Recently, at my primary job, selling pet products over the phone, I was promoted to a supervisory posistion. This means I can tell alot of the worst customers to go suck an egg, and people now send customers to me to tell them that very thing. I am gleeful at the fact I can now use common sense to slap down SC's, and can spring the line "I am a manager" when they start to get uppity and demanding an authority. And here are two stories where those come into play.
I Want This @ 2.99
Lady purches a couple of rhinestone studded hats from us, for dogs ofcourse. They are a clearance item, and are listed at 3.99, original price for this size being 7-8 bucks. She purhcased them at 3.99, which is a decent discount considering. They have been listed at 3.99 for a few weeks on the website. They have never been listed at 2.99, and there are no smaller sizes left in stock that would have been listed at 2.99. I'm not going to put up with this crap, as she is demanding, and has been abusive to other CSRs as notes dictate.
Me - Played by Me.
SC - Played by, entitled money grubbing bitch
SC: Why would I pay 4 dollars for these. I ordered them at 2.99
Me: SC, these have been listed at 3.99 for weeks. You would very likely have been told that when you placed the order, and even if you weren't, that is the price they are listed at.
SC: Well I want them at 2.99, thats what I told the guy who took the order.
Me: And that doesn't really matter, because they have been sold at 3.99, and are going to remain at 3.99 for likely another month or so.
SC: Thats not going to work for me. I want them at 2.99, I want a manager.
Me: *Waiting for this moment all call* Well, SC, I am a manager. I just happen to be taking calls because of the large call volume today. And you are not getting these at 2.99.
SC:... Really?
Me: Yes, really.
SC:... *click*
Spontaneous Generation
Not so much sucky as one of those headdesk moments, but my new found status came in handy none the less. Lady had ordered flea top spot medication for her dogs and cats. Anyone who uses something like this knows that it will kill fleas, but its not a perfect anti-flea weapon. The flea has to bite the animal first. The following ensues.
Me - Encore performance
BIF - Biologically Impaired Woman
BIF: I have been using *flea med* for 14 years now, I bathed him and I put some on him on Friday. Wednesday he began scratching, and I bathed him tonight and he was covered in fleas! I want a refund.
Me: So for 14 years, you have not had a problem, and he had no fleas on Friday, and he got them on Wednesday, and you want a refund because of this?
BIF: Yes.
Me: Miss, while I understand what you are saying, *flea med* does take 24 to 48 hours to kill fleas. It cannot kill them until they bite the dog. If he was scratching on Wednesday, and you bathed him on Thursday, that has only been about 24 hours. They would have died between then and tomorrow.
BIF: But where did they come from? It is supposed to keep them off the dog.
Me: Well, he had to come in contact with a local source, either along his usual walking route when you walk him or in your yard. That is, ofcourse, excluding your house as an option, as you would have noticed an infestation there.
BIF: That can't be, our neighbourhood does not have fleas. I want a manager.
Me: Miss, I am a manager, and I can tell you, with *flea med* or not, fleas do not spontaneously generate. Your dog absolutely has to have come in contact with fleas some how. We cannot give you a refund for this, as it is likely still doing its job.
BIF: Oh. Okay. Thankyou *click*
Ofcourse, I could be wrong. She may have the first modern case of spontaneous generation of complex life forms. I should do a study on her dog, and get out of the CS business.
I Want This @ 2.99
Lady purches a couple of rhinestone studded hats from us, for dogs ofcourse. They are a clearance item, and are listed at 3.99, original price for this size being 7-8 bucks. She purhcased them at 3.99, which is a decent discount considering. They have been listed at 3.99 for a few weeks on the website. They have never been listed at 2.99, and there are no smaller sizes left in stock that would have been listed at 2.99. I'm not going to put up with this crap, as she is demanding, and has been abusive to other CSRs as notes dictate.
Me - Played by Me.
SC - Played by, entitled money grubbing bitch
SC: Why would I pay 4 dollars for these. I ordered them at 2.99
Me: SC, these have been listed at 3.99 for weeks. You would very likely have been told that when you placed the order, and even if you weren't, that is the price they are listed at.
SC: Well I want them at 2.99, thats what I told the guy who took the order.
Me: And that doesn't really matter, because they have been sold at 3.99, and are going to remain at 3.99 for likely another month or so.
SC: Thats not going to work for me. I want them at 2.99, I want a manager.
Me: *Waiting for this moment all call* Well, SC, I am a manager. I just happen to be taking calls because of the large call volume today. And you are not getting these at 2.99.
SC:... Really?
Me: Yes, really.
SC:... *click*
Spontaneous Generation
Not so much sucky as one of those headdesk moments, but my new found status came in handy none the less. Lady had ordered flea top spot medication for her dogs and cats. Anyone who uses something like this knows that it will kill fleas, but its not a perfect anti-flea weapon. The flea has to bite the animal first. The following ensues.
Me - Encore performance
BIF - Biologically Impaired Woman
BIF: I have been using *flea med* for 14 years now, I bathed him and I put some on him on Friday. Wednesday he began scratching, and I bathed him tonight and he was covered in fleas! I want a refund.
Me: So for 14 years, you have not had a problem, and he had no fleas on Friday, and he got them on Wednesday, and you want a refund because of this?
BIF: Yes.
Me: Miss, while I understand what you are saying, *flea med* does take 24 to 48 hours to kill fleas. It cannot kill them until they bite the dog. If he was scratching on Wednesday, and you bathed him on Thursday, that has only been about 24 hours. They would have died between then and tomorrow.
BIF: But where did they come from? It is supposed to keep them off the dog.
Me: Well, he had to come in contact with a local source, either along his usual walking route when you walk him or in your yard. That is, ofcourse, excluding your house as an option, as you would have noticed an infestation there.
BIF: That can't be, our neighbourhood does not have fleas. I want a manager.
Me: Miss, I am a manager, and I can tell you, with *flea med* or not, fleas do not spontaneously generate. Your dog absolutely has to have come in contact with fleas some how. We cannot give you a refund for this, as it is likely still doing its job.
BIF: Oh. Okay. Thankyou *click*
Ofcourse, I could be wrong. She may have the first modern case of spontaneous generation of complex life forms. I should do a study on her dog, and get out of the CS business.