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Leave, and stop leching at me while you're at it!

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  • Leave, and stop leching at me while you're at it!

    Yesterday there was something like 4 different customers that leched. I casn't think of anything I was doing different- I was wearing my usual clothes, behaving the same...

    The first couple were minor, and not really offensive- 'You're very pretty'/'what are you doing for valentines?' type. Flattering more than annoying as they didn't push the issue, get sleazy or make me feel uncomfortable.

    No3, however...

    Two guys came in, it took them forever to tell me what they actually wanted (calling it male-max when they wanted cell-mass) and in the middle of the conversation...
    PG- Pervy Guy
    Me- increasing uncomfortable

    PG: SO, do YOU use this?
    Me: Not really. It's to increase muscle mass, and when I work out I do toning exercises and cardio-based work. I don't want to get all bulked out.
    PG: Oooh, toning esercises. Could you tone ME? (said in that way. Nearly every woman on the planet knows which way I mean)
    Me: No. Sorry.
    PG: Why not?
    Me: I'm not a trainer.
    PG: *long slow glance over me* Wish you were...

    Seriously, WTH? I'm not even wearing makeup, and I'm really tired. I look like HELL. And while I have no problem witha little respectful flirting while I'm at work, and will sometimes flirt back a little, behaving like that in my work environment is way out. It makes everything awkward.

    Or, If you're making someone stay late due to your indecision, perhaps you shouldn't try asking her out.

    I: Idiot
    Me: Wanting to LEAVE.

    He comes in at 5-to-close, and I tell him he has five minutes. at nearly close he asks a question about energy levels, I give him a bit of advice, tell him the item in question is downstairs, but I can't go down there with him, as I'm on my own and I can't leave the top floor un-womanned.

    He's down there for a while, so when I lock the doors, I go down to make sure he's ok. He asks a ton of questions, and as we're finally (10 past closing now) going upstairs to pay he asks...
    'So what are you doing for Valentines then?'
    I tell him 'You know, not much. Curry with my boyfriend, some presents...'
    Him: 'Doesn't sound very romantic... dump your boyfriend and I'll take you out for a three-course meal with champagne.'
    I check to see if he's joking. He's deadly serious. You are making me late out, I want to go to the gym and meet my boy before it closes, and I want to do it now. I have closing crap to do before I can leave, and I want you to GO.

    While we're talking asomeone tries the door to find it locked.
    After all that, he doesn't buy anything!
    Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.

  • #2
    I love how the guys who say things like, "I'll take you out for a three-course meal with champagne," are always THE creepiest people on the planet.
    And coincidentally, the ones who know nothing about women.
    I had some guy once give me the same, "Dump your boyfriend," line, then offer to take me ballroom dancing then on a carriage ride through the city.
    I looked at him like a vomiting toad and said, "That sounds like the WORST date ever!" and walked away.
    Creepy guys like that play on cliches and desperately hope they'll work, when usually they do not.


    • #3

      Hm. I like doing cliches. Scratch that. I like to think I can do cliches.

      The only date I ever want on with a girl was to the mall, then to a chinese dinner, followed by a trip on the train. Yay me.

      But in anycase, yeesh. Creepy. Do what a friend of mine does when creepy guys do that. Pick your nose. (Don't really, but with practice, you can make it it look like you do). Then offer your finger to them. Do it with a bored look on your face.
      Military Spouse Support.
      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


      • #4
        fantastic! I tend to just use my signature 'creepy blank smile' a lot, or allow some of my insanity to flash through briefly (I said to one of the staff at work the other day when he offered me a lychee- Oooh, lychees! I like lychees! Did you know they have the texture of an eyeball). That sort of thing tends to scare most creepy guys away, as they aren't the sort of guys who can cope with me.

        My favourite, from a club, when he was going on about how much better he was than my boyfriend and I should leave him blah blah blah was a sigh, and a pitying-sounding 'sweetie, I'd break you.'.
        Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


        • #5
          Ladies I'd like to say I apologize for my gender, but I cannot. For those people are not "men" or "boys" they are creeps who happen to have a penis, but they have (in my mind) no right to operate them.

          And the "women" who fall for them, are not "women" they are breaking the laws of nature by giving the creeps an outlet for their penii.


