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No Power + Free Custard = Stupid People (long)

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  • No Power + Free Custard = Stupid People (long)

    In the summer of 2003, as I'm sure many will remember, there was a large black-out that spanned approximately 3 states (Ohio, PA, and NY) and even portions of southern Canada near Lake Erie.

    During this summer, I was working at the custard stand I love so dearly and coincidentally, I was scheduled for this fateful night. My shift starts at 5, around 3:30/4 the power goes out. I don't think much of it at first as black-outs happen occasionally, especially during August when everyone's cranking their AC's. But 5 gets closer, I start to worry a bit.

    I get to the store and my four managers are there (a rarity and sure sign things are going wrong). As power has been off for nearly an hour and a half now, they're giving away free custard, or else it will all melt and go bad.

    I suggest to bring some up to the hospital that my mom works at (which was right across the street from the shop) and give some free to the employees there. My managers love it and load three 4-gallon tubs into my car. The hospital was quite happy.

    I get back to the store and there's a line out into the parking lot. Apparently news had spread that we were giving away free custard. We're scooping about 3 large scoops of melting goodness into 16 oz. cups and just shoving them out the window for people to grab.

    So far, everyone's just happy they're getting free custard.

    Then we get an SC.

    At this point we have had no refrigeration for 3-4 hours except the residual cold from the ice in the freezers. Because of this we were only giving out custard, no sundaes, no toppings, nothing like that.

    This woman wants - no, needs - strawberries on her custard. We explain to her that we don't want to give it to her because they're going bad as we speak and we don't want to be responsible for giving her food poisoning. She doesn't really care if she gets sick. She wants her strawberries!

    Whatever, fine. We give her her strawberries and wish her health well.

    As the night goes on, we obviously run out of vanilla and chocolate and our custard flavor of the day. We are left with Pistachio Yogurt (which actually isn't that bad) and French Vanilla Cappuccino No Sugar Added/Fat Free Yogurt (which isn't very good).

    People are pissed. They want free custard, but they want vanilla/chocolate/something good! Why don't we have any vanilla/chocolate/something good left?!


    My managers close up the window and grab a tray of what are basically our version of Dilly Bars (vanilla covered in chocolate and nuts on a stick) and run outside to calm the sweating, raging masses who couldn't get their favorite flavor for free.

    I'm happy though because the concert I was going to the next night wasn't canceled and it was marvelous! Yay!

    I'm sure other people have SC stories from the black-out, anyone want to share??

  • #2
    Wow. Have those idiots ever heard of "don't look a gift horse in the mouth"??? It's free! Why bitch about what you're getting??


    • #3
      I'm sure they thought it was some sort of promotion, and that if they had called corporate to bitch complain, corporate would ass-ream the offenders who dared to withhold their sugary goodness!
      "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

      "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


      • #4
        I'm sorry, but... custard? I've never heard of a custard stand. I only have hot Birds custard on my blackberry and apple crumble.


        • #5
          Okay, hang on a sec... you were providing people with FREE custard. Some of them complained, because their favourite flavours were gone (Which was, if I remember correctly, the POINT. Get rid of all custard before it goes melty and bad) and your managers hastened to APPEASE them?!

          I'm sorry, that would not fly with me. You would get a 'No custard for you!' and a firm finger pointing in the direction of the door. Come back and suck at me when I'm getting paid to care about it.
          Check out my webcomic!


          • #6
            Happy Otter Lover: From Wikipedia - "Frozen custard is a cold dessert similar to ice cream, made with eggs in addition to cream and sugar. It typically contains 10% butterfat and 1.4% egg yolk." If you ever have the chance to try real frozen custard, do, it is wondrous.

            Polenicus: My managers were getting peeved with the people who were getting bitchy with us. They brought out the custard bars because those were going to go bad too and it would get the angry mod away from the store and back to their dark, hot homes.


            • #7
              Quoth Custard Chick View Post
              Happy Otter Lover: From Wikipedia - "Frozen custard is a cold dessert similar to ice cream, made with eggs in addition to cream and sugar. It typically contains 10% butterfat and 1.4% egg yolk." If you ever have the chance to try real frozen custard, do, it is wondrous.
              Sounds like a milkshake minus the milk.

              Also, during the hurricanes down here a couple years ago, the restaurant my mom works at didn't have power for 3 days. On day two, they had the employees come in and bring in their backyard grills, portable cooktops, anything they could make food with. Then they setup in the parking lot and had a big buffet style picnic for FREE (Since all of their food was gonna go bad anyway). Was great for people who didn't have power and could actually get a hot meal.
              Last edited by Lingering Grin; 01-30-2008, 02:43 AM.
              <Insert clever signature here>


              • #8
                I didn't have a job yet because I was only 15, but we had the blackout here in Michigan too. It was torturous.


                • #9
                  that's when you say to them - using a very clear voice so it'll carry....

                  "This is free and you're *complaining*?"

                  When they complain about that offer them their money back.


                  • #10
                    I HATE it when people complain about free stuff. Our coffee machine broke down, so we had to resort to giving people instant. Seeing as it was crappy, we gave it away for free.

                    One woman actually wanted cash "compensation" because it wasn't very good! The look on my managers face was hilarious.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Custard Chick View Post
                      This woman wants - no, needs - strawberries on her custard. We explain to her that we don't want to give it to her because they're going bad as we speak and we don't want to be responsible for giving her food poisoning. She doesn't really care if she gets sick. She wants her strawberries!
                      At that point you should have announced that you were giving custard out as a courtesy and since someone saw fit to complain, you are withdrawing the FREE offerings and closing up.

                      The crowd would have then taken care of the SC for you.
                      Last edited by Broomjockey; 01-30-2008, 07:39 PM. Reason: quote fix\
                      I feel crazy. Like I'm drunk and trapped in a water globe and someone won't stop shaking it.
                      -The Amazing E
                      Zonies social group now open!


                      • #12
                        Slightly OT, but at one point I worked for a pharma co, and they, like all the other ones out there, have TONS of freebies they give to doctors, pens, pads, etc.

                        I had a friend who worked in the marketing dept, and they had an area where they woudl put the "old" stuf, free for the taking. She said a. it was amazing how much crap people would take, and b. some would actually have the nerve to complain if something THEY wanted was gone!

                        Her funniest comment was "if we put shit in a bag, and it was free, people would take it"


                        • #13
                          I was at Pennsic War with a large group of friends when all that went down. We were living in a tent city in Slippery Rock, PA, population of about 15,000 people. I was living in a vardo in a "gypsy" camp in a very dark swamp, lit only by firelight, torches, and oil-lamps at night. We were cooking on fires and camp stoves and bathing in a propane-powered shower we'd made.

                          It was several days before we heard on the grapevine that we were in the middle of a blackout.

                          We honestly hadn't noticed anything. It hadn't even affected us. Business as usual for the crazy people over at Cooper's Lake.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Custard Chick View Post
                            Happy Otter Lover: From Wikipedia - "Frozen custard is a cold dessert similar to ice cream, made with eggs in addition to cream and sugar. It typically contains 10% butterfat and 1.4% egg yolk." If you ever have the chance to try real frozen custard, do, it is wondrous.
                            It sounds delicious! I want to try some now! Anyone want to open a custard stand in Canada?


                            • #15
                              You can't make everyone happy. More and more I think thats excaclty what people expect. Not only are we mindless twits, but we are miracle workers too.
                              "They're magically delicious, bitch!"- Kara,

