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You can't bring a dog in here!

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  • You can't bring a dog in here!

    A few days ago, at the local Target, this old woman of around 70, with flaming red hair and expensive clothes, was walking about in the dairy section with her cart. In her cart was her prized possession, a Poodle that probably had $500 or more of work done at the beauty parlor. This was the slight altercation that followed:

    TE: Target employee
    SC: You know who

    TE: Maam, I'm sorry, but you can't bring a dog in here.
    SC: Why can't I?
    TE: Because it's against the store rules. You're not allowed to have dogs in the store, unless it's a seeing eye dog" (which it wasn't. It was riding in the cart!)
    SC: That's ridiculous! Where am I supposed to put my dog when I go shopping?
    TE: Well, maam, most people leave them at home, which is where I recommend you leave yours at.

    Now, I'm trying not to chuckle at this whole thing, and I really couldn't, because this woman was allowed to continue her shopping without being ejected from the store. My guess is this is not the first time she's done this either. I wonder if she has a little baggie for when it does its business?

  • #2
    Quoth greensinestro View Post
    I wonder if she has a little baggie for when it does its business?
    There's hopeful thinking at work.

    We had snotty people leave dog shit all over the promenade here arguing with the keeper "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" and refuse to clean their dog poop after themselves...

    But then accusing people with less expensive dogs to stink up the promenade.

    Now this GREAT OUTDOORS PLACE to walk your dog is forbidden to dogs.

    My poor Phantom doesn't get her seaside walk anymore.
    Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

    "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


    • #3
      A few ppl have tried to bring their dogs in here, too! I just tell them to keep their mutts in their arms. Usually, the dog doesn't like to be held, so the squirm around until the owner takes them outside.
      Check out my cosplay social group!


      • #4
        "Yep. You're the person who's going to clean up after your dog."

        "you're the person who's going to find out how good i am at shoving dog poo down people's throats"


        • #5
          Quoth greensinestro View Post

          Now, I'm trying not to chuckle at this whole thing, and I really couldn't, because this woman was allowed to continue her shopping without being ejected from the store. My guess is this is not the first time she's done this either. I wonder if she has a little baggie for when it does its business?
          So after the employee told her she wasn't allowed to have the dog, she proceeded past the emp and was not thrown out?
          "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


          • #6
            I don't care how cute a dog is, the rule is that no dogs that are not service dogs are allowed in the store.
            We have a restaurant and we have a bistro area that serves food.
            Your dog is a health code violation. Leave it at home.


            • #7
              My store is unfortunately one store down from a Petco. As a result people occassionally bring their critters in, but since I'm in an affluent area they're usually accessory dogs like Pomeranian or chihuahuas and the owners generally hold them while in the store. It's still really irksome, though, because people assume that it's okay to do things that like despite other customers/employees that might happen to be allergic or phobic of dogs (even the little runty ones).


              • #8
                In PA, all someone has to do is say that the animal is a service animal. That makes it OK. You aren't allowed to ask how the dog provides service to the person. The animal doesn't even have to be actively doing anything. (sitting in a shopping cart)

                However, the same law provides a fine ($25 I think) for owners who don't clean up after their service animals.

                That said, I have a friend who has a service cat. My friend has seizures and the cat knows when one is imminent and my friend is able to get ready for it before it happens. Absolutely wonderful animal.
                This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


                • #9
                  I had a lady come in with a cat carrier that sat in the cart. I looked inside and realized that it was a huge Rabbit!! I just keep wondering what I'm gonna see next.
                  "They're magically delicious, bitch!"- Kara,


                  • #10
                    Oh man, back when I used to work at a card shop, I would see this guy all the time when I was walking to work. Huge guy, probably about 6'4"-6'6", easily about 300-400 pounds, and he would have this big grey rabbit perched on his shoulder. Now, I'm an rabbit lover, and at first I felt pretty sorry for the rabbit, because they can get startled quite easily, but after seeing it a few times I realized it was quite calm.

                    He came into my store once and I started talking to him. He went off on this rant about how the rabbit thinks he is another rabbit so she trusts him. Can't make this kind of stuff up!


                    • #11
                      Pets aren't accesories, people......

                      Oh, wait, I's not a dog, it's a YORKIE!
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #12
                        Quoth bigjimaz View Post
                        In PA, all someone has to do is say that the animal is a service animal. That makes it OK. You aren't allowed to ask how the dog provides service to the person. The animal doesn't even have to be actively doing anything. (sitting in a shopping cart)

                        However, the same law provides a fine ($25 I think) for owners who don't clean up after their service animals.

                        That said, I have a friend who has a service cat. My friend has seizures and the cat knows when one is imminent and my friend is able to get ready for it before it happens. Absolutely wonderful animal.
                        Thats neat, I didn`t know there were service animals like that!


                        • #13
                          Quoth venroses View Post
                          Thats neat, I didn`t know there were service animals like that!
                          Yeah... one of my friends has a chihuahua that is a seizure alert service dog. The only calm example of the breed I've ever met. She does carry plastic bags to clean up after her dog and the dog wears an identifying harness...
                          Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


                          • #14
                            My friend used to have a Rottie whom she claimed was a service dog just to take her shopping. You should see the reactions she gets! People either run away and hide or they come up and start speaking baby-gibberish to the poor dog.

                            I work in a pretty affluent area, so we tend to have a lot of accessory-dogs. We also have a cafe. The two don't always work out so well.

                            One time, this elderly couple started screaming at a young lady with a service dog until finally our GM had to step in. He asked if there was any way that they could work out the situation, like if the dog stayed away from the cafe or if he doesn't bother anyone. The old couple SCs kept saying it was "unacceptable!"

                            That's when the dog owner said "He's a service dog." The GM laughed, you could tell he was relishing this, and told the SCs to leave the customer alone immediately or get out. They continued to harass him, following him around the store and calling corporate to complain for about an hour before they left.
                            The minute after they left, one of our cafe regulars came up to order and put his little dog (also a regular) right on the counter. We had to explain to him why we were laughing.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                              So after the employee told her she wasn't allowed to have the dog, she proceeded past the emp and was not thrown out?
                              That was pretty much it. After the argument ensued, she continued shopping, and it was as if she's had that conversation lots of times at other places of business. Spineless management is probably afraid of her making them look bad.

