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Not that sucky...

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  • Not that sucky...

    Just pretty dumb.
    I work in a cigarette store. I sell cancer sticks all day long.

    Older man comes in today. This is the conversation that ensues.

    Me = Guess who.
    OG = Older Gentleman.

    Me: Hello (thank god I don't have a whole friendly shpiel to say)
    OG: Hi. I was wondering, what are the lightest cigarettes you have?
    Me: I start telling him what other customers think of different brands, because I only smoke menthol and he wanted regular, while also keeping in mind that he probably wants something really inexpensive
    OG: Well, I don't smoke. I'm buying them for my son. And I was just wondering... do you have any brands that are healthier than others?
    Me: Yes, I actually made that face. He must've seen my look of utter astonishment because he looked pretty sheepish and said...
    OG: Oh, I guess not. I'll just take the ones you recommended then.

    I felt kind of bad for openly showing my puzzlement, but I mean, come on now. They're cigarettes...

  • #2
    I'd give the old guy a break. It's only been 20-30 years that people have known just how bad cigarettes are. When this guy was young, as far as everyone knew, they weren't good for you but they didn't kill you. Ya know?

    But yes, it seems like a stupid question. Lights and ultra lights are no better for you than full flavor.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      I would have asked how old the son was hoping that he said a number that is underage in your area so you could refuse the sale. I'm a smoker and they are killing me and I know it. It's just so damned hard to stop after 40+ years.
      This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


      • #4
        I found a book (and subsequently sold it on eBay) from the 50's written by a doctor extolling the benefits of cigarette smoking for atheletes. The lies were thick then.
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          Yeah, but I've also seen a c.1950 film calling cigarettes 'coffin nails' so I'm not certain how much anyone believed them to be healthy by that point. No matter what that nice doctor said in the commercial.
          I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


          • #6
            Quoth CiggyStoreClerk View Post
            OG: Well, I don't smoke. I'm buying them for my son. And I was just wondering... do you have any brands that are healthier than others?

            "By 'healthier', do you mean will kill you faster so you are in pain for only a short period of time, or slower so you live longer?

            But yes.. I do recall hearing about the sort of advertising that used to happen - before they got wised up.

            I'm not too sure about overseas, but in Oz, all packets have these big health warnings, as well as signs whereever they are sold, about such virtues...

            When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


            • #7
              smoking it self is a personal choice i just dont like the people who smoke near doors and others areas people who dont are forced to go throuh. some insanely large amount of people get lung cancer each year from second hand smoke...


              • #8
                Quoth Cyphr View Post
                some insanely large amount of people get lung cancer each year from second hand smoke...
                no they don't

                "In December of 1992 the EPA released it's now famous report on second hand smoke. The report claimed that SHS causes 3,000 deaths a year, and classified it as a class A carcinogen."

                Fact: In 1998 Judge William Osteen vacated the study - declaring it null and void after extensively commentating on the shoddy way it was conducted. His decision was 92 pages long.

                Most of the media ignored the judge's decision.

                Fact: The EPA announced the results of the study before it was finished.

                Fact: On page 3-46 of the report the EPA estimates, based on nicotine measurements in non-smokers blood, "this would translate to the equivalent of about one-fifth of a cigarette per day."

                Fact: Studies that measured actual exposure by having non-smokers wear monitors indicate even this low estimate is exaggerated. Actual exposure (for people who live and/or work in smoky environments) is about six cigarettes per year. (See also the study by Oak Ridge National Laboratories.)

                Fact: The EPA based their numbers on a meta analysis of just 11 studies. The analysis showed no increase in risk at the 95% confidence level.

                Fact: Even after excluding most of the studies, the EPA couldn't come up with 3,000 deaths, but they had already announced the results. So they changed the CI to 90%, which, in effect, doubled their margin of error.

                Fact Worth Repeating: Instead of using the 95% confidence interval, the statistical standard that has been used for decades, the EPA doubled their margin of error to achieve their pre-announced results.

                Fact: After juggling the numbers, The EPA came up with an RR (Relative Risk) of ETS causing lung cancer 1.19 A RR of less than 2.0 is usually written off as an unimportant result. An RR of 3.0 or higher is considered desirable

                Facts: In review: The EPA ignored nearly two-thirds of the data. The EPA then doubled their margin of error to come up with their desired results.

                Fact: Although the EPA declared ETS(second hand smoke) was a Class A carcinogen with an RR of 1.19, in analysis of other agents they found relative risks of 2.6 and 3.0 insufficient to justify a Group A classification.
                Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                • #9
                  Quoth TryNotToBeThatOne View Post
                  Yeah, but I've also seen a c.1950 film calling cigarettes 'coffin nails'
                  Even in the 40s not everyone though smoking was great, some people though it wasn't particularly healthy but people didn't realise it killed you with astonishing regularity.
                  A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                  • #10
                    Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                    no they don't

                    "In December of 1992 the EPA released it's now famous report on second hand smoke. The report claimed that SHS causes 3,000 deaths a year, and classified it as a class A carcinogen."
                    From what I can find, it's thought that CHD is a greater concern than cancer from ETS, but any further discussion of second-hand smoke and such related topics as there may be should be posted on Fratching.
                    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                    • #11
                      Quoth bigjimaz View Post
                      I would have asked how old the son was hoping that he said a number that is underage in your area so you could refuse the sale. I'm a smoker and they are killing me and I know it. It's just so damned hard to stop after 40+ years.
                      Actually, at least in PA, it isn't illegal for minors to smoke, only for them to buy the cigs themselves...
                      "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009


                      • #12
                        Quoth Shards View Post
                        Actually, at least in PA, it isn't illegal for minors to smoke, only for them to buy the cigs themselves...
                        As far as I know, it's the same here in Quebec.
                        It's illegal to sell cigarettes to minors, and also to buy cigarettes for minors, but it's not actually illegal for a minor to smoke.
                        One of those loopholes that governments like to make.


                        • #13
                          So if the cigarettes just drop out of the sky then its perfectly acceptable for minors to smoke?


                          • #14
                            I actually think that was really cute of the older man to ask that. It's like, I'm accepting you the way you are, but I'm going to try to help you too. I guess he didn't actually consider what he was asking, though.

                            My mom tried the "light" thing with me for a while, too. Eventually she realized it wasn't going to make a difference.
                            JB: Are you the grief counselor?
                            GC: Oh, God, it never ends.



                            • #15
                              Quoth marasbaras View Post
                              I found a book (and subsequently sold it on eBay) from the 50's written by a doctor extolling the benefits of cigarette smoking for atheletes. The lies were thick then.
                              I don't think it was so much lies back then, but ignorance.
                              Many doctors thought smoking was good for asthma.

                              It's been relatively recently that research has discovered that lots of things that were once thought to be beneficial have turned up not to be, and other things go back and forth.

                              In either case, I doubt my smoking will be what kills me (although I may wish I were dead).

                              And I'm still going to enjoy my egg yolks whether or not they have "bad" cholesterol.
                              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

