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There are Some Things You Can't Do Over The Phone

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  • There are Some Things You Can't Do Over The Phone

    (The following conversation is waaaay more coherent than the actual conversation. He basically described about 6 problems he was having with his car. I faithfully document every one, thinking they were the reason he called. It took me the whole call just to figure out that this was the issue.)

    So this guy bought an extended service contract. He claimed selling dealership didn’t tell him he could use it at any dealership, so he assumed that he had to go to them for repairs. He was mad at them for who knows what and refused to take his car in to be worked on. He therefore, wanted a refund because “he hadn’t used/hadn’t been able to use” the service contract even though his car supposedly had a number of problems needing to be fixed. Oh, and it was a three year contract and we are about four months shy of three years:

    Me: Did you read the contract? All the information about how and where you can use it is in there and it clearly states that you can go to any dealership. Also, a service contract is like insurance for repairs. It will cover them if you should need the repairs indicated by the plan but is not refundable past the first couple of months.

    SC: No!!! of course I didn’t read it. I’m legally blind! (WTH and you’re still driving?!) Also, it’s against the law in my state to give a contract to a consumer without going over it verbally, word for word with the customer. This dealer didn’t do that! This repair shop refuses to do the repairs!

    Me (trying another line of reasoning): Ok, have you taken your car in to be fixed?

    SC: No. I keep calling them on the phone and telling them about the problems I’m having and they haven’t fixed a d--- thing.

    Me: But have you taken it into the shop?

    SC: NO! I keep calling them on the phone and they haven’t fixed my car. They just want to charge me right and left for things!!

    Me: Ok then, have you actually had to spend any money on repairs?

    SC: NO!! But this dealer owes me for selling me a service contract that I haven’t even used! I work for a lawyer and she’s really pissed! It’s against the law in my state to issue a contract without going over it with the consumer. You guys have to give me my money back because I haven’t used this service plan. *Rinse, lather, repeat for 60 FREAKING MINUTES*
    My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant

  • #2
    Legally blind and driving? SCREW HIM. He has NO BUSINESS in a car.

    He's putting all of us in danger.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      How the hell does he expect them to fix his car if he refuses to bring it in for them to look at it?
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Fix your car the phone, riiiiight.


        • #5
          I would have done:

          SC: No!!! of course I didn’t read it. I’m legally blind!
          Me: I apologize, may I please have your driver's license so that I may look up some more details on your file
          [take DL, make up bullshit excuse to go to another office (printed file on other printer perhaps]
          Now go to another room, phone police, tell them you have a blind person who is driving


          • #6
            Even in SCland I wouldn't have thought it possible that someone would be so dense as so drive when they are legally blind. That's absurd. I wish you could phone the police on him because someone who would endanger his own and other people's lives like that should be locked up.


            • #7
              How the heck did he even pass the vision test one has to do at the DMV when renewing the license??


              • #8
                I don't know but I had a band teacher once who was diabetic and his vision was failing. He went in for the test and flat out told the tester he couldn't even see the vision chart. The tester responded, "That's okay, just guess." My teacher guessed correctly on enough that he passed.
                My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


                • #9
                  I have this vision of the start of the old "Mr. Magoo" cartoons where Magoo is yelling "road hog!" at another driver.

