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Now that's just crazy...

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  • Now that's just crazy...

    Well, it happened again... standard irritating customer at work... Kinda long but it had to be put down somewhere.

  • #2
    What did she want? To be told, "well, those are the prices for people who don't know how to haggle. But you win! Today, just for you, we'll be lowering the price."?


    • #3
      Presumably she was too hungry to actually look at the prices posted for the food and try to figure out how much the order would come to . . . I could see asking how much something might cost if it wasn't part of a combo or whatever, but to order and then get angry because everything is 'too expensive'--how lazy can you get?


      • #4
        Y'see... the menu is only so wide.. We can only post so many prices and discriptions in so much space. In all the sub-sections near the top it says:

        COMBO IT NOW! $2.59
        Add a smal fries & drink to any sandwich
        The $2.59 part is lined up to the right and sits above the prices for the large eleven inch sandwiches. So there might be some confusion (sometimes is) but it's generally cleared up when I say that the two different prices are just for the sandwiches alone; no fries no soda. I personally think that she was missing a few too many braincells when she got mad at Mr. Manager because she didn't understand what he was saying and he's pretty easy to understand (even though sometimes my brain sometimes goes into "Does not compute" mode and I get him to repeat what he said and I say back what I think he said and he lets me know if I heard him right...).

        'Course, she didn't have the thought enough to ask me who actually rung up her order in the first place...she understood me enough to go through the whole order without much of a hitch. Oh well...


        • #5
          I had an elderly guy I rang through yesterday at McD's. He and his wife (I assume it was his wife) came up to the counter, guy ordered a sandwich and fries. I asked if he was looking for the meal. "No, then you'll charge me more."
          *blink blink* No, I do believe it's actually cheaper for the meal, but, we're not supposed to argue with the customer.
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            Quoth Juwl View Post
            I had an elderly guy I rang through yesterday at McD's. He and his wife (I assume it was his wife) came up to the counter, guy ordered a sandwich and fries. I asked if he was looking for the meal. "No, then you'll charge me more."
            *blink blink* No, I do believe it's actually cheaper for the meal, but, we're not supposed to argue with the customer.
            Oh, my, that takes me back too many years. I did a fast food stint a while back. Running register, I had this guy come in. "I want two hamburgers, one Quarter Pounder, and one Big Mac."

            I rang up two hamburgers, one quarter, and one mac. "OK, sir, that's two hambergers, one Quarter pounder, one Big Mac, do you want anything to drink with that?"

            Guy says, "No, I said two hamburgers: one Quarter Pounder, and one Big Mac."

            I said, "Yes, sir, that's what I rung up."

            Guy says, Guy says, "No, I said two hamburgers: one Quarter Pounder, and one Big Mac."

            This repeats for a couple minutes. I finally figured out that there was something odd in the way he was punctuating his speach, at least after the first time he ordered. To make a long story short, the guy was saying: "No, I said two hamburgers: one [being a] Quarter Pounder, and [the other] one [being a] Big Mac."

            Two hundred million people in America know how to order food at Mickey's. The other eighty or ninety million are too young to get there on their own. And I get the one guy who cares that a Big Mac is really another version of a hamburger.
            Last edited by Gurndigarn; 08-27-2006, 02:02 PM.


            • #7
              Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
              Two hundred million people in America know how to order food at Mickey's. The other eighty or ninety million are too young to get there on their own. And I get the one guy who cares that a Big Mac is really another version of a hamburger.
              You mean to tell me you couldn't hear him pronouncing the colon the first time?
              For shame, Gurndigarn. However, that is why McD's has a readout for the customer, so they can see what you're punching in, right?
              Because, as you know, the first thing you are supposed to do at McD's when someone has a complaint is to apologise first, and then find out what's wrong.
              "I call murder on that!"

