I just had a call that sounded a wee bit too much like GK's "Death to America" guy for me to be sure it really happened. But after I hung up on him the first time, he called back. The guy had a deep voice, sounded calm but very much like he was smoking something, and had noisy music in the background. 
*Sidenote: After hours, we kind of become the answering svc/catch-all for any incoming calls. This call came in through the parts division, and was not one of ours, which is generally a sign that it's going to be "fun."*
I just listened to this man rant in circles about how there are a lot of "bums" out there, who are "all molesters," and he's worried about it, so he's been calling in to some "gay homosexual" chatline. It was when he brought that up in the original call that I dropped the call, but he quickly called back, and re-started his tirade. He made sure, this time, to ask me not to hang up on him or to interrupt him, as he would lose his train of thought and have to start over. Much more of a threat than he realized, actually.
I still haven't figured out if he wanted help making it look like he didn't call the aforementioned chatlines, or what exactly it was he thought I was going to do. He also noted multiple times that he "knows what's going on" because he "was in the service, you know?" Oh, and made sure to note that he "really like[s] them American-made products" - which a lot of our products are not, funny enough.
After I explained to him at least 8 times that this is after hours support for emergencies to do with radio equipment, he finally took the hint. He did try at least once to tell me that "them molestors" are an emergency, but failed to actually explain what it was he needed me to do to assist him in his plan to "take care of them." I eventually informed him that maybe he should call back tomorrow, during normal business hours, and he finally told me to have a good evening and to remain vigilant.
I had the phone on mute for most of the above because I actually laughed so hard I snorted, and I thought that might offend him.

*Sidenote: After hours, we kind of become the answering svc/catch-all for any incoming calls. This call came in through the parts division, and was not one of ours, which is generally a sign that it's going to be "fun."*
I just listened to this man rant in circles about how there are a lot of "bums" out there, who are "all molesters," and he's worried about it, so he's been calling in to some "gay homosexual" chatline. It was when he brought that up in the original call that I dropped the call, but he quickly called back, and re-started his tirade. He made sure, this time, to ask me not to hang up on him or to interrupt him, as he would lose his train of thought and have to start over. Much more of a threat than he realized, actually.

I still haven't figured out if he wanted help making it look like he didn't call the aforementioned chatlines, or what exactly it was he thought I was going to do. He also noted multiple times that he "knows what's going on" because he "was in the service, you know?" Oh, and made sure to note that he "really like[s] them American-made products" - which a lot of our products are not, funny enough.
After I explained to him at least 8 times that this is after hours support for emergencies to do with radio equipment, he finally took the hint. He did try at least once to tell me that "them molestors" are an emergency, but failed to actually explain what it was he needed me to do to assist him in his plan to "take care of them." I eventually informed him that maybe he should call back tomorrow, during normal business hours, and he finally told me to have a good evening and to remain vigilant.
I had the phone on mute for most of the above because I actually laughed so hard I snorted, and I thought that might offend him.
