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The Race Card (Suicide King)

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  • The Race Card (Suicide King)

    I have had the "race card" thrown at me in every job I've worked at, honestly it's getting a little old. I don't know if it's more prevalent in the states, but I would think the golden state could transcend stupidity like this. I'll start with something mild.

    Me: Durr
    SC: Sucky Customer

    Me: Did you find everything you needed today at *Sportin' Goods*?
    SC: I guess, your shoe's are sooo expensive...
    The customer had brought up a clearance pair of shoes that totaled $9.96
    Me: Just going to check the sizes and make sure it's left and right, don't want you to go home with two left shoes.
    I smile, I use this joke at least 100 times a day, it's dumb but usually gets them chatting.
    SC: Whatever
    Me: Your total today comes to $11.37(I'm not going to do the real math, deal with it)
    SC has already slid her card at the pin pad and is impatiently tapping the edge of it on the counter.
    Me: Will that be debit or credit today?
    SC: Credit *sigh*
    Me: May I see your ID and card please?
    SC fumbles with her purse and says to the man with her, not really seeming to care if I'm standing there.
    SC: You see? If I was white she wouldn't be asking my ass.
    Me: I'm sorry ma'am, it's just policy for me to ask for ID with a credit card, I know if I were at a store I would want the clerk to check mine.
    I smile, the same "Hi I'm not a door mat smile" I give at least three times a day.
    SC snatches the receipt out of my hand, signs her receipt and slams down the pen I handed her on the counter. I hand her the bag.

    Me: Have a great day! Thank you for shopping with us.
    SC: Have a great life bitch...

    To her credit, she called back to the store before my shift ended and specifically asked for me, she apologized for what she had said and told me she was really sorry. She had had a bad day blah blah. I don't let this sort of thing get to me anymore.

    This one was a winnar. She came in with her friend, and had bought about thirty dollars worth of stuff. So I proceed to ring her out and tell her the total. She hand's me a card and says credit. I have a habit of checking the names anytime I look at a card, and I politely ask for ID.

    SC: It's a business card.
    Me: Ahh, I see, give me just one moment, I need to clear it with the manager.

    The business card had just that on it. The business, no name, no nothin', "X nail salon" I was still a little new at this point where I worked, and I wanted to make absolutely sure they took this sort of thing, as I never had unless the business card had the name of the user on it above the business name.(I didn't think to ask if the thigh-master was a business expense) So I page a manager and wait a few moments. Manager comes up, I tell her my problem, and she takes a look at the card.

    Mnger: Do you have another form of payment?
    SC: It's a business card! and I want to run it as credit!
    Mnger: Yes I see that Ma'am but theres no name on it, unless you have a credit card that has your name on it and an ID to match, I cant accept this, I'm sorry.
    SC: I have a business card! That has my name on it. Oh and here's my safe-way card.
    Mnger: I can't accept that, it's not a state issued ID.
    Sc: You all are a bunch of honkey's.

    SC proceeds to whip out cash to pay for her transaction and storms out the door with her bag.

    *Not Racist just overly religious*

    Now I have been working at my job since October, and still don't know a damn thing about the shoe department. This woman comes in with a flock of hens(I used a metaphor so sue me), marches up to the counter with a shoe that has no tag, no price no anything. I have four customers in line, but I need to drop everything to help her.

    SC: Is this on sale?
    Let's just ignore the 20 other shoes on the wall that have large neon tags on them that say SALE SALE SALE.
    Me: Hmm.., let me check on that.
    I type every number on the tag into the computer, trying to search for the model, serial and style number to find the damn thing. I start walking back to footwear to ask the footwear guy. The lady takes the shoe out of my hand and cocks her head at me.
    SC: Your not having a good day are you?
    Me: I'm having a great day ma'am /smile/ I just haven't worked the footwear department before so I will have to ask an associate weather it's on sale. Most of our sale shoes are marked with bright tags.
    SC: Oh Jesus give me strength /customer gestures to her pack of hens/
    Me: I'm sorry ma'am, I'm just not very proficient with our shoe department.
    SC: You work here don't you? You should know how to do your job.

    To cut it short, the lady threatened to report me to our corporate office, my manager was standing behind me trying hard not to laugh her out of the store. She refused to let me ring her out, instead having one of her pack deal with me. The whole time she was talking about me like I wasn't even there. Saying I was trying to belittle her, and was being discriminating. After all that I still Managed to say "Have a nice afternoon" Her response as she was walking out the door was "Lord give me strength to deal with this child"

    Jesus agreed that the shoe wasn't on sale.
    Girls do not exist on the intarweb.

  • #2
    aww SG that really sucks about the racist customers. You shouldn't have to put up with the crud. You're just trying to do your job and ID them properly to use credit.

    The third story really grinded my gears, though. I absolutely hate when people start using their faith as a way of insulting people. All that "Lord Help me deal with this difficult child" BS just drives me up the wall. I'm a Divinity student, so it's especially annoying to me. Whether it's happening to me, or I witness/ hear about it happening to someone else. I really want to snap at them, but I can't. Honestly, if I'd been in your shoes I'd probably have cracked and said something I'd later regret.

