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Your car is UNSAFE!

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  • #46
    sometimes its better to just give up

    I have an update

    This car was towed back in today. The womans brakes failed and she hit a light pole. She wasn't injured, but the car was totaled.

    About an hour after her car was towed I got paged up to the front. Before I got up there my boss met me and came with me. The woman was back. As soon as I got upfront she points at me and says "I'm gonna sue you for every last penny you have!"

    Before I could say anything my boss tells her that she's an idiot and pulls out a copy of the release of liability as well as a copy of the estimate for repairs.

    SM = My boss
    SMB = My bosses boss
    BW = 'Stupid' woman
    Me = Lex Luthor

    SM: "According to these documents you have absolutely no case for suing us or my employee."
    BW: "Oh yeah?" She then grabs the papers out of my bosses hand and rips them into shreds.
    SM: "Wait right here, we'll be right back."

    We then walk down to the file room pull out the orginals of both documents make several copies and then proceed back to the front.

    SM: "Anyway, as I was-" The woman sees the freshly made copies of both documents grabs them out of my bosses hands and rips them up again. My boss pulls out another set of copies. The womans eyes get a little bigger.

    SM: "Again, as I was saying, this release of liability states that you knew a dangerous condition exsisted on your vehicle and you still chose to drive it away. This estimate sheet contains information about what exactly was wrong with your vehicle before you drove it away. You were given copies of both of these documents for your own records."
    BW: "I never got a copy of anything!"
    SM: "Joe, did you give her a copy of these documents."
    Me: "Yes, sir. I made sure of it. I even have the slip at the bottom of the R.O.L. signed by her stating that she did get copies."
    BW: "LIAR!! You're a F*****G LIAR"
    SM: "HEY! You don't get to talk to my employees that way! You're here talking to me. Not him. Anything you have to say, unless it pertains to what it would have taken to get your car fixed, WILL BE directed to me. Is that clear?"
    BW: "FINE! He's a f*****g liar!"
    SM: "No, he's not a liar. And if you cuss again this conversation is over and you will be removed from the premises, forcibly if need be. At that point you'll be dealing with our lawyers ONLY."

    Having heard the cussing my bosses boss steps over and asks what the problem is. The woman tries to start talking but my boss talks over her and explains the situation.

    SMB: "Joe, do we have documentation of all this?"
    Me: "Yes, sir, we do."
    SMB: "And did she get her copies?"
    Me: "Yes, sir, she did."
    BW: "He's LYIN-"
    SMB: (at the same time) "DO WE HAVE proof that she got her copies?"
    Me: "Yes, sir, we do."
    SMB: "Ma'am, did I hear you say you were gonna sue?"
    BW: "I'm gonna sue ALL OF YOU for everything you have! All the cars on the lot will be mine, I will OWN this dealership!"
    SMB: "No you're not. Morons like you don't win court cases. Unless you want to talk about repairing your car or buying a new one you're tresspassing and I will call the police."
    SMB: (while pulling out his cell phone) One... Two... Three... Four...

    The woman decided that right then would be a good time to get out of there and hightailed it. About an hour later a towtruck came and picked up her car and hauled it away.

    Later I heard my boss talking on the phone obout getting our policy of letting people drive away anything as long as they sign the release of liability changed to where if the car is bad enough off we can disable it and tell the customer if they want to take they will have to have it towed. And they would still have to sign the release of liability.
    Last edited by coldcupofjoe; 02-07-2008, 12:42 AM.


    • #47
      Thanks for the update, Joe. I'm amazed she had the car towed to your dealership. What a complete moron! Sorry, but my brain cells are screaming in agony at the thought that she somehow believed that she could, after signing the release of liability, including the section where it said that she got a copy, sue you for anything that happened afterward.

      Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Damn, ow, ow.
      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
      HR believes the first person in the door
      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
      Document everything
      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


      • #48
        Thanks for the update, CCOJ. That woman...*sigh*...let's just say that there are days where I'm surprised that the accident rate isn't higher around here; let's just leave it at that...
        I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

        Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


        • #49
          Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post
          I ask because in the late '80s the computer store I use to work for have a number of teenagers working in the store section. It was always a laugh to hear some 40-60 year old business man complaining that they wanted an older person with more experience with the software/computer, only to have pointed out to them that the software/computer was only on the market for the last year or two and that the 17 year had used it from day one, and it would be IMPOSSIBLE to find anyone with more experience no matter what their age....
          I know this reply is OT, but that reminds me of some job postings I know of that require (not ask, but REQUIRE) a minimum of 10 years experience with Windows XP -- which only was released 5 years ago! (It's even worse when they say "must have 5 years experience with MSOffice 2007"!)

          Now, back to on-topic posting.

          I love the follow-up! Karma ("car-ma?") definitely caught up with her! I've been down a similar road, with my wife's mini-van. Twice, we had the diagnosis of "discs scored so bad they couldn't be turned." But unlike your SC, I realized this: no matter how expensive, the cost vs. the possibility of losing my wife was was insignificant. (I just wish the first time they did a proper job of it. The second time was done by a more expensive mechanic, but one that we trust. And a good, honest mechanic is worth whatever he costs!)

          I'm glad you not only had proper C.Y.A. documentation, but management that backed you up on this!
          Last edited by Spiffy McMoron; 02-07-2008, 05:59 AM.
          I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


          • #50
            Quoth coldcupofjoe View Post

            SM: "Anyway, as I was-" The woman sees the freshly made copies of both documents grabs them out of my bosses hands and rips them up again. My boss pulls out another set of copies. The womans eyes get a little bigger.

            SM: "Again, as I was saying, this release of liability <snip>......
            Totally and utterly PWNED!!!!

            Lets see her try and sue and then get laughed out of court!
            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


            • #51
              Now that was freaking awesome

              I should mention that when my Mazda failed its state inspections, the car wasn't dangerous. It was in perfect shape--the reason it failed, because having a "check engine" light on in PA, is an instant failure. Never mind that everything else checked out OK. Even so, the car was still illegal (expired stickers), and I could have been subject to a huge fine or two if pulled over. Let's just say I was nervous as hell when I'd see police cars...until that heap was traded in
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #52
                OMG I am glad that no one got hurt when that idiot got what was coming to her but I am agape at her complete & utter stupidity & recklessness (thanks for the update Cupa). I have a fairly good layman's knowledge of cars but not even that is required to know that bad brakes are dangerous! And even if you think that the mechanic is full of crap, you go get a 2nd opinion.

                How stupid do you have to be to realize that if they mechanic insists on a liability release form that he or she is serious. Oh wait, this is an SC. Riiiiight. They all have the IQs of rocks.

                I'm glad to hear that your CYA paperwork was in place so you're not in trouble.
                I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                • #53
                  Quoth coldcupofjoe View Post
                  SM: "According to these documents you have absolutely no case for suing us or my employee."
                  BW: "Oh yeah?" She then grabs the papers out of my bosses hand and rips them into shreds.
                  SM: "Wait right here, we'll be right back."

                  We then walk down to the file room pull out the orginals of both documents make several copies and then proceed back to the front.

                  SM: "Anyway, as I was-" The woman sees the freshly made copies of both documents grabs them out of my bosses hands and rips them up again. My boss pulls out another set of copies. The womans eyes get a little bigger.

                  SM: "Again, as I was saying....
                  I got a sudden vision of the magician that pulls another coin from somewhere every time you toss one away. Epic fail on that SC's part, and a valuable lesson about documentation.
                  A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....