          • #6
            agreed they arent men or boys their just creeps they give the rest of men a bad name and personally make it hard for to approach anyoen when they upset for fear they'll think im trying to catch them on teh rebound and i like helping people with their problems


            • #7
              Quoth GingerBiscuit View Post
              (I said to one of the staff at work the other day when he offered me a lychee- Oooh, lychees! I like lychees! Did you know they have the texture of an eyeball).
              OT: I love Lychees! In the Air Force, I used to take a can on the plane for the longer missions. Partially because they were delicious, but mostly because the rest of the crew was too afraid to try them to steal them. The one guy who did like them was always polite enough to offer up something in return after he stole.

              As an uncomfortable side note, the texture only feels like an eyeball to someone who's never actually held an eyeball. I'm legally bound from elaborating. /OT


              • #8
                Ok, wtf's a "lychee"?
                The High Priest is an Illusion!


                • #9
                  OT : Lychees are tiny sweet/sour asian tropical fruits. The skin isn't edible, but the fruit itself is awesome! Makes for some really good tea or smoothies.
                  Obligatory Wiki : Clicky!


                  • #10
                    They're yummy! You get very little edible flesh for your money- most of it is prickly skin and stone- but the flesh you get is YUMMY. sweet and tangy and juicy and yummmmmmmmmn.
                    Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


                    • #11
                      i get hit on all the time by customers, i usually dont really think about it. sometimes i will flirt with the older men (meaning grandpa age) just to make them smile. nothing odvious but very subtle,

                      i have been asked out to dinner, on dates, one guy wanted to call him with is ex wife standing there with him, she seemed ok with his flirting

                      i guess guys like me cause i work in the auto section,

                      some of the more blatant guys i try to let slide, one of them was a bit creepy and tried to follow me to lunch, that was a bit much.
                      "Let's connect to some ones cyberbrain who is meditating, so we can download enlightenment" one of the Tachikomas (Ghost in the Shell 2nd gig)


                      • #12
                        I had a 'stalker' in college...more like a guy who decided I was desperately in love with him because I didn't treat him like shit when I first met him. I wasn't dating at the time, so I had PLENTY of attention from him...ugh.

                        But I had some practice chasing the creep off. I think my second-most effective deterrent ever was when I chased him out of my dorm room at sabre-point. (My roommate let him in, then left...I got a new roommate the next semester.) But the best way I found to deal with him was to take the exact same tone of voice with him that Mom took with me when she was angry.
                        It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


                        • #13
                          Carriage ride and ballroom dancing? three course meal with champagne? Do these guys have ANY original thoughts in their craniums??
                          Unfortunately, some people are just dense (women are guilty of hitting on unwilling people too), and I've always found picking my nose deters them nicely. Helps if you've got a runny nose that day too...heheheh
                          The report button - not just for decoration


                          • #14
                            As a sort of off-topic, the reason so many guys lech at you while you're in your gym/work/whatever activity it is that requires you to wear your hair back, no makeup and not-so-cute clothes is the concept of "approachability". (This was explained to me by my [surprisingly] erudite DH)
                            Basically dudes think they might actually have a chance with the chick who isn't looking downright smoking hot at the time, whereas the manicured and polished chick is, in their minds, almost guaranteed to tell them to take a flying f*** at a rolling doughnut. They have yet to realize that the chick with her hair pulled back and the chick with all the trimmings are the SAME GIRL, just under different circumstances. Another thing they fail to realize is that creepy dudes have 0 chance at all, ever. Because they're creepy.
                            Sorry for the thread jack...
                            Haikus are easy
                            But sometimes they don't make sense


                            • #15
                              A question

                              It always helps if managment has your back with jerks like that. Banning from the store, calling security, large co-workers who used to be in the marines escorting the asshole out the door, and other deturents can help as well. Hopefully a simple "Ew No Way!" can work.
                              I have been hit on once at work in a whole year, and he wasn't even creepy about it. I'm 20ish and a lesbian. My co-workers know but I don't advertise at work. For the first time I wear a T-shirt that reads "I heart girls" with the hart in rainbow. 6 guys hit on me that day. I was wearing it to get a valentine's date..With A Girl! Idiots!
                              It's a sign I'm not interested not a chalange, and no you are not the man to "fix" me, I don't need "to give guys a chance".
                              With the last one I gave him a blank look, looked at my shirt, looked back at him and said: Can't you read?
                              Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
                              The following is subject to change:
                              If Your Going Through Hell,
                              Keep Going...

