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  • Newcomer

    I just found these boards and decided to share some of my dealings with customers. I work for a cable company, inbound CS, and have been there a few years, the last 2 have been as supervisor.

    Basically we deal crack. No one can handle the crack deprivation, couch potatoes, bad parents who use TV as their babysitter, porn nuts, sports nuts, Internet geeks, MMO players, etc. When the cable goes out, these peeps go ape shit. Some expect a million dollars in compensation because we caused their kids to go play outside and the dump shits fell out of a tree and broke their legs.

    There was a woman recently who wanted to speak to me to let me know that she would hold our company responsible for a line that was not completely buried because her kids might play with it and choke themselves with it. I advised her that we would also hold nature responsible if they decided to run head first into a freaking tree.

    Or the scores of people who claim that their cable converters just decided on it's own to order up $500.00 worth of porn and want full credit. I offer the internet, porn is free and you won't have some cable employee laughing at your stupid ass for running up a $500.00 porn bill only to listen to you try and con your way out of it. Fap much?

    Or the dumbasses who think they can call us up and get us to give them free shit by telling us that the last CSR told them they would get it free. Guess what, we have recorders, and I can listen to every call you've placed to this company in detail, and you know what? You were told that it was going to be 39.95 per month you prick, GTFO my line and pay your stupid bill.

    Or the assholes who call up, scream and yell, and cry like little babies because 1 channel out of 250 is out. It's out, and no amount of you holding up the phone line telling us over and over again that our answer is unacceptable and you want it fixed now is going to help. What are we? Freaking Houdini?

    And no, we are not the general help line for every piece of electronic gear in your household, either learn to use the things you own or don't buy them. We are only responsible for the cable signal coming to your home and our cable converters and modems, not your PC, not your surround sound, not your HDTV which you have no freaking clue how to operate.

    We are not responsible for your dumbass downloading a virus, we only provide the connection which allows you to click on every stupid popup like a retard infecting your pc with 10 gigs of spyware. We don't control nor support nor provide content on the interwebs, we just get you there...get a freaking clue.

    there's more...believe me, but this is mostly the kind of idiots we run into. Thankfully most of our calls are from normal people, but when they get stupid...they go epic!

  • #2
    Welcome and yes, !!!
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


    • #3
      We are not responsible for your dumbass downloading a virus, we only provide the connection which allows you to click on every stupid popup like a retard infecting your pc with 10 gigs of spyware.
      I feel ya. Same boat here, but as tech support. Here's a lovely one I get often and I've finally figured out how I'm going to respond to it...

      "But, aren't your servers firewalled?! I mean, I NEVER got a virus on old ISP X."

      Really? Never? And you're with us why? By the way, how would our servers know what to filter? How would they know what is and isn't a virus? Who's going to operate that server 24/7, sitting there going "Oh okay yeah that's not a virus, go ahead?" NOBODY, you dumb twit. For the record, your speeds are in excess of 10 MB...and you want to complain that you got viruses becaaaaaaause...we're responsible? SYFF (shut your f***in' face), srsly.
      You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube

