Bit backstory:
Had a guy come in, and ask for a Job application. I get one for him, and he asks if having any felonies would hurt him. Being honest, "Eh... most likely, it really does depend on what and when...."
MAN: Armed robbery three years ago.
"Um. No. They wouldn't hire you at all then..."
MAN: "Oh...ok" (leaves the application on the counter)
So then I had this angry man come in, and DEMAND that I let him use the bathroom.
ME: Sorry man, no public restrooms. Try next door.
SC: Well, what do YOU use when you got to go?! (Don't you love it when they ask)
ME: I use the employee bathroom.
SC: Well, can't I use THAT one?
ME: (Seeing job application on counter) "Sure, fill this out, if you get hired at THIS store, then yeah, you can use it...
SC: *Turns very red, swears many many many words at me, and storms out)
Couple hours later, had a couple come in. Guy is wandering around, girl asks very sweetly if she can ask for two favors. I tell her I can try. First, she wants to have a nickle for five pennies. No big deal, sure. I get pennies, she gets nickle. Then she asks if she can use the bathroom. I shake my head.
ME: No, sorry. Its for employees only. Try next door.
SC: "But I really gotta go, why can't I?"
ME: Well, brutal answer is, tons of stuff, no cameras. People have used it and OD on drugs, their family then sue us for letting them use it, blah blah blah.
SC: But you can watch me, well, not watch watch, but please?
ME: Nope, not at all. Try next door. Then tend to let people use it.
She leaves, and gets into the car. Her BF asked me where the jerky was. I tell him where, and start to wait on another customer. THe BF then walks out quickly. I glance outside, and yep, he's got a bag of jerky under his coat. Rushing out (Stupid I know) I demand that he gives me the jerky back. This startles him so much he nearly falls over in a vain attempt to run. But he gives it back without too much insults on his half. As I'm walking back in, I Glance at the girl, and shout out "That's why we don't let people use them!!!"
She looked pretty embrassed. I don't know if its because her bf stole, or that she was going to and was trying to act innocent when she failed.
Had a guy come in, and ask for a Job application. I get one for him, and he asks if having any felonies would hurt him. Being honest, "Eh... most likely, it really does depend on what and when...."
MAN: Armed robbery three years ago.

MAN: "Oh...ok" (leaves the application on the counter)
So then I had this angry man come in, and DEMAND that I let him use the bathroom.
ME: Sorry man, no public restrooms. Try next door.
SC: Well, what do YOU use when you got to go?! (Don't you love it when they ask)
ME: I use the employee bathroom.
SC: Well, can't I use THAT one?
ME: (Seeing job application on counter) "Sure, fill this out, if you get hired at THIS store, then yeah, you can use it...
SC: *Turns very red, swears many many many words at me, and storms out)
Couple hours later, had a couple come in. Guy is wandering around, girl asks very sweetly if she can ask for two favors. I tell her I can try. First, she wants to have a nickle for five pennies. No big deal, sure. I get pennies, she gets nickle. Then she asks if she can use the bathroom. I shake my head.
ME: No, sorry. Its for employees only. Try next door.
SC: "But I really gotta go, why can't I?"
ME: Well, brutal answer is, tons of stuff, no cameras. People have used it and OD on drugs, their family then sue us for letting them use it, blah blah blah.
SC: But you can watch me, well, not watch watch, but please?
ME: Nope, not at all. Try next door. Then tend to let people use it.
She leaves, and gets into the car. Her BF asked me where the jerky was. I tell him where, and start to wait on another customer. THe BF then walks out quickly. I glance outside, and yep, he's got a bag of jerky under his coat. Rushing out (Stupid I know) I demand that he gives me the jerky back. This startles him so much he nearly falls over in a vain attempt to run. But he gives it back without too much insults on his half. As I'm walking back in, I Glance at the girl, and shout out "That's why we don't let people use them!!!"
She looked pretty embrassed. I don't know if its because her bf stole, or that she was going to and was trying to act innocent when she failed.