<background> I work at a pizzaria that has a small lottery room </background>
Sc is a regular who rarely orders any food. he just comes in, drinks our free coffee, and watches the game on the TV. He usually plays a little $ in lottery. Usually not more than 20$.
Few days back SC wins 400$ off 20$. He is very excited. Cool.
Yesterday he proceeded to put back all but 100$. He said out of the 300$ he played, the machine only gave him back 4$.
Dude is PISSED. There is a little thing in the corner of the lottery screens that says " ODDS: 3:1.0694???? "
He says this is false advertising. That the owners are crooks, and he will never come in again. That we are just out to steal money from him. He wants me to tell the owners that he will do everything in his power to ruin our buisness.
I having a hell of a time not laughing. I go in back, CW comes around corner crying from laughing so hard.
We're hanging on each other having a giggling fit.
"Did you see how pissed her was? Hahaha "
<laughing to hard to respond>
That's the strangest "false advertising" claim I've heard so far!
Sc is a regular who rarely orders any food. he just comes in, drinks our free coffee, and watches the game on the TV. He usually plays a little $ in lottery. Usually not more than 20$.
Few days back SC wins 400$ off 20$. He is very excited. Cool.
Yesterday he proceeded to put back all but 100$. He said out of the 300$ he played, the machine only gave him back 4$.
Dude is PISSED. There is a little thing in the corner of the lottery screens that says " ODDS: 3:1.0694???? "
He says this is false advertising. That the owners are crooks, and he will never come in again. That we are just out to steal money from him. He wants me to tell the owners that he will do everything in his power to ruin our buisness.
I having a hell of a time not laughing. I go in back, CW comes around corner crying from laughing so hard.
We're hanging on each other having a giggling fit.
"Did you see how pissed her was? Hahaha "
<laughing to hard to respond>

That's the strangest "false advertising" claim I've heard so far!