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Is your store understaffed?

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  • Is your store understaffed?

    When I first started in the fashions area we had (8) 2nd shifters. We didn't all work the same nights but on weekends, Fri-Sun, there were 5 or 6 of us there til 11:00PM. If we were having a big 2-day sale in shoes, the manager would schedule 3 people just to cover shoes. She also always had a jewelry diva scheduled to cover jewelry every night. (We had a different manager at this time.)

    Two years ago that manager moved on and her Ass Manager took over. Each of these last 2 years we've lost people who were never replaced. By last summer there were only (3) 2nd shifters left. Two of them quit last September. One new person was hired for 2nd, one for 3rd. Why she works 3rd shift is beyond me because we need her there in the evenings. But somehow she was able to convince the manager that she needed to have evenings off so she could see her kids.

    There are (7) 1st shifters. They put out the stock and that's all they do. They never touch the returns. They never have to run a register. They never have to carry 3 phones. They are never on the floor alone. Some of them take their breaks together.

    They have a bad habit of leaving their cardboard and trash behind for us to take care of. They leave L-carts full of unworked stock on the floor that has to be brought to the back before we can leave for the night. We also have to straighten their nasty messes up because rather than putting the clothes on the rack or tables nicely, they just toss them on. Mixing sizes, colors and even mixing styles, such as crew necks with v-necks, or mixing brands.

    So now there are only 2 of us on 2nd shift doing the work of 6 people...or failing to do the work if you ask our manager. We literally run around that hell-hole like crazy women trying to take care of SCs, cover jewelry, put away returns, pick up after slobs, clean out the fitting rooms, straighten, fold, answer the phones which ring non-stop, let people in the fitting rooms, take down the sale signs, plus go up and run a register nearly every night, sometimes for hours at a time, leaving one person to cover the entire area alone.

    By the end of my work-week I'm exhausted.

    My 2nd shift co-worker, Betty, (not her real name) is looking for another job and tonight was the 3rd shifter's last night. If Betty leaves, they'll probably make me be there all alone. If they treated us better, maybe people would stick around for longer than 5 months.

    Are your stores seriously understaffed?

    Retail Haiku:
    Depression sets in.
    The hellhole is calling me ~
    I don't want to go.

  • #2
    My last store had that same problem. Honestly, if the other two night women leave and you're left, what would they do if you buckled and took off too? Not have anyone working? Yeah, it's great not to have to pay the former amount of eight people but if the work isn't getting done, and the upper upper echelon hasn't cut work hours for that shift, something has to change. Can you talk to your manager about it? If they're having a problem with hour cut backs, maybe some of those morning shift people should be transferred over.

    My old job had me in the back doing receiving for the most part, and by most, I mean 99% of the time. I had a list of everything I had to get done for the day and at the very end of that list, my last, least priority, was helping people out on the floor, IF it was needed. Unfortunately, that was never 'if' to my coworkers, and I would get dragged out there every time they felt swamped, which I always questioned because there were usually never more than four people to help between two associates and it happened so often that I wondered what they would do in a real rush.

    Add to that the fact that upper management really, honestly and truly believed that my job should be able to be done in twenty hours, as opposed to the forty I was paid for, and the sixty to eighty that actually got worked back there, and it was a wee bit stressful. I still got told I wasn't getting enough done, that I was being unhelpful to coworkers by, I dunno, making them earn their paychecks?, and they just didn't know what was going on with me.

    I ended up hurting myself on the job and after a long, painful process of both therapy and getting it paid for, my tenure there came to an end. I went back after about six months to see old friends, I'd worked there for nearly ten years, and not one but two former coworkers were almost in tears not because they missed me, but because they finally realized that I worked my butt off, as opposed to the person that took my position afterwards. I think it was a little vindicating but as you can probably tell, I realized I was better off saying goodbye to that job. Maybe you should consider looking elsewhere as well. I hope things get better for you.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, there were fifteen other people on staff for the floor. There was only one in receiving, and that was yours truly. Short staffed is the word!
    Last edited by Snowbird; 01-26-2008, 10:46 AM.
    "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

    "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


    • #3
      understaffed? No...Underscheduled? Yes. Now I have to explain. We have the employees hired, and they are on the payroll, BUT we arent allowed to schedule them right now. Corporate in all their wisdom has decided we are allowed to schedule a total of 115 hours per week. This is basically enough to schedule 1 person per day. So I end up working a lot of open to closes by myself because we arent allowed to schedule non-management. By the time summer gets here we WILL have a staffing problem.

