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So tired of these people...

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  • So tired of these people...

    Yesterday was a rather "fun" day at work for "fun" I went straight tot he vodka when I got off.

    First table of the day was two ladies that were about 75 years old. They looked like they spent their entire lives smelling something unpleasant. These oh so wonderful ladies would not let me speak. I walk up to them and open my mouth to say Hi and my little spheel, and they bark that they need coffee right now! ok I get them coffee. As I am placing the coffee on their table They start barking their order at me. So I scramble to grab my pen and paper. So this all goes on and they stay for three hours. Taking up one of my booths for three hours during the lunch rush. In the end they tip me 2 dollars.

    My next table was two ladies who come in with three young children. These ladies looked very trashy. I'm talking no bra and it is very obvious of this, as they are swinging to and fro. It also does not look like they know what a hairbrush is either. They order two kids meals for their three children to share. They each order a meal. One lady orders a soda and the other water. Their children are very loud. This disturbs the other customers in my area. At least they were not messy. When the bill arrives They get all bitchy as they have been charged for two sodas. yes only one woman has ordered a soda but they ordered three sodas for their kids. The kids meals only come with one drink. I am supposed to charge them for that extra drink. But i apoligize and take it off their bill. they then pay with two 20's . I give them seven dollars and 43 cents as their change. What tip do they leave me you ask? 43 cents. These ladies took up TWO of my tables for 2 hours during the lunch rush.

    So In all I had three tables taken up to the entire lunch rush that I was making less than 50 cents per hour on. And so you know. I only had three avaliable tables for the lunch rush. And I was only scheduled for that lunch rush. I made a total of 20 dollars instead of the 40-60 I normally make.

    I told my boss I am not taking any more tables where the children out number the adults.
    My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....

  • #2
    I'm sorry...

    Better yet, ask your boss if s/he will automatically add a 20% tip on bills for 6 people. Wouldn't have helped today but you just know that those two, uh, "free-spirited" women will be back with their screaming infants.
    "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


    • #3
      we can only add 15% on parties of 8 or more. beleive me I knew not to expect a tip over 10% from them. But, we are bound by thoes rules.
      My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


      • #4
        See, it's people like that that make me wish someone would design a new kind of register.

        How would it be different, you ask? Simple.

        I would add an "Idiot Tax" button.

        If I ever open my own business (sometime in the hazy, murky future if I get lucky), I will make one thing clear from the get-go. I would not allow my staff, or myself to be stepped on by the customers. They want to spend money in my shop? Sure. But I will be upholding standards of decency. And if someone makes themselves a hassle to deal with, I'd hit the Idiot tax button on the register. They don't like it? Boo-hoo. Then I don't need you as a customer. You cost yourself more money because you decided to behave like an ass. I feel no sympathy for you. Oh, and it would be loudly declared on a sign behind the registers that we reserve the right to add this tax if you make trouble, but then we all know how well customers can read, don't we?

        Ah, I know it's a pipe dream, but still... I can dream, can't I?
        Dealer hits... 21. Table loses.

        This happens more often than most people want to believe.


        • #5
          From my expierence, old people are either really nice or some of the most self-entitled people I have ever met.

          Once a florescent light ballast caught on fire and set off the alarm. Most of the customers begin to make their way to the front to leave. Our evac policy states the the MOD must make an announcement to evacuate, sups and dept person in charge must check their dept for any customers and employees. Employees leave when the alarms sounds and bring customers with them. One old lady whined that we were "disrespecting" her by telling he not to shop because she was old. One employee stayed behind to watched her until the FF's and PD removed her. The almost had to drag her out.

          We were outside for a grand total of 25 minutes on a beautiful summer day, most customers mingled until the FD cleared the building for the employees to return than a few minutes later the customers were let in. We only had to block off one small area.


          • #6
            Quoth Tuxian View Post
            See, it's people like that that make me wish someone would design a new kind of register.

            How would it be different, you ask? Simple.

            I would add an "Idiot Tax" button.

            If I ever open my own business (sometime in the hazy, murky future if I get lucky), I will make one thing clear from the get-go. I would not allow my staff, or myself to be stepped on by the customers. They want to spend money in my shop? Sure. But I will be upholding standards of decency. And if someone makes themselves a hassle to deal with, I'd hit the Idiot tax button on the register. They don't like it? Boo-hoo. Then I don't need you as a customer. You cost yourself more money because you decided to behave like an ass. I feel no sympathy for you. Oh, and it would be loudly declared on a sign behind the registers that we reserve the right to add this tax if you make trouble, but then we all know how well customers can read, don't we?

            Ah, I know it's a pipe dream, but still... I can dream, can't I?
            I'm doing that, and not only that but my Waitstaff (seeing as I'll be opening a pub-type of place) will NOT make minimum wage but will actually be paid WELL.

            I don't see why I should risk my Waitstaff's mental health by letting customers belittle them. I've been through that and I hated it. If my customers complain about it then they'll have to answer to ME and my Legal Squad.
            Now a member of that alien race called Management.

            Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


            • #7
              I'm with you. If I ran a restaurant:

              Pay staff a living wage. Tips shared between all staff on shift (it's a team effort). And, if someone doesn't pull their weight, GONE (no need to have slackers sharing the tips with the people who are actually working).
              "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

              Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


              • #8
                I think I'd also install a trap door. If someone mouths off, bombs away!

                Retail Haiku:
                Depression sets in.
                The hellhole is calling me ~
                I don't want to go.


                • #9
                  Too bad places like this can't be more like Disney World. Anywhere I have eaten, like the Concourse Steakhouse in the Contemporary Hotel, or the Luau at the Polynesian, they always include the gratuity in the final check. I think this is why scum like this don't go to those places, because they would have a difficult time trying to be cheap about the tip.

