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Dull customers and Sharp wit

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  • Dull customers and Sharp wit

    So there I was a store full of people, all of them wanting to complain about their cell phone service. Anyways, I was helping a customer regarding dropped calls on her phone, and I overhear the cursing and yelling by another representative. I knew what was going to happen next, the representative comes over and saying that the customer wants to speak to a supervisor, hence I get the great pleasure of talking to her.
    I go over there and ask what the problem is, she is saying that my company is racist and is against people with low/bad credit scores, and because of that her bill is $500.00. She says that she never uses her phone and doesn't download ringtones, games, etc... Keep in mind that the customer came into the store with her phone glued to her ear, and throughout our conversation, there is someone on the the other end. I mention this fact, and she starts screaming at me, and told the person on the other line, that she has to hang up before she throws down at my store... when she hangs up, she says that she doesn't download and her phone drops calls, I politely take her phone and look at the downloads on her phone... well looky here, here are all 60 ringtones and 24 games all on her phone... she accuses me of downloading them all right there.
    Here i am scrolling through the games, and i find a game with a high score on it, with her initials... i bring this to fact, and she snatches the phone away from me and said that i had no business looking at her phone... she then calls me a racist, calls the other rep a racial slur, and called this innocent customer gay... she then makes her way to the door...
    I go back to my customer to resolve the issue (which by the way is by the door), and on her way out, she is cursing in front of kids, using words, i have never heard of. My customer turns around and says, watch your mouth... this is how this turns out:

    SC: You don't know me, you don't tell me how to live.
    My customer (MC): No need to curse.
    SC: Go to hell, you B^&**(
    ME: (to the SC) Ma'am please leave.
    SC: I ain't a dog, you don't tell me what to do!!!
    MC: Then I am asking you to leave!!!

    By now, I am in the middle of the two customers waiting for a brawl. I turn to my customer and say, " Ma'am, I appreciate what you are doing, but if it comes to blows, I don't know if i can handle her. She has about 300 pounds over me."

    My customer starts laughing, the SC gets mad a slams the door, and the store erupts in applause....

    Just as an afterthought, I am not a skinny person, I am rather chunky, but drastic times come drastic measures.

  • #2

    Did she think you were just going to take her word for it and credit her account? How stupid can one person be? (DO NOT answer that).

    My husband and I both speak up when people start swearing in front of kids. It really ticks me off. I know my daughter is going to learn that language at some point, but I don't need anyone helping her along.


    • #3
      I don't get how anyone can get that worked up about something that's quite obviously a scam. I can imagine asking for a refund, trying to say you never got service X, but to be so vitriolic about something when you're lying...? I couldn't. I just couldn't keep a straight face that long, I think.


      • #4
        prejudice against those with low credit scores and unpaid bills? perish the thought; how horrible your store is for actually expecting people like her to pay out money she doesn't have to keep a phone she doesn't need.

        you sorry lot, you!

        wahh, woman; get a job, pay your bills and maybe that credit score will go up some, once you've proven you're responsible enough to actually do something about said bill.

        she should be grateful she can get one in the first place...
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #5
          I love her logic how a bad credit score creates a 500$ bill on her account


          • #6
            Quoth swimnspeedos View Post
            she then calls me a racist, calls the other rep a racial slur, and called this innocent customer gay...
            If I was said innocent customer my response would be, "Girl, with women like you in this world, it's no wonder I'm not straight"


            • #7
              Quoth swimnspeedos View Post
              she says that she doesn't download and her phone drops calls, I politely take her phone and look at the downloads on her phone... well looky here, here are all 60 ringtones and 24 games all on her phone... she accuses me of downloading them all right there.
              Wow, you have the special talent of downloading ringtones and games in mere seconds by ESP just to piss off a customer. Can you try to teach me that talent?
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Quoth trunks2k View Post
                If I was said innocent customer my response would be, "Girl, with women like you in this world, it's no wonder I'm not straight"
                That's my quote of the day! I would have love to see the look on her face if you had said that.
                Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!

