I can only imagine that flower shop, restaurant, candy shop employees have their own tales of Vday SC, but these are mine.
When I was in college I worked at an adult “toy” store. It was actually one of my favorite jobs because the work was easy and most of the year the customers were calm. Until of course Valentine’s Day. You know how New Years brings out the amateurs - well it is basically the same principle.
(bear in mind this is pre-internet)
We had lingerie and we gave out size cards all year long so for the most part people came already knowing what size to get - or at least had peeked in the underwear drawer to get a size. On Vday however we would get “well she is taller and much thinner than you” (nice to hear when you are single on Vday) and more men than I could count that would cup their hands a foot away from my chest , twisting them back and forth to indicate his gal’s cup size. The sad thing is that most of the time I could guess the size from that. Not to mention that nine times out of ten, lingerie isn’t really a present for her now is it? This is the one day a year that we sold the most tacky items when we did have some very lovely little silk nighties that I think would have been appreciated by the recipient more than the hot pink uncomfortable monstrosities that got sold that day.
I worked the evening shift so we would get the guys heading home for work. I spent most of the afternoon doing relationship “damage control”. Most of my conversations were similar if not verbatim to this:
“How long have you been dating?“
“Have you discussed <this toy> with your girlfriend?“
“Do you really think that she will react well if you spring <this toy> on her instead of say - massage oil - since you’ve only been dating 4 weeks?“
To this day I will never figure out how getting a toy instead of a card or flowers is “more romantic” this includes the guy who would pick out the same expensive toy each year for his wife as well as his mistress.
I don’t even want to think about how many babies were created by people using joke or expired condoms (we had those for cheap so people could use them as balloons for bachlorette parties), despite the huge sign and the fact that they weren’t anywhere near the display of the actual condoms. Please, only John Ritter is allowed glow in the dark condoms.
When I was in college I worked at an adult “toy” store. It was actually one of my favorite jobs because the work was easy and most of the year the customers were calm. Until of course Valentine’s Day. You know how New Years brings out the amateurs - well it is basically the same principle.
(bear in mind this is pre-internet)
We had lingerie and we gave out size cards all year long so for the most part people came already knowing what size to get - or at least had peeked in the underwear drawer to get a size. On Vday however we would get “well she is taller and much thinner than you” (nice to hear when you are single on Vday) and more men than I could count that would cup their hands a foot away from my chest , twisting them back and forth to indicate his gal’s cup size. The sad thing is that most of the time I could guess the size from that. Not to mention that nine times out of ten, lingerie isn’t really a present for her now is it? This is the one day a year that we sold the most tacky items when we did have some very lovely little silk nighties that I think would have been appreciated by the recipient more than the hot pink uncomfortable monstrosities that got sold that day.
I worked the evening shift so we would get the guys heading home for work. I spent most of the afternoon doing relationship “damage control”. Most of my conversations were similar if not verbatim to this:
“How long have you been dating?“
“Have you discussed <this toy> with your girlfriend?“
“Do you really think that she will react well if you spring <this toy> on her instead of say - massage oil - since you’ve only been dating 4 weeks?“
To this day I will never figure out how getting a toy instead of a card or flowers is “more romantic” this includes the guy who would pick out the same expensive toy each year for his wife as well as his mistress.
I don’t even want to think about how many babies were created by people using joke or expired condoms (we had those for cheap so people could use them as balloons for bachlorette parties), despite the huge sign and the fact that they weren’t anywhere near the display of the actual condoms. Please, only John Ritter is allowed glow in the dark condoms.