If I check myself into a mental hospital, can I get away from these people?
Logic: The Kyptonite of SC's throughout the universe.
Me: Is this your checking account, Ma'am?
SC: No it's my husband's.
Me: Are you an authorized signer on his checking account?
SC: No, we have separate banks.
Me: Is he available to speak with?
SC: No, he's a trucker and he's on the road right now. What is the problem? I've never had a problem placing orders before!
Me: I'm sorry Ma'am, the order needs to be run through a security verification, and in order to do that, I need to speak to the person who is authorized on the account.
SC: Well he's not here. So how are we going to do this?
Me: Well we can use your own form of payment--
SC: My account doesn't have any money in it. I don't see what the problem is!
Me: You can stop into a Bugaboo store and add minutes there, also.
SC: Well I can't just walk into Wal-mart and use his checking account there!
well then why did you think you could use it over the phone?
SC: *sputter sputter*
Boy that shut her up.
Grumpy old men.
Me: Thank you for calling UTalk2Much phone cards, my name is---
Me: *louder* Thank you for calling---
Me: *nearly yelling my opening call schpiel*
SC: I want to put minutes on my phonecard!
Me: What is your phone card number?
SC: what? I can't hear you! Can you hear me?
Me: Yes, sir, I can hear you fine. What is your pho---
SC: I CAN'T HEAR YOU! You need to speak up girl!
Me: Sir, I am practically yelling. What is your phone car---
SC: 123-456-789.
...little later...
SC: I want to put $20 on it.
Me: It looks like we can only put ten dollars on at a time, si---
Me: It looks like we can only put ten dollars on at a time, si---
SC: WHY? I want to put $20 on!
Me: I don't know, sir. That's the way this phone card is set---
SC: *sigh* FINE.
Me: All right, that will be $10.28. What is your credit card num---
SC: You mean the one I want to put this on?
Me: No, the one I'm going shopping on tomorrow! Yes, that one.
SC: blargle blargle blargle
Me: All right, your total is $10.28, your order number is 123---
SC: Hang on!
SC: All right, what?
Me: Your order number is 12345678.
Me: 1, 2. 3---
Me: ...
SC: 1. 2. 3...
Me: 4. 5.
SC: 4...5...
Me: 6. 7.
SC: 6...7..
Me: 8.
SC: Don't scream at me, young lady. You need to learn how to do your job. *click*
What's the matter? No Sophia Loren around to keep you from grumping yourself to death? For shame.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, guess what?
*entire call, SC is speaking to me in a nasty tone of voice and talking smack to her friend.*
SC: Why can't I put minutes on my phone?!
Me: There is a dispute on this account. You---
SC; Well what does that mean?! This is so stupid.
Me: That means that someone reported to their bank that there were unauthorized charges on their credit card that was linked to this phone. We've placed a hold on it until it is straightened out.
SC: Well I don't know anything about it. You need to take it off of my phone immediately. I have phone calls to make.
Me: You will need to speak to the chargeback dept in the morning, Ma'am, they are the only ones who can take it off of your phone. Would you like that number?
SC: Unh! Why can't you do it for me now?!
Me: Because that department is closed at night, Ma'am. I have no authority to take a dispute off an account.
SC: Well why aren't they open at night? I need to put minutes on my phone!
Me: Because they need to speak to the bank before opening the account back up, ma'am, and banks are not open at night.
SC: *huff* Well, isn't this just convenient of you. Fine. I'll call them in the morning. In the meantime, I also want to go over rate plans.
Me: All right, you'll need to speak to customer service, Ma'am. Would you like me to transfer you over there?
SC: *huff* Well, what on earth can you help me with, person-who-can't-do-anything?
Me: I can give you the number to customer service.
SC: *to her friend* WHAT A BITCH!
Me: Or I can hang up on you, if you cuss at me again.
SC: I wasn't talking about you!
Me: Yes, you were. Now, would you like me to transfer you over there, or would you like to call them yourself?
SC: I will call them myself. And I'll file a complaint about you while I'm over there!
Me: That's fine with me, ma'am. Have a nice day.
Way to project there, honey. Oh, and that complaint? Won't even get to my supervisor. I don't work for the phone company, I work for the security company they contract with. And as long as we keep their fraud rate under 10 %, they don't give a rats ass what we do. You're lucky I'm even expected to be professional to you.
Logic: The Kyptonite of SC's throughout the universe.
Me: Is this your checking account, Ma'am?
SC: No it's my husband's.
Me: Are you an authorized signer on his checking account?
SC: No, we have separate banks.
Me: Is he available to speak with?
SC: No, he's a trucker and he's on the road right now. What is the problem? I've never had a problem placing orders before!
Me: I'm sorry Ma'am, the order needs to be run through a security verification, and in order to do that, I need to speak to the person who is authorized on the account.
SC: Well he's not here. So how are we going to do this?
Me: Well we can use your own form of payment--
SC: My account doesn't have any money in it. I don't see what the problem is!
Me: You can stop into a Bugaboo store and add minutes there, also.
SC: Well I can't just walk into Wal-mart and use his checking account there!

