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Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the cinema...

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  • Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the cinema...

    Saturday Night Breakdown

    The sound on Sweeny Todd broke down on the last showing. The film had to be stopped twice. Several customers were arsey. The projectionist called an engineer and turned off some of the speakers. The manager bribed several staff with free Pepsi and the promise of guest service points (don't ask!) to stay late and deal with complaints and hand out complimentary tickets to potentially 400 people. As the night wore on, it didn't break down again and the film finished only a little late.

    And not a single customer complained!

    Faith In Humanity Meter: +1

    Can't Stop the Noise

    Last night - the sound went funky in Sweeny Todd, the film was stopped during the opening credits and restarted. No futher problems.

    A customer complained there was a droning noise over the sound in Penelope, that was the heating.

    The sound was going up and down during the ads and trailers for PS I Love You. Multiple customers told us a bout it. but it didn't happen again during the film.

    Three problems resolved no complaints.

    Faith In Humanity Meter: +2.5

    And then...

    As a lady exits St Trinians, she complains that it was 'freezing cold' in the screen. R suggests that if she'd come out and told us, we'd have done something about it. Lady angrily says, "I paid £x.xx for the film, I'm not going to ruin it by coming out."

    R calls for a supervisor. Supervisor deals with angry lady. I don't know whether she got a comp or not. But after that all hell breaks lose because the duty manager is the general manager - so everything is checked, that the projectioist has checked the temperatures in the screen (she did), that we staff have checked the screens every half hour (we did) and the sup is sent into the screens with a themometer to check that the projectionists temperatures are correct (they are). The screen was not cold - it was around 22 degrees C.

    Faith In Humanity Meter: 0

    And Finally...

    A customer collapses in Sweeny Todd (boy is that an ill-fated film) and another customer comes and tells us. The film is stopped, first aider is called and then an ambulance is called. Several customers avail themselves of this break in the film to get themselves refreshments from the kiosk. One customer demands to know how long it is going to take before his film is restarted.

    Faith In Humanity Meter: -5
    Last edited by cinema guy; 02-08-2008, 12:09 PM. Reason: multiple mistakes and spelling errors
    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.

  • #2
    Quoth cinema guy View Post
    And Finally...

    A customer collapses in Sweeny Todd (boy is that an ill-fated film) and another customer comes and tells us. The film is stopped, first aider is called and then an ambulance is called. Several customers avail themselves of this break in the film to get themselves refreshments from the kiosk. One customer demands to know how long it is going to take before his film is restarted.

    Faith In Humanity Meter: -5
    "About 20 minutes after we remove the dead body."

    I know my local cinema's policy on wonky heating is "If you come out within half an hour of the start time we'll give you back your money"
    ludo ergo sum


    • #3
      We only tend to give refunds with 20 minutes or so. Complaints after that mean that they will get a comlementary ticket, which means they are molified and come back and buy more overpriced popcorn at a later date..
      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


      • #4
        I don't think Sweeney Todd is that cursed... it went fine when I watched it (granted I went to the evil giant who could afford to have a spare projector in 5 minutes time if they needed it... not that they'd spend that much money)

        And with the person who needed to know how long it was going to take (playing the devils advocate and not knowing which show he went to) I can see it not being too unreasonable if he came in before a night shift at work or whatnot being concerned over whether the film will end on time for him to get to his shift or if he should be asking for a credit for another showing.
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          Hmm... normally when I'm too cold I put a sweater on. I will never understand why people feel the need to complain about everything. Sure I might bitch about it to whoever I'm with, but I'm not going to confront a manager about it and make them run around with themometers.


          • #6
            "About 20 minutes after we remove the dead body."
            "And if you wait an extra 10 minutes we'll have fresh meat pies available too."

            (couldn't help myself, lol)

            Reminds me of the time I saw Flags of Our Fathers at a discount dinner-theatre... the film literally caught on fire. (woops).

            22 degrees... eh, i prefer 25 to 30 myself but I'll survive at 22
            (What's fun is when I tell my friends in the US that the apt is 30 degrees and they all go "OMG that's cold! Are you ok?" ...until they realize it's Celcius & that I'm almost melting from the heater in the apt )


            • #7
              22 C? That's hot. I prefer around 20 for sitting around, 18 for working physically.
              The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


              • #8
                I prefer around six C for working physically.

                Did the collapsed customer survive?



                • #9
                  I don't know. He was taken off in the ambulance but I have not heard any more.
                  "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                  • #10
                    There must be something with the sound in Sweeney Todd, when I saw it the pitch seemed to go up and down for the last 15 minutes (only noticeable because it was music).
                    I would have mentioned it but the staff were obviously just waiting for us to leave so they could go home.

                    That said I couldn't bring myself to complain about how long first aid was taken, if it was going to make me late for something else then I would either be late or leave early and be thankful that I wasn't the one who collapsed

