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I DID IT! Thanks in partto this websitr.

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  • I DID IT! Thanks in partto this websitr.

    I was in the queue at our local Sainsbury's supermarket, quite a small place, it only has 4 tills, and that's all it needs. I have been shopping there for 4 years, am always nice to the staff, and as a result they point out offers that they think I might like. (B&J bogofs are my favourite.) There were 3 of us in a queue, all holding only 1 or 2 items, and 2 being dealt with at the tills. So one of the 2 girls at a till called for a 3rd to be opened, just as a miserable lady joined the queue behind me.

    Me <--- me (easy, yeah?)
    ML Miserable lady
    AFC Another friendly customer

    ML "Why are there never enough people on the tills?" mumble grumble
    Me (grins at shop manager, who could hear ML. At which point ML makes a tactical error by pointedly asking me the same question, thusly...)
    ML "Why don't they have more staff, why are they so slow?"
    Me "If they had more staff that would make prices go up, and nobody wants that."
    ML "The tills are worth more than the staff"
    Me "Well, that's a bit disrespectful, I think they are worth every penny. And they called for a 3rd cashier as soon as I joined the queue, they are doing their best."
    ML "Yeah, but this just isn't good enough, this store is no good"
    Me "Well, if you think this store is no good you can always go and shop at Tesco's just up the road, it isn't far"
    .............. At this point the staff start to grin, and another friendly customer says "Don't swear in here! That's a rude word!"
    Me "Tesco's? Oh yeah, sorry. It's just that this lady here doesn't think this store is very good, so I was saying she should shop at Tesco's, or Iceland or something, she doesn't have to shop here"
    AFC's cashier then told her the total of her bill, using AFC's christian name!
    ML went very very quiet, paid for her own stuff quickly and scurried out of the store. We all grinned at each other, and I told the manager about this site, and how you guys dream of giving SC's what they deserve, and she agreed that that is her constant dream too.
    Last edited by Bagga; 02-13-2008, 06:22 PM.

  • #2
    Woohoo. Way to go.
    Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


    • #3
      woot! We need more of that!

      I once told one of my own customers to go to the other store if it's so much cheaper there... he replied that they're not open at 3 am. I guess that's why a bottle of Coke costs twice as much at a convenience store!


      • #4
        Yup. During the day, I'll go to the grocery store where bottles of Coke aren't priced like 19th Century champagne.

        However, at night, if I must, must, must have a Coke, I pay for the CONVENIENCE of being able to get one.
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          When I worked at the dairy, on my last day, a customer complained about the new girl on the staff being too slow. I told him if we were so slow, he could go to the creamery downtown. I then donned my uniform and punched in for my last four hours of work.
          "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009


          • #6
            i tell people that all the time, at my own store,

            just today infact,

            i had a rather nice phone customer call to ask for some tire prices, i go over them with him with all the trimmings and with out the trimmings, and state the benifits of shopping with us, he tells me that discount quoted him a lower price, so i ask him what kind of tire was it, he didnt know, he would call them and find out, he calls me back a few mins later saying they were closed so he would have to do it tomorrow, i told him that we quote the lowest price, but discount doesnt tell people what tire they are getting and its usually not a firmlure type of tire, (i had given a quote on some bridgestones) i had already told him about our price match policy, and that i hoped that he would do buisness with us.

            at the end of the conversation he said well i would like to get the best deal, i told him that i hoped that he did too and that it was with us, restated our price match policy and told him that unfortunatly we do not price match labor but our labor came with such in such for the life time of the tires.

            i wont know if he calls back tomorrow or not because i have the day off. but i wonder what tire they priced him.

            i do the same with our mechanical customers, i tell them im sorry our price was not right for you, and i really dont mind that you dont get the work done hear as long as you get the work done and soon so that your car is safe. i get alot of customers come back to me because of my care about their saftey.
            "Let's connect to some ones cyberbrain who is meditating, so we can download enlightenment" one of the Tachikomas (Ghost in the Shell 2nd gig)


            • #7
              kudos to you, bagga!

              ms. manners aside (i love her articles, ironically; i don't always agree, but that's my quirkiness), sometimes, people need a subtle reminder that they CHOSE this store/restaurant/etc. and it is also their choice to leave, should things not meet their 'standards.'

              it's that golden rule thing, y'know!
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

