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Ok... even that is pushing the misread sign deal....

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  • Ok... even that is pushing the misread sign deal....

    Ok, we have a cooler sticker listing prices. It goes

    20 Oz 1.49 + Dep
    6 Pack 2.99 + Dep
    1 Liter 1.89 + Dep
    2 Liter 2.09 + Dep.

    Pretty clear right????

    Guy comes up with 6 20 Oz sodas. I tell him the price. ( 9.24 )

    His eyes gouge out. He screams as he points at the sign.
    "It says a six pack is 2.99 !! "

    Both me and co-worker back off slightly at crazy guy.
    "Uhh... yeah, thats for the six packs... those are 20 oz..."

    SC: "Well, this is like a six pack! You should honor that price!"

    ME: .... Um. No.

    SC: "FINE! Give me four of them then!"

    SC: *pays, leaves grumbling*

    Seriously. How the. HELL. Can you mis read that!?
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

  • #2
    What does dep. stand for? Deposit? Please excuse my ignorance.
    Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


    • #3
      Yeah, some states in America charge Deposit. In Oregon its .05 cents per can/bottle. (So the 20 Oz is really 1.54, the six pack is 3.29, the one liter 1.94, and 2 liter 2.14).

      I also belive that all the states that do charge Deposit are all nickles, except Michigan which is a dime.

      The point of deposits is that we charge extra, but when your done with the cans/bottles, you can bring them back for recyleing, and get that five cents back.
      Military Spouse Support.
      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


      • #4
        most provinces in Canada charge deposit as well. Ontario doesn't... not sure about BC and some of the western provinces.
        GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


        • #5
          Quoth tollbaby View Post
          most provinces in Canada charge deposit as well. Ontario doesn't... not sure about BC and some of the western provinces.
          Alberta does. I haven't returned bottles in a while, but I think that it's 20 cents a bottle if the bottle is 1 liter or greater in size, and 5 or 10 cents if it's under a liter.
          I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

          Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


          • #6
            BC does. I have a whole closet full of cans, stacked, cleaned and in boxes. All I need is a car to transport them to the depo. We think there's at least 30$ worth of cans in there

            But yeah, price haggler dude... It's pretty much the same as trying to get one product for the price of a similar, but different company, product. Just... in sizes. Which is vastly daftners, but it's not like it's the first time I"ve seen/dealt with it. Still... he WAS stretching it a weee to of the far, ya?


            • #7
              Quoth Plaidman View Post
              Yeah, some states in America charge Deposit. In Oregon its .05 cents per can/bottle. (So the 20 Oz is really 1.54, the six pack is 3.29, the one liter 1.94, and 2 liter 2.14).

              I also belive that all the states that do charge Deposit are all nickles, except Michigan which is a dime.

              The point of deposits is that we charge extra, but when your done with the cans/bottles, you can bring them back for recyleing, and get that five cents back.
              The one thing I did like about Convenience Store Hell was that they wanted to make the signs read the price after deposit. Most of the distributors were more than happy to accommodate that request, and write "Dep. Inc." on their signs.

              That probably had to go out the window for beer once Vermont started charging sales tax on beer, and IIRC, the tax must be applied before the deposit.
              "Well, ergo cogitum daltitum e pluribus shut your piehole." -Mike Rowe

