And it's not because I have infinite patience. It's because the unlocking code you keep asking for doesn't exist yet.
The reason it doesn't exist is that you haven't followed my directions and given me the necessary string of numbers from your computer.
Yes. I realize you keep giving me a string of numbers and asking me why I won't give you the code.
But you keep giving me the string of numbers from the old computer, not the computer you need the code for.
I mean I COULD pretend it will work and I COULD use them to generate an unlocking code and send it to you.
But that code won't work. I believe I've told you in no less than five email that it won't work.
And yet you keep trying with that string of numbers that we both know is bogus.
I can't believe you are truly so stupid that following very simple directions is too hard.
I believe you think, despite all I've told you, that I really have an unlocking code and am holding out on you. You think that playing dumb and repeating the same error will wear me down and make me give it to you.
I assure you that's not the case. I CAN'T send you the code because it doesn't exist. Even if I wanted to (which I DON'T). It. Doesn't. Exist. Therefore. I. Can't. Send. It.
I've decided that you need a dose of your own medicine. I'm now going to repeat my instructions verbatim in every email until I get evidence that you've actually tried to follow them.
Perhaps that will wear you down. Or perhaps it won't and you'll keep trying. No problem. I'm not the one with non-functioning software.
And only one of us is being paid for wasted time and effort and it's not you.
The reason it doesn't exist is that you haven't followed my directions and given me the necessary string of numbers from your computer.
Yes. I realize you keep giving me a string of numbers and asking me why I won't give you the code.
But you keep giving me the string of numbers from the old computer, not the computer you need the code for.
I mean I COULD pretend it will work and I COULD use them to generate an unlocking code and send it to you.
But that code won't work. I believe I've told you in no less than five email that it won't work.
And yet you keep trying with that string of numbers that we both know is bogus.
I can't believe you are truly so stupid that following very simple directions is too hard.
I believe you think, despite all I've told you, that I really have an unlocking code and am holding out on you. You think that playing dumb and repeating the same error will wear me down and make me give it to you.
I assure you that's not the case. I CAN'T send you the code because it doesn't exist. Even if I wanted to (which I DON'T). It. Doesn't. Exist. Therefore. I. Can't. Send. It.
I've decided that you need a dose of your own medicine. I'm now going to repeat my instructions verbatim in every email until I get evidence that you've actually tried to follow them.
Perhaps that will wear you down. Or perhaps it won't and you'll keep trying. No problem. I'm not the one with non-functioning software.
And only one of us is being paid for wasted time and effort and it's not you.