    Though I was in a non work related situation where someone said something to me like "The Lord helps his most faithful of servants, and perhaps if you..."

    Then this guy cut her off saying, "Yeah, she's a pastor in training. So...."

    It was funny ^.^

    Anyway, sucks about people being jerks. (I'm at work and really bored so that's why my posts are so long)
    Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

    Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
    Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


    • #3
      Quoth SportinGoods View Post
      This woman comes in with a flock of hens(I used a metaphor so sue me), marches up to the counter with a shoe that has no tag, no price no anything. I have four customers in line, but I need to drop everything to help her.
      When it comes to this lady, you should have pulled 'A Flock of Seagulls'. "And I ran, I ran so far away..."

      And a little OT, but whenever someone used the 'honkey' term about me at work or otherwise, I really had to fight the urge to laugh. I just can't take that word seriously, it isn't an insult to me. I know it is for some folks, just not for me.
      "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

      "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


      • #4
        "Lord give me strength to deal with this child"
        how about "Lord give me strength to not invoke Your name for the purpose belitting other people while trying to appear to be faithful."


        • #5
          Quoth PepperElf View Post
          how about "Lord give me strength to not invoke Your name for the purpose belitting other people while trying to appear to be faithful."

          Have I told you, PepperElf, that you rock my socks like a fox?!
          Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

          Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
          Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


          • #6
            Jesus agreed that the shoe wasn't on sale.
            Can I get an AAAA-men, brothahs and sistahs?
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              Quoth SportinGoods View Post
              "Lord give me strength to deal with this child"
              Sorry lady, He is busy at the moment helping SportinGoods deal with you.


              • #8
                this always makes me wonder if anyone pulls the "white" race card with non-white CSR's, register workers, etc. Do they ever say "they wouldn't ask me for [fill in the blank] if I were white".... I mean, b/c it COULD happen couldn't it? a person who is not white can be as equally prejudice as a white person, can't they? I just don't hear about any of those stories.....

                maybe all the white SCs are just better at coming up with insane reasons why THEY are being asked for something.... I know I've heard lots of insane responses here and a lot of them were from white people too...


                • #9
                  air914, I've been tempted to pull that (I've done it with friends but never the general public) when I see someone acting like an ass, or someone pulls the race card on me. But I've never had the testicular fortitude.


                  "You won't do this just because I'm ----"
                  "You're only saying that because I'm white!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth SportinGoods View Post
                    SC: Oh Jesus give me strength /customer gestures to her pack of hens/
                    I would have said no ma'am they aren't on sell right there Smiled and said now if you would excuse me i was helping another customer unless of course you had another question. wait a beat then turn and walk away.


                    • #11
                      Keep to the original topic of the sucky customer pulling the race card, please. Religious discussions and the like need to go to Fratching. Thanks.
                      Not all who wander are lost.


                      • #12
                        The thing I hate about people pulling the race card in ridiculous situations like this is that it belittles situations where it's actually appropriate.

                        Kinda like crying wolf.

                        Think about it: If you run around crying about how people discriminate because you are (insert minority here) when it's not actuallly happening, how are people going to react to you if a genuine case of discrimination occurs?
                        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                        • #13
                          Quoth Snowbird View Post
                          And a little OT, but whenever someone used the 'honkey' term about me at work or otherwise, I really had to fight the urge to laugh. I just can't take that word seriously, it isn't an insult to me. I know it is for some folks, just not for me.
                          I feel the same way .... Although, I've never had the race card pulled on me yet... ::knocks on wood::

                          But what makes me feel like a complete ass, is that now I need to ask folk of questionable descent if they're a US citizen in order to let them even touch a handgun (accompanied with photo ID). I can't get around it though, it's the law.... I haven't had anyone freak out on me yet ::knocks on more wood:: but it's definitely a recipe for disaster.
                          This area is left blank for a reason.


                          • #14
                            Yes they do

                            Quoth air914 View Post
                            this always makes me wonder if anyone pulls the "white" race card with non-white CSR's, register workers, etc. Do they ever say "they wouldn't ask me for [fill in the blank] if I were white".... I mean, b/c it COULD happen couldn't it? a person who is not white can be as equally prejudice as a white person, can't they?
                            Well, I am 'Black' and when I had shut down another 'Black' woman who was trying to use the 'race card' to jump the line to the register she demanded if I was from the islands, meaning one of the Caribbean ones. Evil one that I am I answered 'Yes' since she never said the word Caribbean. At which point she demand one, hoping I name one known for it's problem people. My answer (the truth), 'The British Isles'.

                            Yep, born London, England.

                            Shut her up, she stormed out.
                            Last edited by earl colby pottinger; 02-05-2008, 11:28 PM.


                            • #15
                              Quoth draftermatt View Post
                              "You're only saying that because I'm white!"
                              I say that sometimes at work. Usually to my (white) assistant dept. manager.

                              Everyone gets a kick out of it.
                              Unseen but seeing
                              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                              3rd shift needs love, too
                              RIP, mo bhrionglóid

