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So i guess they hate liars - quite epic

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  • So i guess they hate liars - quite epic

    i have just discovered the store i used to work for, and share these stories from closed today owning buckets of money, to me included, is it wrong to do a happy dance as your former boss passes you in the mall carrying the items not sezied by the recivers. Anyway onto the story

    Our store seemed to attract two major kinds of people mostly, Geeks (like myself) and you could tell why (YuGiOh pokemon and other such games were abound) and trouble makers, there were others but they didn't do much but wonder around and touch all the displays occasionally buying a toy or game for Junior, but they do not concern us, so lets forget them.

    Saturdays were usually the busiest time of the week so there were two staff on, My self and the assistant manager, lets call him K

    Me - The ever lovable king of the Geeks
    K - Best manager you could work for 9(nd at lunch when this started)
    T1 - troublemaker no 1 (15 if he was a day
    T2 - His equally troublesome and no less Dimwitted (yes i said dimwitted) mate (who only chuckled or repeated the last two words said by T1 the whole time)

    They oozed trouble as soon as they walked in

    T1- hey this is that geek shop (ive heard worse from other such posers so i paid them no mind at that moment, big mistake)

    T2 - (chuckles at this inane and rather obvious remark)

    Me - Hi can i help you with anything (Both T1 and T2 ignore this)
    Bored as i am during this unusual slow period i watch them move slowly around the store sure they are out to take a 5 finger discount, they don't and then finally wind up back at the counter, inside which we have displayed about half of the single Yu-Gi-Oh cards we have for sale/

    T1- Whats the most expensive Yu-Gi-Oh card you have? (a common question, not one i expected from these two but Yu-Gi-Oh players come in all shapes and sizes)

    Me- at the moment it's probably card X at $80 over there, would you like to see it?

    T1- what about that one there? (he stabs, yes stabs a finger at my glass counter at another particully rare card priced at $120)

    Me - (having not noticed it on display, k had put it away early that morning) oh i didn't see that, then that is the most expensive card we have (my hand ready to pull it out to show them)

    T1 - why is it so expensive?

    Me - (pulling hand out of display without card, that question means there not players, maybe just interested in our pricing) it's very rare and lots of players want it

    T1 - thats bullsh*t

    Me - What?

    T1 - thats a rip-off, thats bullsh*t and you lied to us

    Me - (wtf)

    T1 - that card isn't worth that much, that's sh*t and you lied to us we don't like F*cken liars

    Me - i didn't lie to you, and can you watch the launguage please this is a kids store

    T1 - you said $80 was the most expensive and it wasn't, your a f*cken liar, and i hate f*cken liars

    Me - Oi language, i was mistaken and i admitted that if there is nothing else....

    T1 - (cutting me off) your a f*cking liar

    Me - Out (and i cut a rather dashing figure as i stand and point towards the large exit....if i say so myself)

    T1 - why???

    Me - I will not have language like that in my store, there are children around (not at that second maybe but im sure some will arrive soon....)

    T1 - there are no F*cking kids here

    Me - Out now!!

    They leave rather suddenly and i sit back down happily that peace is once again restored, albeight briefly. k who had been at lunch during this exchange has returned and i fill him in on what happened, as i finish guess who wanders back in. i point them out to K who decides to take over from here.

    K - can i help you gentlemen

    T1 - nah

    K - (nods and goes back to work sorting some such, while i keep an eye on them from the counter)

    T1 - mummblemummblemummble

    K - can you mind the language please this is a childrens store

    T1 - Nah....i dont see any f*cken kids

    K- last warning, mind ya' language (k turns back to his open cabinet and locks it and stands up finished

    T1 - (again i never heard what was said but K told me it was something like Go f*ck yourself, or at least words to that effect)

    K - (turns on his heel to face them) care to repeat that to my face

    T1 - (says nothing, but childishly pretends he didn't hear anything)

    K - care to repeat that again to my face

    T1 - (still not responding)

    K - you and you out!!

    T1 - Why??

    K - for swearing in this store and for the fact that my co-worker asked you leave earlier for the same thing, now out or i call security

    T1 - There are no f*cking kids in the store (getting to sound like a broken record really) just some f*cking peadophiles (he was indicating the adult warhammer players we always had in the store) and he's a f*cking liar he didn't tell us to leave

    K - get out or i call security

    at this this point they both start to leave (very slowly like a child who doesn't to go to bed) but T1 decides to be a tough guy, and as they pass another cabinet he stops and looks in it,

    K - i said get out

    T1 - im just f*cking looking at the star wars

    K - ok if thats what you want (he turns to the gamers at the back) everybodt lets look at these two children as they leave the store everybody give them a clap (claps slowly and we all, enjoying the show, join in, he then turns to me) call security! (i call my girlfriend instead and pretend to have called mall secruity since they really weren't needed)

    they leave and again peace is restored, we give high fives and all that and go back to work, it isn't long before we hear from the mall outside

    T1 - you guys are f*cken liars (it seems that they have now set up camp in our large doorway and are happy to yell abuse at us from there, K in his best managment style tells them to leave,

    T1 - you guys are f*cking lying motherf*ckers, we're just waiting to see if you really called security we don't like f*cken liars (ad neasum)

    K turns to me and tells me to really call security, which i do and let security listen to the abuse that has driven away a whole heap of customers and most of our young YuGiOh tournement players. Secuirty are a great bunch of guys and arrive quickly, the sight of which cause T1 and T2 to run and hide in the store across from us (idiots) security drag them over to us and ask us for our story which we give, then asks T1 for his which i include here for hilarity

    "we were just looking and they told us to f*ck off and tried to hit us and said they would get us kicked out for no reason"

    the guard looked at him, laughed so hard he nearly cried and escourted him out of the mall for a one month ban from all mall sites including the two largest (and cheapest) grocery stores (even if he comes with mum, if he's caught again he gets arrested for trespass)

    i mean what the hell was all that about, even typing it here monthes after the event i still dont get it, it cant have been the mistake i owned up to at the start was it??

  • #2
    Whenever I read one of these stories about punk kids, I think of Cartman:

    "Whatevah.. I'll do what I want!"

    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


    • #3
      They were classic SCs, making trouble & blaming everyone but themselves.
      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


      • #4
        Ahh, future burdens on society. Somewhere are a couple sets of parents who should be sterilized.

        "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


        • #5
          Quoth plan9au View Post
          Me - The ever lovable king of the Geeks

          But seriously, gotta love people like this. I think I verbally crushed this griefer on line the other night. Standard trash talker, but he wasn't very good at it. I started laughing at him, and he got mad; starting with the name calling. He seemed to get pissed when I suggested he listen to some Lewis Black, or old Dennis Miller to learn how to really insult someone. I don't think he liked me breaking out the old Middle English insults I learned in college, either. You Vile-Standing Poppycock! You malorderous Pig's Bladder! Thou Cream-faced loon!
          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
          Hoc spatio locantur.


          • #6
            Quoth Geek King View Post

            Oh you didn't get the memo....

