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We'll call you when it's ready

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  • We'll call you when it's ready

    This has been a bit of a problem at the computer shop lately. We tell people that we will call them when their stuff is ready.

    People have been just stopping off and expecting their stuff to be ready. It has been pissing the boss off quite a bit. Fortunately, most of the time we have had the stuff effectively done, with just something minor left to do, so it hasn't been a huge issue.

    A couple times though, we have had this customer out from one of the farming communities near here, whose stuff wasn't done, and she got minorly pissed at us for not calling her before she left.

    Why is it so hard to wait for the call?
    "Sir... sir... diagnosing computer problems over the phone is like diagnosing brain cancer with a pointy stick"
    -ahanix1989, inspired by

  • #2
    Quoth Aressel View Post
    Why is it so hard to wait for the call?
    Because they're self-centered and impatient.
    Think that their computer is the ONLY one being worked on, and they think that computers work on magic and fairy-dust so fixing them shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
    <Insert clever signature here>


    • #3
      Oh geez, I feel the pain. We keep a waiting list, if something comes back in the store or if it goes on sale, we will call you. We're good about keeping up to date.

      More often then not "so and so said they'd call when *item* came back in. I never got a phone call. Is it in?"

      "Well, no, thats why we didn't call"



      Every time. EVERY. TIME.


      • #4
        Quoth Lingering Grin View Post
        ...they think that computers work on magic and fairy-dust...
        You mean they don't?

        Too many years of telling customers that they are always right has finally come back to bite us right in the nether regions.
        This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


        • #5
          "I'm calling to let you know that the product hasn't come in yet."

          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            Quoth bigjimaz View Post
            You mean they don't?

            Too many years of telling customers that they are always right has finally come back to bite us right in the nether regions.
            Actually, it's magic smoke. If you let the smoke out, the computer will stop working.

            Not that I would know that, or anything...

            Eric the Grey
            In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


            • #7
              Quoth Eric the Grey View Post
              Actually, it's magic smoke. If you let the smoke out, the computer will stop working.

              Not that I would know that, or anything...

              Eric the Grey
              You've done that too!?!?

              Only time I've seen Linux give a "Fatal Error"... Displayed the error message for about 2 seconds... before the entire computer sparked and burst into FLAMES. (Faulty power supply, one of the capacitors pretty much exploded lol).

              BTW, it's kinda pretty, mostly purple and green lol.
              Last edited by Lingering Grin; 02-09-2008, 11:49 AM.
              <Insert clever signature here>


              • #8
                Quoth Aressel View Post
                Why is it so hard to wait for the call?
                Because they don't want you to find their stash of illegal porn. They think if they give you less time on the computer, you won't find it, when in fact, they have the computer set up in such a way that that folder popped right up as you logged in.

                Or, maybe they need their internet fix! "Damnit, where's mah computer! I needs some boobies!"
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  Quoth Eric the Grey View Post
                  Actually, it's magic smoke. If you let the smoke out, the computer will stop working.

                  Not that I would know that, or anything...

                  Eric the Grey

                  In my experience, air conditioners work on the same principle.

                  my favourite error message ever was on a Mac:

                  "Error: Error message not found"

                  followed by a blank error message dialog. Then the thing froze up.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Lingering Grin View Post
                    and they think that computers work on magic and fairy-dust
                    They don't? Then what's with all this glitter around my apartment?

                    (It should be noted here that my roommate teaches first grade. There's a lot of crafty-type stuff - beads, tissue paper, jingle bells, you name it - going on around my place.)

                    "Error: Error message not found"

                    followed by a blank error message dialog.
                    That's hysterical.

                    This reminded me of a problem I was having last week at work. I blew up my very first Access database** (yeah, when your first query returns over a million records, the second query isn't going to work. But according to my boss, you haven't made it unil you've blown up a database lol) and then I started having problems with the Office Assistant (I keep Links, the cat, on my desktop cuz he amuses me). I started getting an error when I was trying to run my query, and when I clicked on the "Help" button in the error box, it opened up a blank help window. Which pretty much confirms my suspicions that the help menu is useless. After that, every time I opened an office application it would tell me it was unable to start the office assistant. Hopefully the help desk will have fixed it by the time I get in on Monday.

                    **well, the first one that I actually built myself. There's another one that I run every Monday that has blown up on me 3 weeks in a row. But that one was already built long before I ever got there.
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #11
                      Quoth edible_hat View Post
                      my favourite error message ever was on a Mac:

                      "Error: Error message not found"

                      followed by a blank error message dialog. Then the thing froze up.
                      If you've never seen this one:


                      It really tears you— are you pissed because your system disk is dying, or amused by the icon?


                      • #12
                        best error message I got with my new pc was "Passwords do not matched" l2spellcheck?
                        Girls do not exist on the intarweb.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Juwl View Post

                          Or, maybe they need their internet fix! "Damnit, where's mah computer! I needs some boobies!"
                          My laptop has been gone for about 2 weeks now. I'm going through withdrawal. I keep telling myself, 'you went for >30 years without one. Deal with it!' But I really want to play my peculiar little PC games (like Diner Dash) and download the pictures from my camera.
                          I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                          • #14
                            The best error message I've seen to date...has to be the "unexpected error occurred" box that pops up in iTunes. Whenever, I see that, I'm always like "No shit!"
                            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                            • #15
                              Quoth protege View Post
                              The best error message I've seen to date...has to be the "unexpected error occurred" box that pops up in iTunes. Whenever, I see that, I'm always like "No shit!"
                              Does that mean Apple are so crap that they expect errors to occur?