      The other problem comes in that when one of our employees claims unemployment we are told by corporate to schedule them like 8 hours for the week...that way it screws with the unemployment and they have to go through re-applying for it and everything. We have 2 employees that are talking about quitting because of this.
      "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney


      • #4
        Quoth king4aday View Post
        understaffed? No...Underscheduled? Yes. Now I have to explain. ... snip, snip ...
        And should your store have excessive shrinking, corporate management would wonder ... "why us? oh, why us? we're so kind and benevolent!"
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          my place of employment has plenty of workers, but the one in charge of scheduling never schedules enouigh people, or he schedules to many.
          We Pick Up the Pieces


          • #6
            We have plenty of people, but because we overscheduled during Christmas (and STILL felt swamped), we've got severe hour cutbacks right now. This results in situations like last night, where 7 people were scheduled on the front end and two people called out and one did a NCNS, and the managers had to scramble to find someone who was trained to cover the service desk. (I stayed an extra half hour to help, but more than that and they would have had to give me a lunch, which defeats the purpose of me staying later to cover the desk.)

            If this follows the same pattern as last year, anyone who can't afford to live on these hours (I've gone from 32 hours to 12-16, but I can take the hit) will quit, and mid-March we WILL have a staffing crisis.
            It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


            • #7
              I'd say we're a little understaffed, but not terribly so.

              About 3 or 4 years ago, under Harry;s tyrannical regime, understaffing was just awful. There would be one person to cover all of hardlines many times. That person would have to answer all the outside calls and all the call boxes and backup cashier when needed and still find time to get their projects done.

              Of course, at the beginning this made Harry look good to corporate because he's saving so much payroll money, but eventually they started getting complaints from customers who were walking out because there was nobody to help them, so they told him to start hiring more people and scheduling more people, which he did when we remodeled and most of those people were kept on.

              Receiving was always understaffed--only 4 people to unload trucks and 4 people to fill and backstock them overnight. The result: we'd get behind during the busy times and the backroom would fill up with freight needing to be backstocked and no room for the new freight coming in.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                We're getting a little better. Some of the last few waves of new hires have actually STAYED, and now each shift is probably, I'd say, 90% full...

                That doesn't mean squat, though. With our mandatory overtime, anywhere from 5-10 people will come in early or stay late each shift. It's especially bad on 1st shift, since that shift is always fully staffed. Add to that, on Friday and Saturday nights, 6 people from 3rd are scheduled to do their forced overtime. And that's 6 too many.

                Our overtime is so lame, there are times that there are way too many people and not enough machines or microscopes. So what do they do? Send them to another department who already has the same problem.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  Six people for two locations

                  The last store I worked at had a calendar kiosk as well, which meant that even though there were two people scheduled to work each shift, someone had to be out in the mall working the kiosk. So as more and more people quit, we started off with eight employees, by the end we were trying to cover two stores with five people. Needless to say the store closed three monthes after I left.(I was stuck doing all the owner's work so when I left there was no one to order more stock.)
                  Is it insanity to reason with the voices in your head or to ignore them and hope they go away on their own? - Hod from Brat-halla

