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Match.Com and Stalkers

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  • Match.Com and Stalkers

    Ok, so I was reflecting on my past few years as a cashier and I rememberd these stories. These stem from the fact that people have started to use retail stores as their own personal Match.Com....

    I'm NOT a Pimp!

    Its important to know that I work in a College town, with lots of students working with me and as our customers. Also, I think its creepy when customers hit on employees. It happens way too often for my taste. I had been having a bad day, so they were the last straw. I decided to retaliate with my only weapon, cleaver sarcasim.

    Two guys that are in their twenties approach my register to check out. As I am ringing them out, heres the convo:

    One of the guys:*Looks over at Jewelry Counter and sees one of our Jewlery Counter Workers clearly off the clock* Dude, do you know that Chick?

    Me: Yes I do.

    Guy: Do you know if she has a boyfriend? Shes in one of my classes.

    Me:* Agitation, because its just annoying* No sir, I don't.

    Guy: Dude, you should, shes freakin HOT!

    Me:*On my last nerve* No. I'm sorry, I don't pimp out my fellow employees.
    (At this point, I thought I may be getting fired...)

    Guy: Dude you should, theres MONEY in that!

    Me: Nah, theres the moral issue there for me. It s the same reason *Retail Store* is not in the business of child trading.

    They leave, laughing. Did they get the idea that I making fun of them??

    Stalkers Anonymous:

    This hands down is the scariest expirience I have had in my retail career. This happend when I was living at home.

    I was on my way back from lunch. As ususal, I was stopped along the way. I Don't remember what the person looked like, but they were male. He asked if we had any cedar chests. I told him that if we did, they wouldbe in the fruniture section. I get questions like that all the time, so I didn't think mushc of it. I finish my shift and go home.

    A few days later I was playing the role of customer with my best friend, who happens to work on the other side of town at the only other grocery store. i get a call form my dad, who is FRANTIC. He gives me a detailed description of an older gentlemen, but I see so many people on the job, it could have been anybody. According to him, he was going to turn the corner onto our street where our house in on the corner. When he did, a car that was waiting at the intersection drives behind my dad and follows him into our driveway.

    Older guy: Hey, I was wondering if Ktopmil was home?

    Dad: Uhhh,no, shes at work.*He knew where I really was*

    OG: Oh, at *Retail Store*, right? Yeah, me and a few of the other ladies there where talking about cedar chests. He He, you know how women can be.*Givces my dad a playful shove*

    He then jumps into his car and takes off, just as quickly as he came. Ok, my employer under NO circumstances will give ANYONE your info unless you agree to it when they ask for it if someone thinks they need it. I never give them the permision to do so. So, if he doesn't know my last name, how did he know where I live? I work late nights, until 11. He had to of waited for me to get off my shift, watch me get into my car, and follow me to my home. My HOME. It get worse.

    A week later, the very same best friend who I was shopping with calls me. Turns out, he was at her house too. She wasn't home, so he talked to her mom, who had the same reaction that my dad did. We called the police, and they suggested that we look on the Offenders Website(Or something like it). Its scary enough that this would happen, but my friend and I had no idea what this guy looked like, because we never saw him. So her mom and my dad looked on the site, and unfortunatly, he wasn't there. But lucky for us, her father is a well respected former sheriff, so we did get the inside scoop. Turns out, they have had several reports of similar incidents involving the very same description in sorrounding counties. Even though we were an alert for a long time, nothing happend after this, thank goodness. My customer service has gone down hill ever since, because I am no longer as nice on the job as I used to be.

    Do I really deserve to be scared to go to work?
    "They're magically delicious, bitch!"- Kara,

  • #2
    Quoth ktopmil View Post

    They leave, laughing. Did they get the idea that I making fun of them??
    Either they couldn't figure it out, or (more likely) didn't care. I live in a college town myself, have been here for many years. and still find myself amazed at how entitled and "superior" some of these kids act.

    Quoth ktopmil View Post
    Do I really deserve to be scared to go to work?
    Of course not. It's a shame that some idiot's potenially criminal actions mean your customers have to suffer and even worse that you have to be made to feel unsafe.
    Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


    • #3
      Quoth ktopmil View Post

      Do I really deserve to be scared to go to work?
      No, no you don't. I hate hearing about that kind of stuff. Glad that nothing happened to you.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        Quoth ktopmil View Post
        Do I really deserve to be scared to go to work?
        No, you do not. I'm glad your friend's father is in law enforcement: he'll be able to help keep the two of you safer.

        The worst part of this is: some of the men who do that sort of thing really don't (seem to) see any problem with it!

        (Guys: if you ever hear of a friend of yours doing something like this, PLEASE take them aside and try to hit them with a cluebat long enough for them to figure it out. They're more likely to listen to a male telling them they're scaring people than a female. Maybe not much more likely, but hopefully just enough.)

        And on the 'not a pimp' topic: I had one guy I worked with try to match him up with my best friend. I kind of wish I had, now: she'd laugh in his face.
        Seshat's self-help guide:
        1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
        2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
        3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
        4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

        "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


        • #5
          Quoth ktopmil View Post
          Do I really deserve to be scared to go to work?
          No! However, a can of pepper spray kept handy while you're out and about might make you feel a bit safer...

          Eric the Grey
          In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


          • #6
            Your friend's dad can help you learn what self-defence tools and techniques are legal in your area. He can also help you learn whatever level of environment-awareness the situation calls for.

            Get a copy of Gavin deBecker's 'The Gift of Fear', and read that, then talk to your friend's dad or whoever he recommends: The Gift of Fear is a great book, but no substitute for personal experience. Your friend's dad should be in contact with stalker-victim-safety experts, either directly or through friends.
            Seshat's self-help guide:
            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


            • #7
              Do also let your coworkers know he's a potential issue.
              We had a suspicious chap who always hung around the trollydollies back when I worked on the trains.
              He was probably just a sad lonely bloke, but it was very reasuring to know the drivers and conductors knew to watch out for him, and would never let us alone with him.

