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No, a college ID is NOT govt issued

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  • No, a college ID is NOT govt issued

    Ok, so I got tossed into the 9th level of hell today (AKA shoes)

    Gawd, I hate shoes.

    Anyway, lady comes in and is rude to me right off the bat. She shoves a shoe in my face and barks 8 1/2 WIDE! I go back, look around, come back out and tell her that we have a regular 8 1/2 but no wides. She gets pissy. This goes on for several more shoes.

    Finally, she is ready to check out and uses a credit card.

    ME: sucks that I am so far away from the curtain rods
    SC: Safe from a curtain rod beating.

    Me: Ok Mam, I need to see your ID
    SC: Rummages in her wallet and produces a college ID
    ME: Mam, I can't take this. I need your driver's license or other govt issued ID
    SC: Snatched college ID out of my hand and points to *state school* name.....
    ME: No, it is not. I need a driver's license or state issued ID.

    ****repeat song and dance*****

    I really hope she was a 'late bloomer' student and not a professor or something. (didn't get a good enough look to tell.)

    SC finally produces her driver's license all the while huffing about how I won't accept a 'legal, govt issued ID'

    I get this kind of thing all the time. The worse offenders are various workers from the hospital next door. These people are always pissy when I ask for a REAL ID.

    "But I needed a real ID to get THIS ID." They whine! That or "But it has my picture!!11!!"

    Am I supposed to be impressed that they are a nurse or in college?

    Little do they know how easily those things are forged, thus, not valid ID for a credit transaction.

  • #2
    Actually, post-secondary educational institutions are government-level and their Identification is valid Government-issued identification in most countries.


    • #3
      As recently as a month ago I used my work ID to get into a casino.
      I don't know why I handed it to the woman, but I did and it worked.

      In another thread a while ago I commented about my hatred of certain types of ID being the only ones that are accepted.
      I don't hate the rule for no good reason, but rather because of silly governmental rules and restrictions that 1) makes getting the ID that is accepted like pulling teeth 2) doesn't allow the one ID that's easy to get to be used for all the good things like going to bars and enjoying myself.


      • #4
        Quoth prb View Post
        Actually, post-secondary educational institutions are government-level and their Identification is valid Government-issued identification in most countries.
        o_O Are you sure about that? I'd like a source, if possible. I know especially in Canada the cards have no security measures, and are quite possibly the most easily forged ID cards to not be printed on paper, so they can't even be used for alcohol purchases (not to mention the usual lack of birthdate and other vital statistics).
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          Quoth prb View Post
          Actually, post-secondary educational institutions are government-level and their Identification is valid Government-issued identification in most countries.
          As far as I know, it is not valid here. A school or work ID is not safeguarded like a real state issued ID is. We are not even supposed to accept military ID's for age verification...or weren't when I was a server a few years back.

          Seriously, those things are so easily forged. You could do it with less than $100 in equipment and supplies. All you need is a card printer and the blank cards. Get a card reader thing and you can record information on the strip.
          Last edited by retaildrone; 02-10-2008, 03:34 AM.


          • #6
            My school ID had nothing more than the school logo, my name, photo, student ID number (which, unfortunately, was social security number. But ID theft wasn't the big deal it is now, and I'm almost positive they no longer use SS#), and a sticker for the current semester. It wasn't good for anything off campus except getting in the movies for half price.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Quoth Broomjockey View Post
              (not to mention the usual lack of birthdate and other vital statistics).
              Yet another thing I tried to explain to my SC.

              One day, I am going to describe in detail just how easy it is to forge one it their ID's.

              Hell, I have a friend who has the equipment. She makes customer loyalty cards for her business. I just may have her whip something up for me to use as an 'example.' Who should I be??? Cameron Diaz? Julia Roberts?? Angelina Jolie?
              Last edited by retaildrone; 02-10-2008, 03:40 AM.


              • #8
                I've been pondering investing in an ID printer for my Ghostbusters LARP group...the paper prop ID cards we have tend to get destroyed/mangled/lost in various ways ...having to reprint at least one every few months is a pain as something else will happen to it (if I do do this, I could probably make my investment back by printing IDs for other regional groups as I know everyone's been discussing it).

                My college ID had no security features (basically school name, student ID#, DOB, photo, and sticker for the current semester) and the photo ink started coming off after a few months. The grocery store next to campus would take it for alcohol purchasing purposes though (that does not surprise me on some level).
                Last edited by Dreamstalker; 02-10-2008, 04:31 AM.
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
                  My school ID showed my name, DOB, photo, student number and barcode, the card's year of validity and the school logo, black text on a white background.

                  I could make one myself now if I wanted to.

                  Down this way most places only take a school card as proof of identity below 16-17 years of age - when you can get a learner's permit, or to prove eligibility for concession fares on public transport.
                  I think, therefore I am. But I am micromanaged, therefore I am not.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                    o_O Are you sure about that? I'd like a source, if possible. I know especially in Canada the cards have no security measures, and are quite possibly the most easily forged ID cards to not be printed on paper, so they can't even be used for alcohol purchases (not to mention the usual lack of birthdate and other vital statistics).
                    I think a point could also be made that different stores had different requirements as to what constitutes a valid ID. I wish SCs would get it through their head that when you ask for X ID you actually mean X ID and not Y. You know, because you're totally lying to them. On purpose!
                    Give a man a fire, he'll be warm for a day. Set him on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

                    ... I want all customers to be warm.


                    • #11
                      It depends on the place. In my casino an ID like that would get you laughed at. It has to be a state ID, Driver's license, Military ID or passport. Nothing else goes.


                      • #12
                        Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                        My school ID had nothing more than the school logo, my name, photo, student ID number (which, unfortunately, was social security number. But ID theft wasn't the big deal it is now, and I'm almost positive they no longer use SS#), and a sticker for the current semester. It wasn't good for anything off campus except getting in the movies for half price.
                        Same as Mine is today, and I got mine around October or so of last year. They give us the option of using our SSN or our Student ID number. But I sure as hell wouldn't try to pass it off as ID, it's a bad picture with a crappy digicam laminated onto a template where my SID was printed later. Yes I had to present my drivers license, but that's WHY I have the drivers license.
                        Girls do not exist on the intarweb.


                        • #13
                          Quoth the_squig View Post
                          I think a point could also be made that different stores had different requirements as to what constitutes a valid ID.
                          Now, you would have a point for things like spray paint, which are usually just locally regulated, but I know for servers ID'ing for alcohol, and places that sell alcohol and tobacco have specific laws governing what ID they can accept in Canada and the US. If they're not universally accepted in the very country the school resides, I just wanted prb's source on the fact that other countries accept them as ID.
                          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                          • #14
                            I don't understand. She's buying shoes. Why does she need to show ID in the first place?


                            • #15
                              Verifying the credit card, maybe (when the nonprofit I did seasonal work for gave me the business CC to go get office supplies, I had to show my ID once in addition to the letter stating that "[Dreamstalker] is authorized to use this credit card").
                              "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                              "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

