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Frequent shopper much?

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  • Frequent shopper much?

    So I currently work at a Wal-Mart Supercentre in a high-tourisim area. Apparently, lots of the people that come to visit this area for vacation come from teeny tiny towns with one blinking yellow light and no McDonalds.

    Anyhow, I had just come back from a fifteen minute break in the associate lounge which is in the back of the store; a good five minute walk back to the front registers. So, I admit this is a huge store of course, but this customer blew me away.

    I was walking along the back of the store and a customer stops me.

    SC: Excuse me!
    Me: Yeah?
    SC: I have a odd question for you...
    Me: (Oh God...) What's that?
    SC: Um, well, I've never been in a store this big and... Where is the front of the store?
    Me: (doing my best not to laugh) Um (pointing) that way.

    I got to the front of the store and told a few of my fellow cashiers and we got a good laugh out of it.
    When life hands you a SC, hand them an additude.

  • #2
    Yeah, I've been to small towns. Their "big" is much different than city folks "big".
    I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


    • #3
      Quoth LostMyMind View Post
      Yeah, I've been to small towns. Their "big" is much different than city folks "big".
      Heh, I grew up six miles from a town with 400 people(Or so it said, I just think that they couldn't afford a new sign) and no stop lights. They were all signs. Yeah, small towns are different.


      • #4
        In the store where my shop is located (it's a sort of concession), they've just closed off one of the exits, leaving only the main doors - one way in, the same way out. It's a security thing. Anyhoo, this ex-exit is right next to my shop. It's been closed for about 2 weeks. I must escort 5 or 6 people out to the main doors each day. They got in, but somehow can't get out.

        I'll just note that the store isn't huge, and you can see the main doors (with a huge sign) from where the closed-up exit is.


        • #5
          A couple of months ago, I moved to a small (3,000 pop) town in Virginia from Cleveland, OH. It's very very different down here than it is there. It's even more different going to the husbands hometown, that has 600 people living in it. They only wish they had a flashing yellow light there... they don't even have a stop sign

          Living in a small town is VERY different than living in a city, and I can most definately see being confused in a large store, especially one of those Walmart supercenters that are really big, because honestly, they just don't have anything even close to being that large in the smaller towns.


          • #6
            I live and work in a small town (read my name). Many of the customers who shop at the grocery store where I work do so because the Walmart and Meijer in the next town over are too big for their tastes. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if they got lost in one of them.

            There are no stop lights or even a blinking yellow light in this town. You're more likely to slow down because you're stuck behind a tractor.


            • #7
              Where I live, there is a superstore that is in the area that crosses between the city life (Where I live) and the rural area. It's weird to see people in golashes. I went to a small town to pick up some organic beef, my friend called it a "Stephen King" town. It had a stop sign, no traffic light.
              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