                  "You're the nicest evil person I know" one of my managers to me


                  • #10
                    I know a manager who was, um, resigned, in part because she was under-using her available hours. In other words, she was scheduling the bare minimum when she had plenty of hours to use. I guess it made her look good on paper, or something, but there were a lot of complaints from employees who were getting swamped because there would be 6 employees in the whole store on a Friday night, including the manager, one person who couldn't leave the music department, and one who was covering kids and for the most part would be stuck back there. Of course now that it's after the holidays, things aren't much better because they normally cut hours this time of year, anyway. I won't be surprised if that store doesn't stay open much longer, especially since they just opened a Borders in the mall across the street.
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #11
                      We don't have a staffing problem at my store (well, there is one small problem, my manager still doesn't have a new full time supervisor to replace me so he's the only full time manager). We have more people working now than any other time I've been there. Our problem is the hours corporate gives us each week. We've been cut back to 235 hours a week. We had been using 265-275 a week (which is still more than we we're budgeted at the time, but we didn't care ) and we still just barely manged to keep up with all the work. We used 250 hours last week and the store looks like shit. They're barely able to keep the place clean. I spent most of my shift Sunday cleaning up the store instead of working on inventory prep like my manager wanted me to do. Our DM bitched at my manager this week for going over hours, she doesn't give a shit if we're trying to get ready for the annual inventory. I don't really blame her though, she doesn't set the hours, she just has to answer to the regional manager when the entire district went over hours last year. You'd think the RM would figure out that since every single store went over on hours that we weren't being given enough hours to use, instead this idiot cuts 10 hours off or weekly budget and tells the DM to crack down on managers that go over instead ignoring like she did last year.
                      "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." - Anonymous

                      "I thought I'd get your theories, mock them, then embrace my own. The usual." - Dr. House


                      • #12
                        We are severely understaffed where I work not so much on my department but other areas of the store.......
                        The staff are expected to do the work of three people, per one person on a bad day.

                        The worst thing is the inverted logic they get handed down from head office,
                        you don't make X amount of money, ( because they haven't really got the staff to do better customer service and get all the tasks done), therefore you can't have more staff. an oh we'll save money by cutting your allocated number of hours.

                        So the service gets worse. As more experienced staff leave, because the pressure isn't worth it, they either aren't replaced , or hire inexperience, and sometimes unreliable staff.
                        Please excuse me , I need to wander round the corner to scream now, before my head explodes.


                        • #13
                          gaga, that's exactly what's happening to the bookstore I used to work at. The owner got some odd ideas and started slashing payroll while expecting stellar customer service...well guess what, if you do the former there's no way the latter can happen cause whoever's left is doing 3x the work just to keep up with orders/returns/stocking.

                          The gaming store usually (well, except when I'm there in the basement) has one person in the building at any given time. Which means a lone closer, which isn't recommended per the police. If anything were to happen (break-in, etc) while the closer was cleaning up downstairs, there would be a problem as the only real exit is through the salesfloor and it's almost impossible if one is downstairs to hear anything going on upstairs. There's no employee coverage downstairs where the expensive gaming minis are kept (surprised at shrinkage? There's your answer...expensive gaming books, no cameras, anti-theft stickers or staff around...).

                          Also, one person at any given time means that if the owner has to do a bank/PO/whatever run, the store is closed. Which is invariably when customers show up. I'm willing and able to run the register when he has to duck out, but I can only do that if I know he's doing so (hey, you have a second person here, if you're going to leave the store for awhile you can tell me so I can make sales in your absence, sales are good).
                          Last edited by Dreamstalker; 01-27-2008, 02:49 PM.
                          "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                          "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                          • #14

                            Quoth king4aday View Post
                            understaffed? No...Underscheduled? Yes.
                            While we don't have as much staff as I would like, it is the schedules of the workers we do have that is a mess.

                            I open the kitchen in the back and work back line - the two jobs conflict with each other.

                            I start work at 8:30 am and end at 1:00 pm or 2:00 pm.

                            If I work to 1:00 pm there better not be extra chores if I am to finish everything in time.
                            If I work to 2:00 pm then everything will be done unless we are flooded with customers.

                            They sometimes schedule extra help to start at 12:00 am so I can keep up.

                            Guess how many times there are extra chores (example cleaning the oil filter) but I am scheduled to end at 1:00 pm and there is no help at 12:00 am?

                            Inverse guess how many time there is no extra work, I am scheduled to 2:00 pm and the extra help comes in at 12:00 pm only to stand around doing nothing for the next hour?


                            • #15
                              Thank God in aviation law you have to have at least 1 flight attendant per 50 seats or the airlines would really have about 1 flight attendant onboard a Boeing 747!
                              No longer a flight atttendant!