SC: *sputter sputter*
Boy that shut her up.
Grumpy old men.
Me: Thank you for calling UTalk2Much phone cards, my name is---
Me: *louder* Thank you for calling---
Me: *nearly yelling my opening call schpiel*
SC: I want to put minutes on my phonecard!
Me: What is your phone card number?
SC: what? I can't hear you! Can you hear me?
Me: Yes, sir, I can hear you fine. What is your pho---
SC: I CAN'T HEAR YOU! You need to speak up girl!
Me: Sir, I am practically yelling. What is your phone car---
SC: 123-456-789.
...little later...
SC: I want to put $20 on it.
Me: It looks like we can only put ten dollars on at a time, si---
Me: It looks like we can only put ten dollars on at a time, si---
SC: WHY? I want to put $20 on!
Me: I don't know, sir. That's the way this phone card is set---
SC: *sigh* FINE.
Me: All right, that will be $10.28. What is your credit card num---
SC: You mean the one I want to put this on?
Me: No, the one I'm going shopping on tomorrow! Yes, that one.
SC: blargle blargle blargle
Me: All right, your total is $10.28, your order number is 123---
SC: Hang on!
SC: All right, what?
Me: Your order number is 12345678.
Me: 1, 2. 3---
Me: ...
SC: 1. 2. 3...
Me: 4. 5.
SC: 4...5...
Me: 6. 7.
SC: 6...7..
Me: 8.
SC: Don't scream at me, young lady. You need to learn how to do your job. *click*
What's the matter? No Sophia Loren around to keep you from grumping yourself to death? For shame.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, guess what?
*entire call, SC is speaking to me in a nasty tone of voice and talking smack to her friend.*
SC: Why can't I put minutes on my phone?!
Me: There is a dispute on this account. You---
SC; Well what does that mean?! This is so stupid.
Me: That means that someone reported to their bank that there were unauthorized charges on their credit card that was linked to this phone. We've placed a hold on it until it is straightened out.
SC: Well I don't know anything about it. You need to take it off of my phone immediately. I have phone calls to make.
Me: You will need to speak to the chargeback dept in the morning, Ma'am, they are the only ones who can take it off of your phone. Would you like that number?
SC: Unh! Why can't you do it for me now?!
Me: Because that department is closed at night, Ma'am. I have no authority to take a dispute off an account.
SC: Well why aren't they open at night? I need to put minutes on my phone!
Me: Because they need to speak to the bank before opening the account back up, ma'am, and banks are not open at night.
SC: *huff* Well, isn't this just convenient of you. Fine. I'll call them in the morning. In the meantime, I also want to go over rate plans.
Me: All right, you'll need to speak to customer service, Ma'am. Would you like me to transfer you over there?
SC: *huff* Well, what on earth can you help me with, person-who-can't-do-anything?
Me: I can give you the number to customer service.

SC: *to her friend* WHAT A BITCH!
Me: Or I can hang up on you, if you cuss at me again.
SC: I wasn't talking about you!
Me: Yes, you were. Now, would you like me to transfer you over there, or would you like to call them yourself?
SC: I will call them myself. And I'll file a complaint about you while I'm over there!
Me: That's fine with me, ma'am. Have a nice day.

Way to project there, honey. Oh, and that complaint? Won't even get to my supervisor. I don't work for the phone company, I work for the security company they contract with. And as long as we keep their fraud rate under 10 %, they don't give a rats ass what we do. You're lucky I'm even expected to be professional to you.
