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'You are brainwashed, they have brainwashed you."

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  • 'You are brainwashed, they have brainwashed you."

    I swear that I have a giant, flashing, neon sign that says "Sucky people come here."

    Today's little gem:

    ME: A southern girl who was raised with a thing called MANNERS and respect for
    SC: hmmmm,...... notsomuch.

    SC: Can you help me?

    ME: "Yes, sir. What can I do for you."

    SC: "Don't call me sir. that is not my name. You are brain washed....they have brainwashed you."

    ME: followed by my patented death glare.


    ME: What do you want?

    SC was looking for perfume. So I walked over to the Jewelry counter where the person who also covers fragrances was and ask him about the perfume. He says we do not have it. I glare back over at SC, to make sure he heard, then walk away.

    Just damn. This was the ONE time in my life that I immediately had a great comeback -two in fact- and could not use it.

    What I so wanted to say???

    "Ok, I am not psychic and have no clue what your name is (nor what a giant ass you are) so I shall call you Fred. And since manners offend you... What the hell do you want, Fred?" I at least got some use out of the second part.

    That or

    "Oh, I am sure that anyone who does not think EXACTLY like you is 'brainwashed."

    Just thought of another great comeback.

    " I love my brainwashings....they keep the cobwebs out."

  • #2
    Geez, you gotta wonder if his parents were that rude too to turn out like he did. Who the hell gets offended when they're called "sir"?

    Brainwashed? It's called "I get a paycheck to call your rude ass 'sir'"! Not brainwashed!
    Would you like a Stummies?


    • #3
      "Don't call me sir. that is not my name. You are brain washed....they have brainwashed you."

      "OK, do you need help with anything, Douchebag? Asshat? Frank? Archibald D. Hetherington III? Lord Highrum-Tiddlypo? Baron van Driver?"


      • #4
        Quoth marty View Post
        Who the hell gets offended when they're called "sir"?
        someone who is a special kind of a freak?

        Quoth marty View Post
        Brainwashed? It's called "I get a paycheck to call your rude ass 'sir'"! Not brainwashed!
        I am almost certain that he is of the "If you don't think like me you are brainwashed" variety.

        Funny thing is ever since Waco and Heaven's gate, I have been studying cults and mind control. To me, it is just fascinating how someone can control a large group of people like that. It has lead to my degree in psychology.

        I *really* wanted to ask him if he even had an ounce of a clue what being 'brainwashed' even meant. However, I am sure he was of the " I know all" variety so I just chewed on my tongue.

        "OK, do you need help with anything, Douchebag? Asshat? Frank? Archibald D. Hetherington III? Lord Highrum-Tiddlypo? Baron van Driver?"


        • #5
          I should ad that I got Baron van Driver from a comedy play I encountered in high school English class (I forget the name of the play). I have a friend whose last name is Baron and I want him to buy a van.


          • #6
            SC: "Don't call me sir. that is not my name.
            ok; you don't know his name, and by most social rules, calling someone other than 'sir, ma'm or miss' when you don't know their name is rude, so what exactly, was he expecting to be called?

            *agrees with edible* i'm for picking some random (and insulting) name instead; how about sir ima baggypants ladouchebag esq.?
            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


            • #7
              I'll say "please don't call me sir". But, I'm not rude about it. I just find it a little uncomfortable.

              If they keep doing it, I just let them. It's probably the most benign part of their corporate script.
              "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

              Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


              • #8
                "Brainwashed you say? Sir, I took the red pill. You're the clueless one!"
                Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


                • #9
                  "You are brainwashed,... they have brainwashed you."

                  Me: "Braaaaaains..." -accompanied by idle stare and lunge at the customer-

                  OR, for more random insulting names: asshat, aretard, adolf, dickwad, fface, and, of course, gaylord fauker.
                  Last edited by Shards; 02-14-2008, 03:18 AM. Reason: spelling
                  "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009


                  • #10
                    "Pardon me, Old Woman."
                    "Sorry. Old Man."
                    "I'm not old."
                    "I'm thirty-seven; I'm not old!"
                    "Well I can't just call you man."
                    "You could try Dennis!"
                    "I didn't know you were called Dennis."
                    "Well, you didn't bother to find out, did you?"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Record Store Tough Guy View Post
                      "Pardon me, Old Woman."
                      "Sorry. Old Man."
                      "I'm not old."
                      "I'm thirty-seven; I'm not old!"
                      "Well I can't just call you man."
                      "You could try Dennis!"
                      "I didn't know you were called Dennis."
                      "Well, you didn't bother to find out, did you?"

                      "Who is your lord?"
                      "We haven't got one."
                      "Help! I'm being oppressed!"
                      "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009


                      • #12
                        "Yes, Ma'am"


                        "Now we see the violence inherent in the system!"
                        Last edited by ArcticChicken; 02-14-2008, 03:39 AM.
                        The High Priest is an Illusion!


                        • #13
                          SC: Can you help me?

                          ME: "Yes, sir. What can I do for you."

                          SC: "Don't call me sir. that is not my name. You are brain washed....they have brainwashed you."
                          "Oh, alright then, assbag, Terribly sorry to have offended you, fuckface. How can I help you, shit-for-brains?"

                          Damn. How can anybody be offended by being called "sir" or "ma'am"? I rather enjoy it. Makes me feel important.

                          And besides, if the employee has been instructed to address you as "sir" or "ma'am", they're only doing their job.
                          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                          • #14
                            "Can I call you dude? Or would you rather be called Officer Rivieri?"

                            Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


                            • #15
                              ive had someone tell me not to call them sir before... i wanted to say im sorry cant do that, i was rased RIGHT and PROPER (yes yes yes imphase) and it is inpolite for me to call you any thing but SIR, or Mr. WHATEVERYOURNAMEWAS and you told me no to that too so i can call you sir or you can hang up redail and do so until you get someone how was raised by wolves and calls bucko. what i did? called him by hs frst name 3 times (it was hard for me to pronounce, weird and drove me insane to do so) and then for the next 10 minutes of the call (he talked alot) called him SIIIRRR ^_^

