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Fcukin drug addicts!!!

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  • Fcukin drug addicts!!!

    Unfortunately selling to resale shops is one of the only legal ways for drug addicts to get the cash they need when they need it (which is pretty much always NOW).

    The boss had some problems with the tax people over our documentation so we now pay with checks for large purchases. This means that the addicts need to get paid before the banks close. I've also been there longer than anyone else which makes me quasi-management (I make the more dificult judgement calls but not policy), so the regular sellers of large quantities of questionable books are only allowed to sell to me or the boss. The boss is rarely in town so it falls to me.

    One problem with addicts is that they seem to believe that if they want a book to be worth something enough it will be. When I don't want it or offer less than their [pick a drug] addiction tells them it needs to be worth they insist that I ignore my judgement and check our resources (mostly on line but sometimes we have to check paper references). I'm almost always right.

    Regular readers will know that I'm dealing with an ear infection so I'm in constant pain unitl it clears.

    This morning I had to deal with three of them at the same time. AAAAHHHHH!!!!
    Proud to be a Walmart virgin.

  • #2
    Ouch, as a chronic suffer of ear infections I know what you're going through.
    I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


    • #3
      Quoth LostMyMind View Post
      Ouch, as a chronic suffer of ear infections I know what you're going through.
      This is the first one I've ever had in my 43 years. If I didn't believe it would go away I'd kill myself.
      Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


      • #4
        Hehehe I have them more than I dont have them (I have otitus media and chronic sinusitus)... I understand what your going through, I have even more sympathy because you dont get them regularly!

        I hate to say it, but you do get used to the pain... and by that I mean, you are really grumpy most of the time because of the pain

        Dealing with drug addicts is hard enough, but having to deal with them with an ear infection.... ouch (in both senses of the word)
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


        • #5
          I understand, I used to have to deal with them at the store. If they're not picking up abrevia ($14 a box) off the shelf and trying to return it to the service desk, or if they're not trying to buy or steal several boxes of cold medicine, they're trying to rip us off with fake checks. Here we have alog of meth heads and from this I've learned how to spot them rather easily. I feel for you, maybe you could try to creap them out by speaking to an imaginary gnome or play some sort of cop game with them. If it dosen't work, you'll be entertained.


          • #6
            I thought from the title this thread might be about druggie behavior in general. My big rant about druggies at the moment has to do with every *effective* decongestant being reformulated so it can't be turned into meth (and the reformulated doesn't seem to work as well for me). Thanks to the meth-heads, allergy sufferers or people with sinus problems can't get effective relief any more (grumble growl gripe).
            "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

            "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


            • #7
              If they're not trying to steal, fence stolen goods, or buy manufacturing chemicals...

              SC: Do you guys still have those, uh, little roses?
              Me: *fake bafflement*
              SC: Y'know, those, uh, little tubes?
              Me: Sorry, don't know what you're talking about.
              SC: Wa? What about those, uh, scales? You guys used to have em.

              Each time they say "little roses" or "little tubes", SCs make a pinching-hand gesture, sort of like the American "OK" sign.

              I wish I could put a bug bomb out for these creepies, they're usually tattered and stinky, not to mention tweaked to the eyeballs.


              • #8
                Quoth Seanette View Post
                I thought from the title this thread might be about druggie behavior in general. My big rant about druggies at the moment has to do with every *effective* decongestant being reformulated so it can't be turned into meth (and the reformulated doesn't seem to work as well for me). Thanks to the meth-heads, allergy sufferers or people with sinus problems can't get effective relief any more (grumble growl gripe).
                you can still get the good stuff through prescriptions and under the counter (no prescription but half to talk to the pharmacist) i think. just go up and ask at a local pharmacy they should be able to clarify how to get your hands on the effective medicine. you will probably have to show ID and be entered into a database of some sort checking for people buying at every pharmacy in the state


                • #9
                  It must be awful having to deal with people like that all the time. My uncle was a heroin addict and I know how shifty and nasty they can be when they need a fix... then all polite when they get it.

                  I also worked as a hostess/same manager situation as you in an all night diner on the late night weekend shift (10pm-6am). I have seen and dealt with many a crackhead trying to steal food, get food for free, get a discount, creating a scene, ect....and they are awful people to have to deal with because there is hardly any reasoning with them. My hat (if I wore one) goes off to you!
                  "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


                  • #10
                    Quoth LostMyMind View Post
                    Ouch, as a chronic suffer of ear infections I know what you're going through.
                    Same here, I've been getting ear infections my entire life.

                    As far as drug addicts go, they're among the worst customers I've ever had to deal with. I really feel for anyone who has to put up with them.
                    "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

                    When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


                    • #11
                      We had one that got cut off from the doctor for her little Norco addiction. Sigh...

                      And then there's the lady that calls about 10 times an hour to see if her doctor's ok'ed a refill on her vicodin yet....

                      The awful one that used to try constantly to get her meds too early (the doctor would only let her have enough to last a week, and she could only fill on a specific day) got scared off by the grumpy night pharmacist, so I suppose he's good for something.

                      I'm totally digging the prescription only thing for psuedoephedrine, though. No more scary itchy guys trooping through to buy boxes of sudafed anymore....

                      Oh, if the phenylephrine isn't doing it for you, try one of the nasal sprays, like afrin. They work better than the oral meds, but the only bummer is that you can only use it for 3 consecutive days or else they'll cause rebound congestion.

