Hi everybody!
I'm new and this is my first post here. I posted a "hello" on the main forum, but in case you haven't read it, I'll recap: I'm an admin assistant at a university in the U.S., working to pay bills while my husband is in graduate school. My current job isn't too sucky, but I've had some pretty sucky situations in the past, one of which I'd like to share now.
I worked as a receptionist in a doctor's office a few years back during the months before my first semester of graduate school started. There were always lots of sucky patients, but this particular person took the cake.
Background: our office had a policy that new patients had to arrive 30 minutes early to fill out paperwork, no exceptions. Additionally, if you arrived more than 15minutes late to your appointment, you would be asked to reschedule. All patients are told this when they make their appointments.
So, one day this woman comes in with her newborn to get the baby's first check-up. Because the baby was a new patient, she needed to get there early for paperwork. The woman finally turned up 45 minutes past her appointment time, not to mention missing that 30 minutes early thing altogether. So, combined, she was an hour and 15 minutes late. Also, it was now past noon, and we didn't take appointments over lunch. I went and checked with the doctor (let's call him Dr. Doctorson) to see if he would see her anyway, and he said no.
I inform her of this and she seems fine with it, makes another appointment, and leaves. That wasn't the end, of course. About 20 minutes later, I answer the phone and a very angry man starts yelling in my ear.
SM: obnoxious, entitled jerk
Me: appalled receptionist
SM: Yeah, my wife was just in there to see Dr. Doctorson and someone told her she couldn't be seen!
Me: Yes, sir, that's correct. She arrived 45 minutes past her appointment time. Additionally, she was supposed to arrive 30 minutes prior to her appointment time to fill out paperwork. Our policy states that if you arrive 15 minutes past your appointment time, you will be asked to reschedule.
SM: That's ridiculous! I want to talk to Dr. Doctorson!
Me: Sir, the doctor is the one who told me when your wife was here that he would be unable to see her today.
SM: (barrage of cursing and abusive language) My wife had to HURRY to get over there! What if she had gotten in an accident and DIED just to try and get there in time to meet your (bleeping) policy?!?!
Me: Well, sir, she was told when she made the appointment what time she needed to arrive.
SM: (more cursing and swearing at me, telling me that I'm an idiot, and how we don't care about his wife, we just want their money, blah blah blah) ...and we're never setting foot in that clinic again!
Me: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way sir, but...
SM: (more cursing) *CLICK*
I was really upset. I had never had anyone swear at me like that or be so abusive, so I started crying and had to leave the desk for a minute. I wrote up a report and gave it to the head doctor, who declared that family was not allowed in our clinic anymore.
Think that's the end? No, not quite.
A few days later, in comes this jerk with his wife and baby.
SM: Yeah, we have an appointment with Dr. Pediatrician.
Me: Sir, Dr. Pediatrician works in the office next door. (we shared a building with the pediatrician's office, which had its own entrance about 10 feet away from ours)
SM: I know, but we could only find a parking space in front of your office. I know there's a back door that connects your office with theirs. Let us go through it.
Me: I'm sorry, sir, but I can't let you do that. There is confidential information back there and patients aren't allowed to...
SM: Whatever. (grabs his wife and starts heading for the "employee only" door)
Me: Sir! Excuse me! You are NOT allowed back there. You will have to go outside and through the entrance into the other office!
SM: But it's (bleeping) HOT outside!!
Finally, his wife grabbed him and dragged him outside. Thankfully, I never saw them again!

I worked as a receptionist in a doctor's office a few years back during the months before my first semester of graduate school started. There were always lots of sucky patients, but this particular person took the cake.
Background: our office had a policy that new patients had to arrive 30 minutes early to fill out paperwork, no exceptions. Additionally, if you arrived more than 15minutes late to your appointment, you would be asked to reschedule. All patients are told this when they make their appointments.
So, one day this woman comes in with her newborn to get the baby's first check-up. Because the baby was a new patient, she needed to get there early for paperwork. The woman finally turned up 45 minutes past her appointment time, not to mention missing that 30 minutes early thing altogether. So, combined, she was an hour and 15 minutes late. Also, it was now past noon, and we didn't take appointments over lunch. I went and checked with the doctor (let's call him Dr. Doctorson) to see if he would see her anyway, and he said no.
I inform her of this and she seems fine with it, makes another appointment, and leaves. That wasn't the end, of course. About 20 minutes later, I answer the phone and a very angry man starts yelling in my ear.
SM: obnoxious, entitled jerk
Me: appalled receptionist
SM: Yeah, my wife was just in there to see Dr. Doctorson and someone told her she couldn't be seen!
Me: Yes, sir, that's correct. She arrived 45 minutes past her appointment time. Additionally, she was supposed to arrive 30 minutes prior to her appointment time to fill out paperwork. Our policy states that if you arrive 15 minutes past your appointment time, you will be asked to reschedule.
SM: That's ridiculous! I want to talk to Dr. Doctorson!
Me: Sir, the doctor is the one who told me when your wife was here that he would be unable to see her today.
SM: (barrage of cursing and abusive language) My wife had to HURRY to get over there! What if she had gotten in an accident and DIED just to try and get there in time to meet your (bleeping) policy?!?!
Me: Well, sir, she was told when she made the appointment what time she needed to arrive.
SM: (more cursing and swearing at me, telling me that I'm an idiot, and how we don't care about his wife, we just want their money, blah blah blah) ...and we're never setting foot in that clinic again!
Me: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way sir, but...
SM: (more cursing) *CLICK*
I was really upset. I had never had anyone swear at me like that or be so abusive, so I started crying and had to leave the desk for a minute. I wrote up a report and gave it to the head doctor, who declared that family was not allowed in our clinic anymore.
Think that's the end? No, not quite.
A few days later, in comes this jerk with his wife and baby.
SM: Yeah, we have an appointment with Dr. Pediatrician.
Me: Sir, Dr. Pediatrician works in the office next door. (we shared a building with the pediatrician's office, which had its own entrance about 10 feet away from ours)
SM: I know, but we could only find a parking space in front of your office. I know there's a back door that connects your office with theirs. Let us go through it.
Me: I'm sorry, sir, but I can't let you do that. There is confidential information back there and patients aren't allowed to...
SM: Whatever. (grabs his wife and starts heading for the "employee only" door)
Me: Sir! Excuse me! You are NOT allowed back there. You will have to go outside and through the entrance into the other office!
SM: But it's (bleeping) HOT outside!!
Finally, his wife grabbed him and dragged him outside. Thankfully, I never saw them again!
