Apologies if this is in the wrong forum, firstly.
I just caught this gem tonight while having a rare couch potato time (Oh, LOST, how I have missed thee!)
I'm sure this isn't word for word, but you'll get the main idea.
We see a cashier at a fast food place tell his customer "That'll be $6.XX"
The SC then plops $7 of Monopoly money onto the counter.
Cashier: "I can't accept that."
SC: "Why not?!"
C: "It's . . . not real."
SC: *stares at tray* "Well, that's not a REAL breakfast!"
Then we get the whole Denny's spiels about how great their breakfasts are and cut back to the scenario. The SC pulls out a huge wad of the play money, slams it onto the counter, looks at the cashier and says "There, go buy yourself something nice!
The attitude of the SC was condescending and self-important the entire time, and he acted like he had a stick up his arse.
For the record, I've never had anyone try to pay in fake money, but it's the attitude that counts. Done tongue-in-cheek or not, it irks me on an unholy level to encourage people to take out their problems with a company by screaming at the person working the counter. And if the SC didn't like the breakfast in the first place, why the fark did the fuckwit go there and order it in the first place? I know it's just a dumb TV ad, but from someone who knows firsthand that customers actually pull this shit attitude sometimes, it got my blood boiling.
I just caught this gem tonight while having a rare couch potato time (Oh, LOST, how I have missed thee!)
I'm sure this isn't word for word, but you'll get the main idea.
We see a cashier at a fast food place tell his customer "That'll be $6.XX"
The SC then plops $7 of Monopoly money onto the counter.
Cashier: "I can't accept that."
SC: "Why not?!"
C: "It's . . . not real."
SC: *stares at tray* "Well, that's not a REAL breakfast!"
Then we get the whole Denny's spiels about how great their breakfasts are and cut back to the scenario. The SC pulls out a huge wad of the play money, slams it onto the counter, looks at the cashier and says "There, go buy yourself something nice!

The attitude of the SC was condescending and self-important the entire time, and he acted like he had a stick up his arse.
For the record, I've never had anyone try to pay in fake money, but it's the attitude that counts. Done tongue-in-cheek or not, it irks me on an unholy level to encourage people to take out their problems with a company by screaming at the person working the counter. And if the SC didn't like the breakfast in the first place, why the fark did the fuckwit go there and order it in the first place? I know it's just a dumb TV ad, but from someone who knows firsthand that customers actually pull this shit attitude sometimes, it got my blood boiling.