I have my ears spaced to 14mm.
Today a customer came through my line, and as I had my hair up my ears were obviously visible.
So what does he do?
Proclaim, "Hey, there's a good place to keep your pencil," and GRABS MY EAR!
Ok, first off, what part of "personal space" do you not understand? Secondly, DON'T TOUCH ME!
I pulled my head away and said, "Umm, would you mind not touching me, please?"
His response was a rather rude, "Well you don't have to be to touchy about it."
Actually, yeah, I do.
At my work our registers are open because we always have large carts full of furniture coming through so we need to be able to get at everything. This leaves customers wide open for violating our personal space.
I can not count how many times I've had to ask people to step back because they were standing no more than two inches from me.
Even when I worked the Self Serve department yesterday I had people leaning over my shoulder to look at the computer and getting inches from my face.
I will never understand where people's head is at when they think this is a proper way to behave in a social setting.
Thankfully I once had a woman scold her husband by saying, "Get out of the damn way! Mind the girl's space, would you? I don't think she wants some old man breathing down her neck while she's trying to work."
If only I could find that woman and keep her by my side every day.
Today a customer came through my line, and as I had my hair up my ears were obviously visible.
So what does he do?
Proclaim, "Hey, there's a good place to keep your pencil," and GRABS MY EAR!
Ok, first off, what part of "personal space" do you not understand? Secondly, DON'T TOUCH ME!
I pulled my head away and said, "Umm, would you mind not touching me, please?"
His response was a rather rude, "Well you don't have to be to touchy about it."
Actually, yeah, I do.
At my work our registers are open because we always have large carts full of furniture coming through so we need to be able to get at everything. This leaves customers wide open for violating our personal space.
I can not count how many times I've had to ask people to step back because they were standing no more than two inches from me.
Even when I worked the Self Serve department yesterday I had people leaning over my shoulder to look at the computer and getting inches from my face.
I will never understand where people's head is at when they think this is a proper way to behave in a social setting.
Thankfully I once had a woman scold her husband by saying, "Get out of the damn way! Mind the girl's space, would you? I don't think she wants some old man breathing down her neck while she's trying to work."
If only I could find that woman and keep her by my side every day.
