a thought.

                    Our gaming store has a little bulletin board in the back with message from people looking for groups/individuals to game with.


                    • #11
                      I never could get into the RPGs (moves too slowly for me), but I have gotten addicted to the Pirates 3D ship cards. Actually DH & I both are into them, and our Christmas gift to each other was a whole case of Pirates of the Caribbean version of the cards that just came out, and I found a set of 6 Collector's tins with pics of the different characters in the movies on ebay and won it for $60 + shipping.
                      "We go through our careers and things happen to us. Those experiences made me what I am."-Thomas Keller


                      • #12
                        Quoth FuzzyKitten99 View Post
                        I never could get into the RPGs (moves too slowly for me), but I have gotten addicted to the Pirates 3D ship cards. Actually DH & I both are into them, and our Christmas gift to each other was a whole case of Pirates of the Caribbean version of the cards that just came out, and I found a set of 6 Collector's tins with pics of the different characters in the movies on ebay and won it for $60 + shipping.
                        You may want to look into an RPG called 7th Sea. With a good GM, that RPG is meant to run quickly, as it is supposed to be run like an action/swashbucling movie. Cinematic rather than bogging down with the rules. Also one of the best written game books out there, done by John Wick. Anyone playing or running RPG games should read through the GM's guide for some of the greatest gaming tips ever put together.

                        EXAMPLE: When I was running it for our local group, the party ended up in a stagecoach chase, driving a coach stolen from a rich noble filled with his luggage, chucking his sex toys at their enemies. That scene is still brought up, months after it happened.
                        Last edited by Geek King; 01-24-2008, 02:26 PM.
                        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                        Hoc spatio locantur.


                        • #13
                          And Fuzzy - it depends on the GM/DM you have at the people who are in your gaming group.

                          I miss my old DM (he & his wife moved to Jacksonville). And my husband is a great DM (and I'm not just saying that because he's my husband ).

                          I've never played 7th Sea, but I have heard good things about it.


                          • #14
                            Quoth idrinkarum View Post
                            And Fuzzy - it depends on the GM/DM you have at the people who are in your gaming group.

                            I miss my old DM (he & his wife moved to Jacksonville). And my husband is a great DM (and I'm not just saying that because he's my husband ).

                            I've never played 7th Sea, but I have heard good things about it.
                            Well, we don't really have a gaming group, per se. We mostly play pirates against each other, but my BIL and FIL both play too, so sometimes we get together with them.

                            However, FIL hosts D&D (and other RPGs) in his basement every other saturday.

                            I just don't have the patience for the mind-numbing slowness of any of the RPG's I have been present at, and being together with my husband for over 10 years, they have yet to catch & keep my attention.
                            "We go through our careers and things happen to us. Those experiences made me what I am."-Thomas Keller


                            • #15
                              Ah well, some of the adventure modules can be pretty boring, and if you have people in the group who are either 1) rules lawyers or 2) the overly-intellectual-let's-think-this-through-all-the-way types, it'll be boring. Usually home brewed games are awesome (where the DM/GM write the adventure themselves).

                              Sometimes I get bored at the gaming table too. That's why I liked my old gaming group. D&D and alcohol! Yeah baby! It's fun! Most definitely.

