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SC's who "run" the place of business, but don't work there

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  • SC's who "run" the place of business, but don't work there

    Standing in line is definitely not a favorite past time of anyone out there. I don't like it, and I know getting huffy about it will not change what is happening.

    I went to Wal-Mart to return a car battery, actually, to get the $9 core fee they bill when you buy a new battery. You get this money back if you bring in your old battery. Anyhow, I went to the customer service counter, and waited a moment. While waiting, about five other people piled up behind me, all with returns or refunds, including Nasty White/Yellowed Hair From Smoking Like A Chimney Lady. Within a minute of her arriving, she yelled, "Tell that lady there to open up and help me!" with her angry frown on her fire engine red puckered out lips. I wanted to speak up, but didn't, because it didn't affect me really. However, I gave her a hard look that told her the rest of us didn't appreciate her rudeness, then left with my money.

    This lady did not politely make a request, such as "is there anyone else that could help me?". She ordered this employee to help her, even though she was four other people behind me. It was as if this lady promoted herself to store manager at that instant.

    People are mean and nasty for no reason these days.

  • #2
    I hate when people do that. About a week ago I was working express, and I forgot to turn my light on because the line was very long and I wanted to open as soon as possible. Well, the FEM noticed that I hadn't turned the light on, so she came over and turned it on, and announce that the line was open.
    A couple minutes later a woman comes through with an entire cart FULL of stuff. When I told her I was express, she said "I know. I hate it when people with too much stuff go through express, but the lines were so long and I went to customer service twice to ask them to open a new lane, and right after I asked the second time, they announced that nine was open so I'm coming through here. I hate it when people do this, but I'm coming through."
    I really didn't feel like arguing with her, 'cause I was pretty sure she'd get her way, so I settled for not talking to her. But I was ready to slap her.
    I don't care how many time's you've asked customer service to open a new lane, even if they call somebody in to do it, they're not going to get here before you leave.
    The High Priest is an Illusion!


    • #3
      We have busts on manicans on top shelves. We can not undress the busts of manicans while customers are in because of safety issues dealing with the ladder. A girl asks me if we have anymore and I say no. She said," Get it done for me right now," in the rudest voice I have ever heard. After I explained why and told that if she left her name we would get back to her after we undressed them her reply was " I don't care. Get it down for me now. I want it now." What a brat.


      • #4
        After I explained why and told that if she left her name we would get back to her after we undressed them her reply was " I don't care. Get it down for me now. I want it now." What a brat.
        "I want the world, I want the whole world!
        I want to lock it all up in my pocket
        It's my bar of chocolate,
        Give it to me NOW!!

        "I want a party with roomfuls of laughter
        Ten thousand tons of ice cream.
        And if I don't get the things I am after,
        I'm... going... to... SCREAM!"

        (Cue the Oompa-loompas for Miss Salt, please)


        • #5
          Bravo Veruca, now watch out for that garbage chute! Oh......
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            From today, oddly enough.

            I had a few times today where the lines just backed up like magic. Nothing I could do about it, beyond calling in back up. One woman was not happy that I was going 'slowly', and said, loudly, on her phone, while facing away from me, "If I don't have someone to pay in one second, I'm going to be mad!"
            And I was busy with a customer, the only person between this lady and me.
            Then the lady got to me, just about a minute later. And she suddenly had a gaggle of children in tow. And I suddenly realized she was actually angry at her kids.
            "I call murder on that!"

