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I am the KeyMaster!! (bit long)

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  • I am the KeyMaster!! (bit long)

    I'm pretty sure I've posted about this kind of situation before. Alas, they just keep losing their keys.

    Most cars produced within the last few years or so have a transponder key. What this means is that the key talks to the car when it's put into the ignition. If the car doesn't like what the key says(because the key isn't programmed to the car), it won't start. This is an antitheft measure that carmakers put in place, most likely at the suggestion of law enforcement and insurance companies. Makes sense, right? Read on.

    Me: KeyMaster.

    FW: Frantic Woman who lost her keys.

    R: My boss.

    Me: <on phone>Good Morning, parts.


    Me: <shit> What can I do for you?

    FW: I lost my keys!! I need you to make me a new one! My friend said all I need is my VIN!!!

    Me: Your friend is partially right. I need your VIN, along with a photo ID and your registration as proof of ownership.

    FW: My registration and ID are locked in the car!!! I can't get them!! OHGAWDYOUHAVETOHELPME!!!

    Me: Without the proper paperwork I'm afraid I can't. You'll have to call a locksmith.

    FW: NONONONONO!!! I called one and he said that I have a chip key and he can't program it you have to do it you have to!!!

    Me:<shit shit> What kind of car is this?

    FW: A 2007 Tahoe!! OHGAWD OHGAWD!!!

    Me: Ma'am, you'll have to have the car towed in to us. "Chip keys" have to be programmed to the vehicle. It's not something most locksmiths are capable of. Even if I cut you a key, all you could do with it is unlock the doors. It won't start the car.

    FW: <goes from panicked to instabitch> WHAT!! WHAT!! NO! I will not do that! You will make an exception and cut me a key or I will talk to the owner and have you fired!!

    Me: He will not fire me for following policy. Like I said, the key will do nothing for you. It will still need to be programmed.

    FW: Then you will program it!! I will hear of nothing else!!

    Me: I can't program it. I need the car to do it. You will have to have it towed in.

    FW: NO!!! NO!!!! I want your boss!!!

    Me: Sure.<put the harpy on hold> Hey R, I got a live one for you.

    R: I'm not cutting her a key either. <picks up the line> This is R, can I help you?---------Yes, I am the manager-----wince--------------No ma'am, what your asking is not possible-------------------I'm sorry you feel that way--------------------You're welcome to talk to him on Monday-------------------No, I won't give you his home number-------------------------

    R: She hung up. She called you an asshole. She's going to call <dealership owner> on Monday. I'll head it off and let him know what really went down.

    Me: Thanks.

    I have never lost my keys, but I can sympathize with people who have. Nevertheless, screaming and making threats won't get you what you want if it can't be done.

    Moral of the story: Don't lose you keys! Put them in your pocket or purse, if you lay them down at home make sure it's in the same place all the time. Keep them away from your kids. And lastly, before you lose them, make a spare copy of the important ones so that if they do get lost, you're not completely boned on a Saturday afternoon! That is all.
    I know nothing and I can prove it!

  • #2
    This thread makes me feel smart. I have my set of keys that stay with me, and duplicates of EVERYTHING (apartment keys, car key, remote start, and all) hanging on my parents key rack so that not only do I have doubles, they're somewhere I can get them even if locked out of my vehicle/apartment. I also keep all my keys on a carabiner that is rather large to lose, and put it in the same spot every evening when I come home, even when drunk.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


    • #3
      Bet she doesn't look a bit like Sigourney Weaver.
      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
      HR believes the first person in the door
      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
      Document everything
      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


      • #4
        The transponder keys are great, except they can be so expensive. Since we have been going to the same mechanic for many years when ever we need a new transponder key, he we send us to one of the dealers he knows and we get it at cost, or just a few bucks more.


        • #5
          My landlord told me I shouldnt have made myself a spare set of keys... considering I've already lost the original set AND one spare set... and already gotten HIS copy at one time to get into my apartment...

          Well, I have another spare set running around I am cursed to lose one set as soon as I make another
          Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


          • #6
            Quoth Horsetuna View Post
            My landlord told me I shouldnt have made myself a spare set of keys...
            That's probably against your lease. I found out that I wasn't allowed to change the locks on my place when a roommate moved out under less than ideal circumstances. She was really nice about telling me though
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              Apartments and such should have GOOD locks that can have their "combinations" changed by locksmiths. I know I'd do that if I ran an apt building.
              "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

              Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


              • #8
                As far as transponder keys go, check out your local Ace hardware or similar. Howard's Ace here in Phoenix does some transponder keys, prolly the ones the makers have released so far as too old to continue milking, but you might get lucky.

                As to duplicating keys for your apartment, its odd that they'd have a problem with that, most don't care so long as you turn in all of your keys (I turned in five one time). Changing locks though, yep, they do have an issue with that, but most will do it for you for a fee, after all, they need emergency access to your apartment, so they like to control the locks. AS to the type of locks, sadly most are too cheap to use anything other than the basic Kwikset.
                "You're supposed to be the head of covert intelligence. Right now, I'm not seeing a hell of a lot of intelligence. Covert, overt, or otherwise!"-Lochley, B5, A View from the Gallery


                • #9
                  My father taught me to have one key in my pocket and the other in the car. That way, when you get out of the car and suddenly realise you locked your keys in it, there's still a key in your pocket.

                  It's not very easy when I'm wearing girlie-formal stuff.

                  A locksmith once told me that I should keep a master copy of all my keys, and that the master copy is only taken out of its cupboard to get new keys cut. Keys that are in use tend to wear down, and make poor copies. Following that rule means that there's always one spare set of keys. Of course, it's no help if you're locked out of your house.

                  And yes, in that mythical future in which I'm wealthy and own a block of apartments, I'm having locks-that-change installed.
                  Seshat's self-help guide:
                  1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                  2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                  3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                  4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                  "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                  • #10
                    I keep a spare taped under my back bumper.

                    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                    • #11
                      my Toyota came with a little plastic key for my wallet, so I can at least open the door


                      • #12
                        Quoth Javarod View Post
                        As to duplicating keys for your apartment, its odd that they'd have a problem with that, most don't care so long as you turn in all of your keys (I turned in five one time).
                        My building has a security lock for the front door, so that key cannot be duplicated unless either the company does it, or they give me a signed "statement" to the effect that I am authorized to do it; I've been trying since I moved in to get that done. I have duplicates of all relevant keys except that get into my apartment I first need to get into the building, spare set's kind of useless then if it doesn't have the main key.
                        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                        • #13
                          Don't the '07 Tahoes have Onstar? They could have opened her doors for her. No need for a new key. Next time tell her to buy a Ford with the code lock on the side of the door. But then she would probably forget the combination.
                          "Wow, that has to be the best genital analogy EVER. "


                          • #14
                            Laurel, she lost the key. Unlocking the car isn't her only problem.
                            For civilized discussion about broadcasting, media and sports along with fun games to play, visit:
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                            • #15
                              Quoth MTNLaurelPoacher View Post
                              Don't the '07 Tahoes have Onstar? They could have opened her doors for her. No need for a new key.

                              OnStar has to be subscribed to. The first year is free, but if you don't resubscribe, it shuts off. I didn't ask through her wailing, but I assumed she let it lapse.
                              I know nothing and I can prove it!

