First off, hi everybody! I've been lurking about for a little while now and decided to post something...and lucky for y'all I finally had something worth posting.
Here's the background: I work at the front desk for a well known health and family facility. What that means is I am an operator, I know all the programs we run and how much they are, I take your payments and I do all things of membership. If I don't know something, I will find it out for you or point you in the right direction. That is, if you're nice to me
SC: Evil phone lady
J: My supervisor of 2 yrs
B: Programs dirctor, MIA when I need him.
Me: Everyone's favorite 5am worker.
The phone rings. Curse this bane of mine.
Me: "Family Facility, this is--"
SC: "I need to talk to B." -You lose already lady. You didn't let me finish.
Me: "Sure, one second." -Haha. He's not here. Leave him a message.
I think all is right in the world. Cranky SC will leave B a message and I can go back to reading customerssuck. Alas, it was not to be.
The phone rings again, displaying the evil message 'Transfer from Voicemail.'
Me: "Family Facility, this is Tireana"
SC: "I need to know where my child's sports pictures are."
Me: "I don't think pictures are here yet. I can try to find out for you." -I'm giving you a second chance lady. Be nice, take it. "What's the team name?"
SC: "Penguins. My son's name is Jake. I'll be right there to pick them up." *hangs up on me*
Did I say we had them? I didn't. Ok, whatever. I call J and see if he knows anything.
Me: "Hey J, do you know if we have sports pictures in yet?"
J: "No, they take about 3-4 weeks and I think they just took them."
Me: "Ok, great. I had this lady call and she's on her way to get them. I really want to tell her what-for."
J: "Let her have it."
Me: "No seriously, she was rude. She hung up on me."
J: "Seriously, let her have it."
J I think I love you...just don't tell my fiance.
Unfortunatly the lady didn't come in before my shift ended. My poor relief was going to have to deal with her...and I had already decided what I was going to say
--I'm sorry, the pictures aren't in yet. I'm sorry you came out here for nothing, but if you had decided to talk with me as opposed to hang up on me I would have taken your number and called you with the info. I would even of had B call you when pictures did come in. But you didn't. You lose.
Here's the background: I work at the front desk for a well known health and family facility. What that means is I am an operator, I know all the programs we run and how much they are, I take your payments and I do all things of membership. If I don't know something, I will find it out for you or point you in the right direction. That is, if you're nice to me

SC: Evil phone lady
J: My supervisor of 2 yrs
B: Programs dirctor, MIA when I need him.
Me: Everyone's favorite 5am worker.
The phone rings. Curse this bane of mine.
Me: "Family Facility, this is--"
SC: "I need to talk to B." -You lose already lady. You didn't let me finish.
Me: "Sure, one second." -Haha. He's not here. Leave him a message.

I think all is right in the world. Cranky SC will leave B a message and I can go back to reading customerssuck. Alas, it was not to be.
The phone rings again, displaying the evil message 'Transfer from Voicemail.'
Me: "Family Facility, this is Tireana"
SC: "I need to know where my child's sports pictures are."
Me: "I don't think pictures are here yet. I can try to find out for you." -I'm giving you a second chance lady. Be nice, take it. "What's the team name?"
SC: "Penguins. My son's name is Jake. I'll be right there to pick them up." *hangs up on me*

Me: "Hey J, do you know if we have sports pictures in yet?"
J: "No, they take about 3-4 weeks and I think they just took them."
Me: "Ok, great. I had this lady call and she's on her way to get them. I really want to tell her what-for."
J: "Let her have it."
Me: "No seriously, she was rude. She hung up on me."
J: "Seriously, let her have it."
J I think I love you...just don't tell my fiance.
Unfortunatly the lady didn't come in before my shift ended. My poor relief was going to have to deal with her...and I had already decided what I was going to say

--I'm sorry, the pictures aren't in yet. I'm sorry you came out here for nothing, but if you had decided to talk with me as opposed to hang up on me I would have taken your number and called you with the info. I would even of had B call you when pictures did come in. But you didn't. You lose.
