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Doing my job

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  • Doing my job

    I'm a security guard currently stationed at a large chain pharmacy store. Yes it is a bad sign that I'm needed, but $3,000 of merchandise stolen a month is apparently enough to warrent my presence. Yes, I'm watching for shoplifters and pan handlers.
    This is going to be my little diary for the people who ask me the ever annoying and dumb question of "Why are you following me?"
    I'll start off with my favourite.

    SC= stupid customer
    FS= Field Supervisor (he is kinda my boss, he works for my security company and checks up on me to make sure I'm doing my job.
    CS=Customer service/cashier
    SV= Store supervisor (not security she works for the store)

    One reason my store is hit so often is that it gets quiet later at night (11PM-Midnight) So I follow anyone who comes in until someone more suspicious shows up. When I have a single customer I follow them no matter how much of a "threat" they are (imagine if I didn't and they stole, they'd have my head)
    One night not too long ago around midnight I was following this suspicious "gentleman" because he was the only person in the store. After following him through three isles he turns around this is the conversation we had
    SC: Why are you following me?
    ME: You're the only person in the store
    SC: And that gives you the right to follow me everywhere.
    ME: (I sigh inwardly knowing that he is going to be one of "THOSE" guys) Well sir, you are the only customer in the store and it's my job to follow people, I'm only doing my job. (that shut him up for a moment)
    SC: Well I'm not going to steal anything. (God how many shoplifters use that line)
    ME: I understand that sir, but I'm just doing my job.
    He storms off down the isle towards the cash and I hang farther back (nearly the length of the isle) When he leaves I walk up to my usual late night spot by the cash where I can keep an eye on both the entrance and the exit, and chat with the cashier.
    CS: You know that guy just complained that you were following him.
    I just look at her smiling as I shake my head.

    BUT WAIT Next day when I talk with the supervisor
    SV: I had a complaint today
    ME: (I played confused but just knew who would do such a thing) Oh?
    SV: Yes, a man called to complain that you were following him throughout the store.
    ME: Let me guess, he was in around midnight.
    SV: Yes, you know who?
    ME: Yeah, he got angry because I was following him when the store was empty. You know, doing my job.
    She just smiles and we both get back to work.
    Telling a cop, "My taxes pay your salary!" is dumb.
    Telling a cop you demand your shit without paying taxes is even more dumb.
    -Automan Empire

  • #2
    I don't know...I understand it's your job, but I would be a little annoyed as well if I was obviously being followed.

    I would think, if the customer wasn't showing any of the classic shoplifter behaviours, following at a distance and occasionally popping up for a quick check would be sufficient.

    Usually, once contact is made, and they realize there's tight security, and that you could pop up at any time, they're not going to risk getting caught.

    To me, that's better than just hounding a customer until they leave the store.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


    • #3
      I wouldn't shop there. Being followed around a store is pretty uncomfortable.


      • #4
        Doesn't your store have those mirrors where when you look at them you can see a good portion of the store? Kind of like Wal-Mart has. Either that or security cameras.


        • #5
          I definitely wouldn't shop there. JMO of course.


          • #6
            Security camaras and mirrors are only good if you have someone watching them all the time, their at the right angles to catch everything, and the film grain isn't a pile of dookey.

            I shop a lot late at night. I get followed by guards a lot. What do I do? I know their bored, so I strike up conversation. Makes things better for the both of us.

            I'm just glad it's not another creepy guy trying to hit on me.

            But yes... those mirrors..aaaarrrrggghh... my hate for those mirrors. They have to be in JUST the reight place and angle.... My bos at Wannabe Goth Store put one up in a blind corner we had... you could only see it from one other point in the shop, and the angle was so that you could only see their heads and backs... not their stealing little hands on the merch.

            Drove me crazy to no end.


            • #7
              Quoth Ree View Post
              I don't know...I understand it's your job, but I would be a little annoyed as well if I was obviously being followed.

              I would think, if the customer wasn't showing any of the classic shoplifter behaviours, following at a distance and occasionally popping up for a quick check would be sufficient.

              Usually, once contact is made, and they realize there's tight security, and that you could pop up at any time, they're not going to risk getting caught.

              To me, that's better than just hounding a customer until they leave the store.
              I totally agree with this, and I'm with everyone else when they say they wouldn't shop there.
              Being followed, regardless of the reasons, is unnerving, and drives honest people away.


              • #8
                Yes, it is a little unfortunate. But $3,000 a month is a lot to lose to any store. If people shop really late at night, they should expect that. The company has obviously tried other things, and they didn't work. So they're needing to crack down on theft more. It sucks, but when you're losing THAT much money, you have to do things you know people won't like. But...the more angry you get at it, the more the store will think "Well, if you're honest, you shouldn't be mad, so getting this worked up means you must be hiding something."

                Not always right, but that's what they'll think.
                Pit bull-

                There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


                • #9
                  Sure $3k a month is a lot. Isn't that worth putting in decent cameras? If the OP has time to follow the guy around the store, he his time to watch the well-placed cameras.

                  About 10 years ago, I went into a large chain drugstore. In all honesty, I'd forgotten while I was there and figured I'd roam the aisles until I found what I needed. Because I _knew_ they had what I needed.

                  So, I walk in ..

                  C: cashier, doing her job with a stupid script
                  Me: me

                  C: Welcome to XXXXX, can I help you sir?
                  Me: Hi. Um, no. I'm just looking for an item, I'll find it.
                  C: I'll be watching you. (this is EXACTLY what she said)
                  Me: Is that line corporate policy?
                  C: Yes.
                  Me: Well, I'm sorry, but you'll be watching me leave.
                  C: I understand (said with a sympathetic tone). Bye, sir!
                  Me: Bye!
                  "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                  Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                  • #10
                    This happened a long time ago. There was a dodgy looking guy in the store, so I made a show of keeping an eye on him.

                    After he put his hand down his pants, pulled out some chocolate he had been hiding down there, and put it on the shelf, he yelled "You'd have more customers if you didn't treat people like theives!"


                    • #11
                      eww if he had chcolate in his pants you should force him to buy it i don't like hershey's with nuts...


                      • #12
                        wow...i wouldn't shop somewhere if somebody followed me around either. i also understand that you are following your job, but it would be very uncomfortable. i mean, what if im buying feminime things, and i don't want some guy watching me as i pick them out?

                        i understand 3,000 is ALOT, but my store has incredibile loss as well, but we wouldn't bring in somebody to follow everybody around. we are taking other measures. we are locking up the more expensive stuff that wasn't locked up before, we are putting security tags on CANDY! candy is our most stolen item,so....we are going to press locking our perfumes up. we are the only store in the are who has no locking doors on our perfume, but thats because are store is set up different than any other store, and it would cost more to do it, but since i found to empty boxes of cool water yesterday, we are going to push it more...i mean, $96 dollars is alot in stolen merchandise!

                        i think there are better alternatives that following people around....and if the store can afford to hire people to follow others around, i think they can afford cameras.


                        • #13
                          I totally understand its your job to try and prevent people from shoplifting, and yes I know people are dishonest and things like that.
                          But there is never any excuse for following a customer around like a puppy and watching them like a hawk, regardless of what time it is or how many customers are in the store. This would piss me off and make me feel like you think I'm going to steal something.
                          I would have followed him maybe for a short period of time, say a minute or 2, just to let him know that you are aware of his presence. If he was taking a long time to shop, I would check back with him later.
                          Plus I don't know if you are aware of this.... He may come in late to the store often, and if he sees your pattern how you do your job this late at night, then he can work with a partner or 2. He comes in first, and while you are practically right behind him every step of the way, his partner(s) come in and shoplift.
                          I am happy for you that you did not get into trouble because you were doing your job. But at any of the places I worked, any of my managers would not have joked around about this situation. Losing business by making customers feel like criminals is never acceptable.


                          • #14
                            I don't think this customer was really being sucky.

                            I do a lot of shopping late at night since I work odd hours now. I don't think I deserve to be followed around the stores while doing so.
                            Last edited by Stockholm Syndrome; 02-13-2008, 04:58 PM.


                            • #15
                              Yes, it would be annoying to be followed around like a puppy, but that is what his(?) managers wanted him to do. The reasonable course of action is to be polite to the employee and file a complaint with the company. The SC got angry with the LP and apparantly the complaint filed was directed at the OP instead of at the company's policy, which caused the managers not to focus on his real issue. So yeah, the guy was being a jerk. Even though I agree with his initial complaint, he had no excuse for acting like a spoiled child.

                              And to !
                              "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                              "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

